controller bug

  1. BleuAquarius

    Mac Controllers not working on Mac

    I have had the issue of not being able to use controllers on and off for probably a year. I use Steam to play Stardew on my 2019 iMac (Ventura) and use a bluetooth Xbox One controller. I have messed with settings and spent hours trying to figure it out using "fixes" I have found through...
  2. Tesla Game Crashes When Fishing With Controller

    On the latest Tesla version 11.1 (2022.44.25.1) anytime I fish with a controller plugged in the game instantly crashes. Tested about 10 times in different locations. As soon as I unplug controller and fish using the touch screen it works. thanks.
  3. Linux Controller doesn't work with Steam Deck

    Docked and undocked, Stardew Valley doesn't respond to my controller at all. I was able to get it to work once, but all the controls were backwards so it was frustrating. Button remapping doesn't stick either. The Steam Deck itself responds to my controller and other games work fine. I know...
  4. Android 'Hold' actions not working on any controller/gamepad

    Hi! I've been trying to play Stardew Valley on both my cellphone and my Odin Lite, however both present the same issue: when holding a button to continously perform an action (i.e. chop wood, mine rocks) it only registers the first input so you have to spam the button. I tested this with a...
  5. Switch [BUG] Player 2's fishing minigame unplayable (fishing bob erratic, uncontrollable)

    Hi, my partner has started playing Stardew Valley with me, local co-op on the Switch. I'm player 1, she's player 2. Whether she uses a bluetooth Xbox controller, or the joycons, the fishing minigame is nearly unplayable. Pressing/holding the action button is supposed to give control of the...
  6. Android [HELP] Journey of the Prairie King + controller

    I'm using a PS5 controller to play Journey of the Prairie King on mobile. The downward fire button (x) is also the 'use item' button so I'm unable to save the items for later. The left joystick is properly working as directional input, whereas the right joystick doesn't register as fire buttons.
  7. Windows [Bug] Gamepass specifically won't start up with Playstation controller connected.

    As per usual, if more info is needed come poke at me in technical-support on the discord! As of last gamepass patch, having a playsation controller connected will cause the game to just refuse to start. Disconnecting the controller makes it start right up. Works fine with steam controller (self...
  8. PC (Steam version) Xbox Wireless Controller (Model 1914) disconnects and reconnects every few minutes (only happening when playing Stardew Valley)

    Me and another player played a whole in-game year in local coop with Xbox Wireless controllers connected with Bluetooth on PC (Windows 10) and never had any issue. Another player joined our group with a more recent Xbox Wireless controller (model 1914) and his controller keeps disconnecting and...
  9. PC [BUG] Controller issues

    So I’ve been playing stardew on steam with a 360 controller for years and today when I tried to open the game my controller worked fine in steam but once the game opened only the right analog stick worked but nothing else, I’ve tried looking at all these threads and following their advise but...
  10. PC [BUG] DualShock 4 and Switch Pro controller doesn’t work

    It's been a while since this bug is happening to me, I normally used two controllers to play in local co-op mode, one is a PS4 DualShock 4 and the other is a Switch pro controller, both worked perfectly before the bug happened. The problem that happens is that both controllers doesn’t work...
  11. foxhull

    Android Android Controller Issue

    I recently got a Razer Kishi for use with my Samsung Note 20 Ultra and it works fine with other games (I sanity checked to make sure it wasn't a hardware or software issue with the controller with a couple other games), but in Stardew holding the use key/X does not do anything past the first...
  12. PC Gamepad defaults to Player 2; Player 1 locked to k/m

    Stardew Valley recognizes my gamepads and will allow me to join/play local co-op with them (or if I'm playing on a single-cabin farm it'll give the "no available cabins" error when I hit start on the gamepad), but even when I "Force On" gamepad mode as host Player 1 is always locked to the...
  13. Solved [BUG] Game crash when playing with controller

    On MacOS 11.1, I've been playing this game for a week with a Xbox controller (Bluetooth without any problem. -> Since today, game crashes in the first minutes and my controller shuts off. Batteries in the controller are ok. To my knowledge, no patch/update has been carried out on the Steam...
  14. sergeace

    PC [BUG] XBOX and PS4 Controller Not Working, Works in Steam and Other Games

    Hello, I have individually attempted to used both a PS4 and an XBOX 360 controller (not at the same time) with and without cables and they do not work in Stardew Valley. The XBOX controller was used on another computer and was able to play Stardew Valley from the other computer. Steam...
  15. PC [HELP] PS4 Controller not working since update

    I'm playing on PC on Steam. I've never had a problem playing with a PS4 controller before, but ever since the update Stardew Valley hasn't recognised my controller. My PC is recognising the controller and it's working fine on other games. I've tried installing DS4Windows and changing the...
  16. PC [BUG] XB360 Controller not working since the most recent update

    Hello, Since the most recent update (1.5.1), the controller I have been using seems to have stopped working for this game. I have tried it with other games without a similar issue. Any troubleshooting advice to try to get it working again would be appreciated. Thanks!
  17. Solved [BUG] Unable to select Beach Farm with a controller as BACK button appears behind icon

    When starting a new file, the 'BACK' button appears behind the Beach Farm icon. So when I go to select the farm, for some reason the BACK button is hit. Even though I can select the Beach Farm and BACK button independently with my cursor, I cannot lock in the Beach Farm as my choice. Screen...