
  1. Switch [BUG] Singing Stone bug on Switch

    Hello! I donated to the museum today and received a singing stone as a reward. However, I am unable to place it anywhere. I have made room, rearranged everything in my home, and tried it in multiple areas but it will not let me place it. I’m not sure if this common or just happening to me but I...
  2. Switch [BUG] Missing Crafting Recipes

    Since the 1.5 update new recipes don’t seem to be popping up in my crafting section. I have bought a couple recipes from Robin and got a recipe for a bobber from Willy. None have showed up in my crafting tab anyone else having this issue?
  3. SovereignofAsh

    PC Bug with the Volcano

    While playing an online co-op world with my friend, we noticed that every time I rejoined the server to play again, the chest at the top of the volcano next to the dwarf forge, which gives out a prismatic shard the first time you reach the floor, reappeared for me. You can leave and rejoin to...
  4. Twindragon346

    Switch [BUG] Please fix

    Once you host a farm online you can’t play it locally on the Nintendo Switch please fix.