
  1. Switch Community Center Glitch?? v1.6.15 (build 3)

    So I’ve been playing (online) co-op multiplayer with my cousin for a while now, and we’re on year 3. I’ve tried to get help for my issue, but I haven’t been able to find anything! Here’s how the glitch started/happened; I was waiting for my cousin to come back to the call (she was afk in game...
  2. Switch Bugs with version

    When in multiplayer the volcano cave is just a repeat of the first floor until you go through the door the fourth time then the lava is unable to use watering can in. On ginger island the golden walnuts parrot (to find all the golden walnuts) crashes game when you go to bed. The raccoon shop...
  3. iOS Items disappeared from my inventory Stardew valley

    I was placing my 4 star fruits from my chest to my inventory to turn it into seeds and it completely disappeared from my inventory. It happened with my stacks of coffee too, I had around 37 coffee in my inventory and the next day after returning from ginger island, it disappeared. Anyone having...
  4. Switch Golden Coconuts Trade Missing

    After opening multiple golden coconuts at clints I still haven't gotten the island trader to trade golden coconuts for 10 regular coconuts and I haven't managed to find any fix for it.
  5. Windows Discord Screen Share Broken

    Current bug i have found with version 1.6.60014.0 (windows store). This bug is not save related at all just game related and easy to replicate. When sharing your screen or game window in either full screen or windowed borderless the screen seems to not show any activity happening with users...
  6. Windows Invisible Quest

    Playing on german obviously. In my farm book, there is now an invisible entry. Clicking on it resolves in getting another empty window. This has appeared in the latest 1.6.14 update.
  7. Windows Strings/SpecialOrderStrings: Robin3_Name and other Bugs with Quests

    Good morning I’m here to report the bugs that lately give me problems with quests. I have five characters (PG) (with different farms) only with one I have problems. I have delivered multiple quests and haven’t received the coins (from Linus (the trash quest/ basket of blackberries)/Emily (the...
  8. Windows Steam: Game doesn't link to Steam when pinned to Windows taskbar.

    I pinned my game to my taskbar for easier access but recently noticed that it doesn't link to Steam when I launch it from my taskbar. Because of this reason, it doesn't update my hours/achievements. However, when the game is launched from the Steam library, the game is connected to Steam...
  9. iOS Not loading properly on iPad,

    Played earlier this morning was working fine and now it’s completely glitched, I’ve restarted game and iPad and when I fish the sound when you fish stays until I close the game completely (fishing sound has been since last update on mobile) . Has been glitching the past few days but now I can’t...
  10. Zero_Strdew

    Xbox Gift giving "minigame"

    me and my 2 friends share a game, I host it, on year 3 we did the island and met the kid, and at the gift giving game it didnt crash once, but after that on year 4 we have been crashing, everytime I give my gift it goes to a black screen then kicks me and my friends off. I have noticed some...
  11. Android Problema con articulos de gunther

    Done los 60 artículos al museo y aún no me han dado la llave de la cloaca ya probé cerrando el juego pero no se que más hacer, alguien me podría ayudar? 😭
  12. Windows BUG REPORT : Can't trigger Shane's 8-heart event and obtain blue chickens

    Hello, my name is Matheus. I have recently found this bug where I can't trigger Shane's 8-heart and buy blue chickens from Marnie. I first noticed that a lot of time has passed and I couldn't recall if this event nor the 6 nor the 7.1-heart event were triggered, but I am positive I triggered the...
  13. Android 2 bugs

    Model phone: Xiaomi redmi note 7 3/32 GameVersion: 1 bug: damage to enemy creatures does not pass even from the sword of the galaxy https://youtu.be/lV8ujmWhAmI 2 bug: it is impossible to exit the interface of the refrigerator, wandering merchant, sewing machine and other interfaces...
  14. iOS My cat…

    It’s past midnight and this darn cat is blocking my doorway and I can’t get it and I really don’t want my money to get taken because I couldn’t “get to sleep.” Help please!
  15. Android Bugs I've noticed after during the 1st year

    Hello :) I've just finished the first year in Stardew Valley and I've noticed a few bugs, so I wanted to let you know about them. 1) Bed after first house expansion Once the bed becomes double sized, every morning you wake up and try to move, the game asks you whether you'd like to go to sleep...
  16. Android [HELP] weapon not doing dmg

    I don't know what triggered this but a few days ago my weapons standard attacks no longer do any damage. The animation plays, it contacts the enemy, and knocks them back but no damage number shows and no matter how many times I hit the enemy it never dies. The secondary attack still works...
  17. Solved Tomato is a fruit

    In Stardew Valley in was playing with my brother and picked my tomatoes and saw they were called Vegetables but they are fruits
  18. Solved I want to uninstall/reinstall the game.. but...

    So I was facing a bug.. so I'd like to uninstall or delete the game, then reinstall it. I copied my saves. So if I'll reinstall the game, should I simply paste the saves?? or um idk help
  19. Switch [HELP] Stardew Valley Crashing on Switch

    Hi, my Stardew valley game has been crashing every time I go to bed in the game. I've played the day through four times and every time it crashes and goes to a screen that says "The software was closed because an error occurred." I've seen some information about games crashing on Day 14 of fall...