
  1. imour

    Is it realistic?

    Do you think its possible to support yourself and your town simply from your own farm? I had looked up stuff about it, and I couldn't find what I was looking for. Mainly people be sarcastic about the magic aspect.. I am interested in starting a small farm and acres of land, and my granddad has...
  2. Magenta

    Rotate buildings

    Hi! I've been playing SV now for a while, and one of the most important aspects for me is the decoration and distribution of the farm. This is why I would like to suggest the possibility of rotating some buildings, such as the barns, coops and sheds. This way we can optimize, according to...
  3. RevMortis

    PC Bug: using one of the new SDV 1.5 items can allow the player to access places not normally accessible. {Spoilers}

    The Item is the . Placed one of the above item next the right side of the greenhouse on the 4 corners Farm map. 4 corners farm. SDV 1.5.4 English Single player (at the time)
  4. Art Made signs for our farm produce stand

    A few years ago we bought a small farm. Stardew was definitely part of the reason we bought it. This past summer we built a small produce stand to put out by one of our fields. I've already built a bigger one for this coming year, but I'm going to be keeping the signs we made. Hope everyone...
  5. Fonselot

    Which day do you exactly arrive to Pelican Town?

    Hi. This is just a funny question I ask myself more often than I should. In theory you take the bus and arrive to your farm the day before the 1st of Spring. Robin picks you up at the bus stop and takes you to the farm. Then you sleep and the next day Spring starts. So... basically you arrive...
  6. [Spoilers] Ginger island area - what's best to do

    Hello! I'm planning a new farm and thinking about the layout, on ginger island and I have some questions about it, that I couldn't find any answer. First of all, since it's a perennial place to farm, whats the best crop for it? Strawberries? Ancient fruit? Since the main farm has limited...
  7. PC [Bug] square at bottom of farm map spawning weed-like stones/small logs

    Farm map, no mods, was occurring prior to 1.5 update (95% sure at least). One particular square on the bottom edge of the farm map spawns either a small rock or small log every few days. If not mined/chopped, it begins spreading like weeds would, spawning a mixture of rocks and small logs...
  8. PC [BUG] Enter save on my farm and not Ginger Island

    I have found that if I exit the game after sleeping on the farm on Ginger Island and reenter the same save file I am now at my normal farm rather than where I left off on Ginger Island. I'm not sure if it was meant to be like this or not.
  9. Solved [HELP] Error when fishing in freshwater ponds at farm

    I speak English and am using Stardew Valley v1.5.1 and SMAPI 3.8.1 on my Windows 10 PC. I am getting an error when fishing in either of the freshwater ponds on my farm. At first, I thought the game was locking up on me, but I found that if I clicked the left mouse button enough times, it would...
  10. AtomsJosh

    Add a Cloud Save! (For Backup)

    So i've been playing this for months, and I like the whole game, but suddenly my brother used my phone without my permission and he accidentally delete my farm and I was crying like a baby in my room and I tell myself if there is a way to prevent it happened again and this is the idea come from...
  11. yigitkarabayir

    PC [BUG] There aren't monsters in Wilderness Farm

    I'm playing in Wilderness Farm and after the 1.5 update, the monsters does not exist anymore in farm. It may bug?
  12. Standard Farm Looking for changes suggestions on Igu's Farm

    Hey guys! I used to play the game a lot when it first came out on PC and was waiting until 1.5 dropped to get back to it again. So this is the time for me and one of the objectives that I wanted to do on this second playthrough is giving my old farm a new layout, making use of some new...
  13. Hani

    New house types

    We have a ton of options for the farm types, but only one possible interior for the house... I would like to be able to choose a prefered interior style between different ones during save creation. The current layout is good for decorating, but it's annoying that there is no good place to leave...
  14. PC [BUG] Seeds Bug

    Hello, was playing multiplayer, and whenever I planted a seed down my friend was able to immediately harvest the full-grown veggie.
  15. Shee

    iOS [HELP] Tile bug at the bottom of my farm?

    Hi there, can anyone help with this? : ( I've been trying to plant fruit trees around my farm, and I also used the CJB Item Spawner, then after a few days this appeared at the bottom of my farm. If you look closely you can see a dirt tile overlapping with the border grass tile. I've since then...
  16. vespertines

    Other Building my farm in Minecraft

    Stardew Valley and Minecraft are two of my favorite games so I thought I'd bring the best of both worlds and build my farm in Minecraft! This is gonna be a progress thread of this build and I'll try to share updates as much as I can. Here's some screenshots of what I've done so far. Layout...
  17. Solved [HELP] Color of chicken

    I don`t understand how to get white chicken. When I buy them at Marnie's shop, I always get brown chicken. Then I tried to grow a chick in the incubator but it doesn`t work, I always get brown chicken. Help me please, I want to complete the bundle.
  18. Marshmawo

    Four Corners Farm Maya's farm: こいわい

    Hi hi! This is going to be my progress thread for my Japanese file! This is inspired by Jack Of Shades' thread so all credits go to him! I thought it might be interesting to show how the game looks when working in Japanese :) i had also really wanted to try out the Four Corners farm for a while...
  19. Jack Of Shades

    Four Corners Farm Jack Of Shade's Farm: Trium!

    Before I get this ole thing started just wanted to say this: I'm going to do something a little different on this topic. I'm going to begin my map and post updates as I go! If that's a no no here, I don't mind wherever it's moved. I figure whether its a veteran map, or new one, you can post...
  20. Jack Of Shades

    Community Question: Favorite Crop?

    Hello! Jack Of Shades, sage and owner of Trium farms here, asking the all important questions to the community! So here it is: What's your favorite crop? Why is it your favorite crop? Does it bring you happy memories from your past? Or does it fill your pockets with money to better your...