
  1. An error occurred in the base update loop: System. Exception: Error on new day

    Hello! Could someone assist me, please? I've encountered an error message that says: "An error occurred in the base update loop: System.Exception: Error on new day." Unfortunately, I'm unable to load a new day because my screen turns black. I've attached my log for reference. Could you please...
  2. Issue (SteamDeck) Mods work in Desktop mode but not in Gaming mode?

    So I’m very new to the modding community. I’m only in year one during the end of summer. I have been playing modded since i first started my save. No issues til now, but my SMAPI isn’t even opening when in gaming mode anymore. I noticed this has been happening since I installed Proton 7.0 (it...
  3. "No Saved Games Found"

    I was playing, as usual, today and decided to add a nice new mod my friend sent me. After sleeping in-game, I quit the game and downloaded the mod. I ran the game again and noticed that in my "loads" section I had a new duplicate of all my worlds. I ignored this and kept playing, but when I came...
  4. Issue Help! Crash when walk on fish pond (Mobile)

    I need help, my game just crash and closed everytime walk to my fishpond. I've try reinstall, but nothing changed. I dont know how to fix this (': (I play on Android) Here my log: https://smapi.io/log/1ab8d46f9d0240e8a79bbc6ae6aa0fad
  5. Solved Audio bug when entering house with the 2nd upgrade

    Me and my friend were playing Stardew valley with a modpack including SVE, when we upgraded the house the second time (upgrade that adds the crib) and every time we enter the house there's a loud noise coming from nowhere. I tested for game audio and surprisingly it's not a game related audio (I...
  6. IcyNightMedic

    Windows [HELP] Dropped FPS

    Each time I open the game, it takes a while till it finally opens (about 20-30 minutes) and when it opens, all seems fine until the menu comes around. Just clicking on the basic paths gives me a lag spike that may freeze my screen from 1-10 seconds in length or when something load, it takes...
  7. PC [HELP] Game crashes when opening inventory

    We are currently playing stardew with 5 people we have 2 mods "unlimited players" and "unique children" we somehow got a horse stuck in one of the houses after that every other time we open our inventory the game crashes for that person. It has yet to crash the host though. Not sure if horse is...
  8. fthbck

    PC [BUG] Game crash after sleeping (I solved problem myself and there is solition)

    I am playing with my friend in multiplayer. Currently year is 3 and day is 25 of fall. I uploaded image of chrash here https://prnt.sc/w8ltjt. Because of that chrash we re-played same day 4 times and it happened everytime. We are thinking it is happening because my friend become level 10 at...
  9. lylacsky

    PC Looking for people to play with (maybe modded?)

    Hi! I've been wanting to play a (maybe??? hopefully modded) multiplayer farm but sadly none of my friends actually play stardew... Soo, I'm looking for some people that are maybe in a similar situation? If y'all had discord/skype/hangouts so we could communicate and cooperate better that'd be...