bug 1.5.4

  1. Eryk601

    PC [BUG] Cinder Shard Nodes spawn in the pool of water in Volcano Dungeon's entryway

    Cinder Shard Nodes very rarely spawn in the Volcano Dungeon's entryway, including (but not only) inside the pool of water which probably shouldn't be a thing. I've seen them in the entryway twice or thrice before, I thought I was just lucky, but now when they spawned in the water I think...
  2. PC [BUG] Multiplayer bug on Ginger Island

    I was playing a multiplayer session with my wife. we were on the arrival beach on Ginger Island. I handed her a warp totem so she could get back to the farm later and instead of exchanging the totem it proceeded to deduct 10 golden walnuts and the parots that usually remove the tortoise returned...
  3. PC [BUG] Game crashes, when resolution is changed

    Everytime I change the resolution or toggle windowed/fullscreen mode from within the game (on farm, not in main menu) the game either crashes instantly, or puts me back to the main menu and crashes when I try to reload the farm from there. After restart the game starts with the changed...
  4. PC [BUG] Game doesn't count quests as done if done at 2 am

    explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens); I caught the last legendary fish at 2am for the Qi quest but it didn't mark the quest as complete or give the rewards. full error text (if any); game version; 1.5.4 in-game language; English single-player or...
  5. PC Profession Bug

    Ever since my farming reached 10, I kept getting the prompt to choose a profession after I went to sleep. It always happens on the first night when the game loads, it appears it didn't save my choice since I don't see the chosen profession in the skill menu. Upon checking the save file, I...
  6. PC Community Center Icon

    It's not really a bug, but in the upper right-hand corner of the inventory you can view the community center's progress. When you hover over it it'll say "Community Center" nothing wrong. But after completing the community center and unlocking the Joja Co. bundle, if you hover over it it'll...
  7. Flav

    PC [BUG] Watering bug

    Hello, I logged into the game yesterday and I noticed a bug in my water bowl I still don't understand how, there is no multi-watering and it works very fast At first I thought it might be nice but it didn't work I have to go through the door to water the water pots in the mud pile and it's bad...
  8. Kaito

    PC [BUG] I can't talk to Alex

    For some reason I try to talk to Alex and I can't, I already looked in the relationship window that shows if already spoke with some character, and it shows that I didn't talk to Alex. I tried to restart the game and when I try to speak with him I can, but when i go sleep and wake up in the...
  9. PC [BUG] Game hangs when audio output changes in Win10

    First noticed when my bluetooth earbuds died and the pc automatically changed audio output to the built in speakers. The game immediately stopped responding. It happens whether the earbuds die or whether I manually change the output to speakers. If the audio is already on speakers and I turn on...
  10. PC [BUG] Boat repair delayed +1 day

    So I donated all the materials to fix Willy's boat, and was told the boat was going to get fixed over night. When I went to sleep the door of the closed down JojaMart blew open, and this apparently stopped the repair of the boat from happening. I went down and checked, the boat wasn't repaired...
  11. PC Bug>< Game crashes when trying to complete bulletin board quest given by elliott

    There a bug when ever i try to complete the mission that gave by elliott from the board (outside pierre house) the game stuck and auto quit the game it happen many time when i load back and try to give item to elliott on the beach(so far i didnt try giving stuff in his house cuz not enough heart...
  12. PC [BUG] Stuck in a wall if you enter a cutscene at the same time as changing locations

    When playing multiplayer with my friend, they entered Pierre's shop and triggered the "joja is an a####le company" cutscene at the same time as I went from the farm to the bus stop. After I skipped the cutscene, I ended up on the right side of the farm, instead of the right side of the bus stop.
  13. PC [BUG] Ginger Island music and sounds in mainland Stardew Valley BUG

    I have noticed more than once that when I travel from Ginger Island to Stardew Valley, the bird sounds and general island sounds stay and override the valley music. It's very noticeable when you travel to the valley when it's rainy and you hear tropical birds. I travel by obelisk, not by Willy's...
  14. PC [BUG] Infinite item redemption for bundle rewards (Glow ring reward in particular)

    Seems like an old bug that got fixed before. Old thread: https://steamcommunity.com/app/413150/discussions/0/405692758718108145/ Basically just right-click instead of left-click on a reward to claim it infinitely. However, I tried it on other bundle rewards (Animal and Crab Pot bundles), but I...
  15. Solved [HELP] My game won't launch

    I got the game on Steam a year ago and it has worked perfectly until a month or so ago. Now whenever I launch the game, nothing happens, and the game doesn't open. When looking in the error log folder for the game, I noticed that the problem seemed to be with loading the 'Data/CraftingRecepies'...
  16. Switch [BUG] Giving leo’s parrot to many walnuts

    Hello Me and my friend have a farm together and we finally got to the point were we could go to the island together. When we went to meet leo in his hut my friend wanted to give me an emerald but when i accepted it the game gave a walnut to the parrot in the hut. We had the cutscene and then she...
  17. Switch [BUG] Resources disappearing overnight

    Post the latest update of the game on Switch, every time I farm Seaweed and Green Algae, it disappears overnight from the chest. I've tried this thrice already. Has anyone else faced this? Can you please look into and fix this?
  18. PC [BUG] Gold Cauliflower doesn't give best response in Luau

    Hi, has anyone encountered this bug before? Added a gold cauliflower and it's not the best response. I am playing with mods but none of the mods I'm playing with affect the Luau. I've tried removing all extra mods, leaving only core mods like SVE, CP items, and mod helpers like SpaceCore or...
  19. PC [BUG] I could get horses inside buildings

    First, this happened accidentally, I just hopped outta it and then right clicked my friend's Deluxe Barn, I usually click twice by habit, the screen started turning black as usual but then I heard my character jumping in the horse again and I appeared in the barn with my horse, I could move him...
  20. Switch [BUG] Infinite time bug when leaving Stardew Valley Fair (Multiplayer)

    Me and my friend were about to leave the Stardew Valley Fair and I was in the 'waiting for other players' screen waiting for her to come. Then I canceled the message when she wanted to leave so she could not leave. But somehow she left the Fair while I was still at the Fair and time did not...