
  1. Chililover

    Art Pixel art work thread

    This thread is for pixel art that isn't related to stardew! I have a stardew related pixel art thread in fan works forum!
  2. Chililover

    Art Chili's art thread!

    This is some of my pixel art, it was originally supposed to be a pattern but I think is worthy of a thread (The junimos i did not draw, or the trees!) The first two are just patterns Junimos star and bundle is from the sprite set of...
  3. WIP More Fences

    Welcome to More Fences! A Stardew Valley mod by BarelyGood, leveraging the JSON Assets Framework This thread will cover the progress on the mod as I work on it. The mod uses an early version of JSON Assets 1.7 and so, this mod should be available for download following the release of the 1.7...
  4. Quillmagic

    Art Quill’s SDV art thread

    Started an art thread! Here’s Faylin and her cat Misty!
  5. vespertines

    Art 🌟 Stardrop 🌟

    Been learning how to do digital illustration and this is my first proper illustration. Not quite good but it's a good start :junicheer:
  6. StardewWizard

    Art Junimo!

    I am learning how to do digital art, and i drew a junimo! He a lil bebe boi.
  7. Daikon Ocelot

    Art Moor's Artwork

    I think I've been quite a while here, so... I think I will share my art here too. I usually draw anything (literally anything...) that I think it's fun to draw. It's not so fancy or amazing, but here it is. Bertha Starluck She is my latest art. She is not my original character, but someone...
  8. BoxOfMusic

    Stardew Valley Music Box videos w/ animations!

    I make music box videos of various of songs on my YouTube channel, so of course I had to make a cover of the Stardew Valley Overture! I had so much fun drawing all of the characters on the sheet and even made a little animation of my character running through Pelican Town as the song plays! My...
  9. Eyeconic

    Title Font?

    Anyone got/willing to make the complete alphabet in the font style of the SV logo? I need it for Important Reasons but digital art is not a skill I possess
  10. Potatoes

    Art Potatoes SDV Art

    Hope everyone is doing well in these trying times. Here’s an old picture of Sandy I drew that I’m still pretty pretty proud of. Can’t wait to see everyone else’s art!
  11. Burl

    Art Burl's first time struggles

    I just started playing SDV about 4 days ago and keeping the game away has been proven useless. I'm clueless on most thing so now I quantify my cluelessness with images. :ca: I bought my chickens in winter and couldn't figure out why they were always grumpy... Then I realised I didn't feed them...
  12. Recreating my Farm in 3D!

    I got this idea to recreate my Stardew Farm in 3D using Blender. It's probably going o take a lot of time, since there are tons of assets, and this is the first time I've actually made my farm complex. You can check out the process video on youtube by clicking the image below. Please do check it...
  13. Bellimoon

    Art Moon Doodles 🌙

    I haven't done a lot of fanart yet for Stardew, but I'll post them as I go! You can also find them on my twitter and tumblr accounts 🌸
  14. Karp

    Art Karp's Scribbles

    Hey I draw quiet a bit and sometimes that art just happens to be stardew. Warning, its mostly self indulgent Shane art or art of my farmer, sometimes both. I'll post any new art in the replies, but for now. Click the thumbnails for the full picture. Feel free to use any of these for pfps or...
  15. Magically Clueless

    Art Animal crossin'

    Hey guys! I haven't drawn much in a while so I drew some Animal Crossing villagers by request. You're welcome to suggest some villagers too, though I can't promise I'll do them. So far I've done Lily and Candi:
  16. jellobean

    Art Jellobean's Stardew Shenanigans

    I post these on my tapas/tumblr/IG but I want to share my sdv comics here as well! I've dubbed them Stardew Shenanigans since they're all about the stuff in game that make stardew valley so fabulously great 😌 I love making these because it shows how quickly I can improve. My goal is to make at...
  17. Magically Clueless

    Art SDV Discord Banner List

    these are by me unless specified otherwise! i plan to make more Valentines Spring Summer [/spoiler] [/SIZE][/COLOR] [/spoiler]