event error

  1. Cyra

    Solved Low drop rate of item in new event

    Hello, I know you are supposed to get a golden tag for every third catch. I caught 7 on the first day and got 1 tag. Now on the second day I caught 6 and got none.
  2. thehunor

    Windows [1.6.3] Error when trying to start a movie in the theater

    I entered the movie theater with Sebastian for a screening of It Howls In The Rain, played around a dozen rounds of the crane game, bought a Jasmine Tea, and then when I tried to enter the room to begin the movie, I got the error below: ''[Error] Event script error: Object reference not...
  3. Windows Marnie's pet adoption event only skippable in English.

    Hello, we were doing some speedrunning prep and just found out that only the English version can skip the event in which Marnie gives the pet (with the keyword "/skippable"), which is pretty influential in speedrunning. Attached are the screenshots of unpacked game files. First picture is in...
  4. Issue 10 Hearts Emily event bug?

    Hi. I been playing with many mods (one of those its of course, SVE, with grandpa farm) and haven't had any problem but now, Emily sends me a letter inviting me to secret forest after 10pm, and when i go an animation starts but after 2 dialogs from her, neither of us move (it's not actually...
  5. WIP 10 Hearts Emily event bug?

    Hi. I been playing with many mods (one of those its of course, SVE, with grandpa farm) and haven't had any problem but now, Emily sends me a letter inviting me to secret forest after 10pm, and when i go an animation starts but after 2 dialogs from her, neither of us move (it's not actually...
  6. Windows Marriage Cutscene

    I don't know if this is a bug, but I would like some help with it. I accidentally skipped a marriage cutscene and the game won't let me rewatch it. I've tried redoing the save, but I just wake up in the house and Harvey is there, already married to me. I went on some other forums and saw that...
  7. Issue Event Error #.. help me, please ;( - I've tried to reset the files - doesn't fix / Uninstall couple of mods - doesn't fix

    I got the pop up says Event Error #... something like that. Here is the SMAPI log >> https://smapi.io/log/7b79dfb05cc1482b828aff0322fa094d I have SVE installed and I believe it's SVE's event that is the problem. It happens during Happy Birthday mod event too. I've already reset my game files...
  8. Issue Event script error help

    I received the "event script error exception has been thrown by the target of invocation" after the egg festival. The camera wouldn't move and my screen goes black when I enter my house. I went through and made sure all my mods were up to date with no luck. I haven't added any new mods and it...
  9. Question Black screen and skip event: Event script error: Input string was not in a correct format

    Here is the smapi log: https://smapi.io/log/941b3611500f4882960d0881d1610ec1 I meet this error several times. It's just when i watch the event, the screen becomes black, and then it skipped. There will be a mistake message from the left hand screen And also mistakes from smapi: What's mod make...
  10. ValiantDe

    Solved There was an error during the first Community Center event.

    During the event at the community center, especially when clicking on the book, this error also appears I don't understand if this is due to mods or something else, because I've tried running without mods but can't and loading the game is forced to close here's my log link...
  11. Solved Sam's concert bugged out

    Hello, I really need help! Sam came by my house to invite me to his concert, so when I went by the bus stop, the cutscene only made it until they were on the stage but just as they were about to perform, the event bugged out on me and I got this error on SMAPI [game] Event script error...
  12. Solved Community Center grand opening event (and Joja banishment) not triggering

    I completed the CC, finishing the fish tank and bulletin board at the same time. Got the cutscene with the junimos properly, no prob. Next day (sunny) I walk into town and get a character-specific cutscene (due to the heart boost from the bulletin board). The gathering at the CC where we kick...
  13. Issue Event Error - Not Able to Attend Events

    Every time I try to attend the town events I get this error: 15:46:06 ERROR game Event script error: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: index 15:46:06 ERROR game In event #0 for location Temp 15:46:06 ERROR game On line #4: loadActors...
  14. Switch [BUG] Eve of the Winter Star Gift Glitch

    Hey guys, this seems to be a common thread on reddit but I couldn't find it on here, but there seems to be a well known glitch on the eve of the winter star that wasn't there for me in any years prior to year 4. When giving a gift to the NPC chosen for you, the screen fades to transition to your...
  15. Switch [BUG] Game crashes when Feast of the Winter Star gift giving animation starts

    im on my 3rd year on a single player file, language set to english. right after giving my gift to Sam (dont know if its character specific) when the animation of my secret gift giver revealing themselves starts, the game crashes. the only thing that pops up after the screen fades to black for...
  16. PC [BUG] 10 heart group event, possible dialog error

    Just did the 10 heart group event with the girls, and there was one thing that felt off. When trying to talk to any of them immediately after the event, the first thing each of them had to say was "I forgive you" kind of line, and after that they'd do their "angry" line repeatedly like they're...
  17. Reina1111

    [BUG] event error?? I guess?

    ok.. i dont know what to do please help how can i fix this " [game] Event script error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. [game] In event #0 for location Temp [game] On line #4: loadActors Set-Up [game] Event script error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an...