
  1. World Record Community Center completion to date

    After the 1.6 update came out, I had the idea of doing a dynamically seeded Community Center completion challenge run, so some friends and I got to work and completed the CC on Spring 15, Year 1. I'm proud of what we accomplished, and I'd like to see what you all think or what questions you...
  2. Chey_Zona

    Xbox Crashing, Mine Bug, and Achievement Issue

    The game crashes randomly a lot but especially when I play splitscreen multiplayer. There’s this bug in the mines (all) that makes your weapons leave the animation swoosh and all the drops are frozen in place and inaccessible to both players (this happens when I play single player too though)...
  3. Xbox Danger in the Deep achievement not unlocking retroactively

    I've posted this several times before. I am on Xbox Series X and I have been having this problem since build 37. I have re-completed the quest many times, including today on the current build. I have also interacted with the shrine and cycled it back and forth and basically tried everything that...
  4. Xbox Achievement issues remain and now constant crashing on xbox series x

    Since build 37, I have never been able to unlocked the "Danger in the Deep" achievement despite doing it multiple times and trying to replicate what others have been doing to get it to unlock retroactively. Today, with build 41, the achievement is still broken and I cannot make any progress...
  5. Xbox XBOX Achievements NOT POPPING

    Hello, my gt is FNico321. My “best friends”,”networking”,”cook” “perfection” achievements aren’t popping after completing. Reinstalled the game and turned off console many times etc. Sitting at 413 hours, don’t really wanna restart pls help!
  6. smellincoffee

    1.6 Update What happened in your game today?

    I thought it might be nice to have a place where people can report on their farm's goings-on and the adventures of their farmer, kind of like this thread at The Sims forums. I'll kick things off! I am still very new to the game and in mid-summer of my second year at Peacefield Farm. In the...
  7. Solved Stardrop achievement not triggering in Steam [Windows]

    I have gotten all of the Stardrops in my current save file (1.6) and have achieved 100% on the perfection tracker, but the only achievement in Steam that hasn't popped yet is "Mystery Of The Stardrops". I've checked my save file in the Stardew Checkup website, and it says i *should* have the...
  8. Windows Infinite Power Achievement

    Hi, I've already got the infinity blade so I was wondering why the achievement hasn't been triggered on Steam or in-game? I understand the update only came out recently, but I just wanted to ask anyway.
  9. 6duckie

    Wedding Ring (Recipe)

    I've been playing multiplayer/co-op with my friends, one of them bought the wedding ring recipe and now it no longer shows in the travelling cart for me. I need the recipe to complete the crafting achievement. Is this a bug or how can I solve this? Or is this just the way the game is? Because I...
  10. Solved How can I transfer my Xbox Game Pass achievements to Steam? [Windows]

    Hello! I was playing a lot of Stardew Valley on Xbox Game Pass but I stopped paying for the subscription and bought the game on Steam now that it was on sale. Luckily, the saves come out the same without having to touch anything and i can play with no problem, but my question is: How do I get...
  11. Stardew Valley Expanded, Crafter Master !!!!

    What do I need to do to get the "Craft Master" achievement? The full list is here I've produced them all, what's missing?
  12. Xbox Any Hope for Missing Stardrop Bug Fix?

    I know that PC has a way around this issue but for us players on consoles is there hope we will ever see a bug fix for this? Maybe tie the achievement/trophy and the completeion towards 100% to having 508 energy? Have 508 energy, gotten every Stardrop and its pretty saddening I can't get 100%...
  13. Solved Achievement bug [Xbox]

    I recently got the "gourmet chef" achievement, but for some reason I couldn't unlock the "Sous chef" achievement, which would be mandatory to get the Gourmet Chef. I play on Xbox and would like help to correct this error, as I intend to get all the achievements of the game.
  14. Solved Achievements bug (?) [Windows]

    Hello everyone, I have the "fisherman", "ol' mariner" and "mother catch" achievement inside the game, but on steam I only have the "ol' mariner" achievement. Does anyone know why? I believe it is a bug.
  15. Xbox Achievement didn’t unlock (Xbox)

    Hello, I’m going for all the achievements on Xbox and just today I caught all fish and got the reward, however no achievement unlock, what can I do ?.
  16. Xbox "Full House" Achievement bugged on Xbox

    Hello! I married Haley and had both kids. They are even both fully grown now. This was about a week ago real time and over a year in game time. My achievement for completing this has still not unlocked. I've done some research and there's not much info on this achievement being bugged on xbox...
  17. im_my_wifes_wife

    Windows Missing achievement on my Steam account??

    I have the Gourmet Chef achievement on one of my saves, but it doesn't show up on my Steam account. Is there any way to fix this? I really don't want to have to go through this process again on another save. Below is video proof, so no one thinks that I am just trying to get a free Steam...
  18. Windows [HELP] Legendary fish on multiplayer

    So recently I wanted to get master angler achievement while playing in co-op but I read on wiki that legendary fish can be caught one per person, that means if another person caught for example Legend and i get mutant carp, no one will get this achievement, right ?
  19. PC Achievement Bugs

    Hello everyone! I am having some troubles with the In-game / Steam Achievements. At first I checked out this guide from Odin and it helped me to get 1 (museum collection) out of 3 achievements...
  20. Annosz

    PC [BUG] Items sold in mini-shipping bin not counted towards Policulture achievement

    This bug happened in our multiplayer game where we used Stardew Checkup to continously monitor our progress. We always felt that something was off with the Policulture, because a lot of items were missing that we were sure we sold... We only found out when there was one type of plant missing. We...