
Phone: Pixel 6

At the end of the past few in-game days, I keep getting asked to choose the options available when reaching level 5 mining. I've chosen the same one several times (the name escapes me, whatever the other option besides "geologist" is). I've probably picked one four or five times at this point.
I have the same problem on an iPad. I have the most recent update (no new updates on the AppStore). I’ve restarted my iPad, ..l nothing works. Im trying to choose Geologist but the next night it asks me again.



i have an iphone 13 pro max & when i try to play music from my music app while playing the game it freezes since the update.


im noticing lines around my items in my chests and inventory. it doesn't seem to affect anything.. just looks bad. i have an iphone 8 plus and am fully updated.


1.4.5 When taking items, their quality was always displayed 1.5 the quality of items is not displayed on the bottom left. This is very inconvenient. Please return the display of the quality of the raised items. There was a problem in 1.5 because of which it is impossible to plant crops, or apply fertilizers from top to bottom, or vice versa. Using the setting: joystick + buttons. The bug is fixed if at least one cell is planted with a touch. However, the bug repeats itself in the next row. This greatly slows down the tillage process.


Type of phone: Android 12, model Motorola G30

Details of your issue: Game crashes when a Bluetooth controller is connected and the connection suffers slight instability.

Screenshots/video: I don't have any. It just.. crashes. The game closes on its own,

On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? It's a new game. I can't get pest character creation menu.

Any other info that might be relevant: Bluetooth, especially controllers', suffers occasional slight instability when the phone's WiFi is turned on. I know a solution to this would be turning off the WiFi, but I'd prefer if that wasn't needed, as other games handles the instability like they don't happen.


Hi! I’ve noticed this has not been patched yet.
its not as big of a deal since it doesnt make the game crash, but it would be nice to get it fixed. Every time I try to paint the horse stable it glitches and it goes up :(
ill send some pictures so you can see


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I am unable to craft machines on iOS version running on iPad. Once I have all necessary items in inventory, clicking the item to craft does nothing. Please help!!
Yea the most recent update I wish had never happened. Now I can’t craft on the go anymore, decor just goes missing now like tiles (and not by weeds) I get held up for a second here and there which is super frustrating just freezing and I swear my rings aren’t working as good as before. Before this update all was fine except I couldn’t put quest items in containers. I could at least work around that but Now I just get frustrated everytime I play and it’s not relaxing anymore iOS iPad btw. Sorry to hijacker’s your thread but I couldn’t see where to do a new one after coming here irritated.


Type of phone: LNMBBS L60 tablet
Details of your issue: I click to talk to a villager and the game crashes. Only occurs on some days, usually the next day I can talk to them normally.
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)?
Any other info that might be relevant:
Emergency load, I have started saving right before trying to talk to anyone. I suspect it is because I am "item number" named and they are trying to use my name. Have not noticed the issue with a character with a regular name.


Type of phone: OnePlus 9 (LE2115)
Android Version: 13
Stardew Version: Latest
Details of your issue:
After hitting level 10 in Mining, the "choose your perk" popup appears every night. However, the perk I pick is not always reflected in my character level (ex., I will pick Prospector, but when I go to the character page, it shows that I have the Blacksmith perk instead). I chose Prospector the very first time the popup appeared and only picked Blacksmith the third or fourth time the popup appeared to see if it made a difference. At that time, my character still showed Prospector. (Note: the only other trait that is at level 10 is Farming, for which I have the Artisan perk.)


Type of phone: Oppo CPH2407 (ColorOs V12.1)
Android Version: 12
Stardew Version: The Latest (
Processing Engine: Helio G35 Octa Core
Storage: 128GB
Ram: 4GB

Details of your issue: Ever since I leveled my farming up to level 10, I keep getting the same level up notification every night after that even if I have chosen a profession
Hope this problem could patched :(
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I will echo the many other comments reporting it repeatedly asking me to choose a profession every time I sleep. In my case it's the level 5 mining choice.

Also, it appears to be impossible to pick up eggs on the bottom-most row of the coop. The character just won't interact with them at all and also can't run through them.
I was watching a video in the bottom left corner of my screen but the game froze when it started playing. It’s hard to tell if it’s froze or not, but you can tell because my joystick isn’t set that far over.
(video blacked out)


Type of phone: iPad Pro, 4th Gen
Details of your issue: No crafting button, despite having room in inventory and all ingredients
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? Both - first an emergency load, then i force quit and did load game menu
Any other info that might be relevant: i have been able to craft since the update, today is the first day it hasn’t worked for me



I was able to craft yesterday and today I cannot. My app is up to date, my iPad is up to date. The crafting button is missing. I have the required items but cannot actually craft anything. My version is 1.5.6 build 36. I am using an iPad Pro 4th generation, iOS 16.2. when I load the game I start with my character waking up in bed. Also when I go fishing the noise of the rod reeling in a fish remains until I close and restart the game.



I can't say that this is an important problem, especially against the background of the others, who do not give me and other players the opportunity to play. But will the ability for iOS devices to save to icloud and continue playing on other devices be added?

This is my second post on this forum and also written with the help of a translator. Don't swear if there are mistakes :)