
phone: iPhone 14

every time I open my main save file the game crashes after a few seconds. I got into the game through the load game menu too

the thing in the corner says v1.5.6 build 36


Type of phone: iPad Pro 12.9 1st Gen
Details of your issue: unable to craft anything, was able to at first but past 48 hours I’ve not been able to, craft menu appears but selecting anything doesn’t create a pop up to craft. Also the game keeps telling me to make my level 5 mining selection every night but the next day I will have the mining benefit.
Screenshots/video: (highly encouraged)
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)?
I loaded the game from a save file
Any other info that might be relevant:
I’ve tried all the non intrusive resolves, hard reset my device, close the app and reset


hi team, I’ve noticed a couple issues on my iPad since then update I haven’t seen many people mention on twitter!

Type of phone: ipad (one iPad software update behind current) but Stardew has all updates as of Jan 15th
Details of your issue: have two issues to report:
1. When donating to museum, the overlay of backpack slots does not line up correctly with the backpack area. Makes it difficult to add items to museum and move items to different places on museum tables. Has happened every time I’ve gone to the museum since the new update (image attached)
2. Went fishing and the reeling noise continued even after I was no longer fishing. Continued when I went to places with different music and continued through overnight save and in to the next game day. Had to quit the game to get it to stop.
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? both issues showed up on normal loads (from load screen, beginning of day)



Type of phone: ipad gen 6 & gen 9
Details of your issue: I cannot order anything from Robin. When I go to her desk, there is no pop-up screen. This will obviously mean I can’t play the game as I cannot build anything on my farm

On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)?
are used the load game menu

Any other info
This problem only appeared since January 2023 update and continues to be a problem with update


I just updated the game, and the date and money box are sized to at least 100-200. I tried adjusting to my regular size, but it seems that the smallest takes up a big size of the top right of the screen.


I have found this bug. It keeping me to choose profession every i go to sleep. Actually this is my 4th try and the result is the same (but i just screenshots twice). You can check the time on my phone in the corner.
Phone type: Redmi Note 10 pro 4G
Details of issue:


1:When I fish for a long time, the sound of the lever during fishing will persist after I quit fishing, and it will not stop until I quit the game.
2:If you play the music of a third party and then open the story of Stardew Valley, the game interface will get stuck until you close the music listening software.


Type of phone: OnePlus 8T with Android 13
Details of your issue: For about 16 nights straight, I keep getting the "Combat level 5" profession choice, and my selection doesn't ever seem to stick. Doesn't matter which option I choose.

On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)?: I did the usual Load Game option.
Any other info that might be relevant:
I have been able to select other professions, like for fishing and foraging. But combat seems to be stuck. It doesn't seem to be interfering with the game in any other way


1:When I fish for a long time, the sound of the lever during fishing will persist after I quit fishing, and it will not stop until I quit the game.
2:If you play the music of a third party and then open the story of Stardew Valley, the game interface will get stuck until you close the music listening software.
Same problem as #1 On generation six and generation nine iPad since January 2023 update
I used to be able to listen to my screen reader read a book in ibooks while playing the game. It seems like now when I run the screen reader it freezes the game, I can’t click on anything, can’t activate buttons at all. Quitting iBooks and the screen reader and then restarting seems to fix the issue so that I can play at least but I miss my books :(

platform ios version is most updated one as of jan 15



Type of tablet : Galaxy Tab A (2016)
Model : SM-T580
Android version : 8.1.0

Details of your issue: Some UI elements are too small (someone else said scaling looks zoomed out and i agree). It's overall straining on the eyes and i'm having difficulties reading texts.

It's a consistent issue and i have the latest update.

View attachment 13986View attachment 13987 (screenshot are blurry sorry)
I am having the same issue; reported several times. It is making play very difficult.

Device: iPad 11 in


Type of phone : Realme Pad X
Details of issue : the in game ui is very small in my mentioned device(Android tablet). Like the menu, health/energy bar, almost everything seems small, it makes the game harder to play. Some options to adjust/increase ui size would be appreciated.
Screenshots :
1. Inventory before update:
View attachment 12413
2. Inventory after update:
View attachment 12414
Look at the health and energy bar:
View attachment 12415
Text fonts are smaller after update:
View attachment 12416
Relevant info : i think this is only happening in Android tablets. Phone users ui seem to be fine
Happens on my iPad as well


Type of phone: Vivo V23e
Details of your issue: Statue of uncertainty, The skill profession keeps popping up every time I go to bed and proceeded to the next day. Also my health bar has now grown to gigantic size, its so long that im practically invincible now though the cons of having my displays covered by it.
Any other info that might be relevant: I might have used the statue of uncertainty before i updated the game and then wake up the next day after using it
Last edited:



1. After interacting with Sandy and the dialogue is over, I can’t buy anything from her.
2. Every few nights after saving my progress and I go to bed, I must choose my level 10 Mining profession. Ive had to choose “Excavator” like 8 times already. It says I’m Level 10 but I still need to choose over and over again every few nights.
I am playing on an iPhone 12 and I’ve updated my phone and the Stardew app fully.


Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy Tab S7
Details of your issue: When I trigger Sebastian's 6-heart event, after choosing what type of character I want to be and the scenario starts, tapping on the options of what action I'd like to do doesn't do anything, so I am just stuck on the screen with the options. This happens both when I load the game from the game menu and when I use the "emergency load".
Screenshot of where I'm stuck:
Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy S9+, One UI Version 2.5, Android Version 10
Details of your issue: Vibration bug. Whenever I go fishing, the vibration is constantly activated. It does the normal, vibrate when there is something on the end of your line, but if it's a fish and you start the game to catch it, the vibration doesn't stop. It just keeps going and makes it much more difficult to catch fish. I really like the vibrations in the game, but I've had to turn them off because of this bug.
Screenshots/video: No able to screenshot/video. Is a vibration issue.
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? Load game menu.
Any other info that might be relevant: N/A - but THANK YOU Concerned Ape for never giving up on Mobile 1.5!