Your storage chest color coding

Lew Zealand

Inspired by @imnvs post in the Naming Chests Game Suggestion section, what is your color coding system for your storage Chests?

Me first, ooo! ooo! Me first, pick me!

Green - Veggies
Light Green - Veggies I don't like
Yellow - Forage (like Veggies, but not as good)
Red - Fruit
Orange - Fruit I don't like
Brown - Wood and Tree-derived things like Tree Seeds/Syrup/Resin, etc
Brown - Mushrooms
Dark Gray - collected minerals
Gray/White - more minerals and the other junk you donate to the Museum (bones, dolls, G.I. Joe action figures)
Blue - Fish
Light Blue - Shellfish and Roes (add columns and you'll get a spreadsheet)
Light Green - Seeds, fertilizers, soily stuff
Purple - Active chest of all current projects: usually Jade, Stairs, Quartz Ores/Bars, Tools, Coffee, Spicy Eel, Bombs, Geodes, Ginger Is. stuff, more
Pink - Loved Gifts and sometimes Odds n ends like Warp Totems

And usually some uncolored ones for expansion.

And you...?


Inspired by @imnvs post in the Naming Chests Game Suggestion section, what is your color coding system for your storage Chests?

Me first, ooo! ooo! Me first, pick me!

Green - Veggies
Light Green - Veggies I don't like
Yellow - Forage (like Veggies, but not as good)
Red - Fruit
Orange - Fruit I don't like
Brown - Wood and Tree-derived things like Tree Seeds/Syrup/Resin, etc
Brown - Mushrooms
Dark Gray - collected minerals
Gray/White - more minerals and the other junk you donate to the Museum (bones, dolls, G.I. Joe action figures)
Blue - Fish
Light Blue - Shellfish and Roes (add columns and you'll get a spreadsheet)
Light Green - Seeds, fertilizers, soily stuff
Purple - Active chest of all current projects: usually Jade, Stairs, Quartz Ores/Bars, Tools, Coffee, Spicy Eel, Bombs, Geodes, Ginger Is. stuff, more
Pink - Loved Gifts and sometimes Odds n ends like Warp Totems

And usually some uncolored ones for expansion.

And you...?
I am not nearly as detailed and specific! I use colors according to activities - chest for preparing to do this and that are different colors. Grays are minerals and crafting. Purple chest are treasures. But I need to rethink my whole life now.

G.I. Joe action figures
That's where I put those.


Local Legend
Black- Mining stuff
Light Grey Stone Chest- Deep Freezer for stuff I don't want to cook, but i want to keep in the kitchen, because it matches the other kitchen appliances
Light Pink- Spring Crops & forage and/or seeds, depending on my level of organization at the moment
Light Green- Summer " "
Orange- Fall " "
Light Blue- Winter " "
Dark Blue- Fishing equipment and temporary aquarium
Brown-ish- Farming supplies including tools, fertilizers, and other stuff that doesn't belong to a specific season
Purple/Pink (depending on my mood)- Stuff getting sent to the CC or other special orders in town
Dark Red- Resources I'm stockpiling

There's others that I'm forgetting or that spawn and despawn on a whim. Everything is always subject to how I'm feeling in any given moment, but these are the ones that are typically there in some way, shape or form in most farms, however the colors are always changing. Don't ask me why


Local Legend
In the house, to the left of the door:
Red: healing food
Green: buffing food

In the house, to the right of the door:
Junimo chest
Light green: crop seeds, fertilizers
Dark gray: adventuring stuff (spare weapons, bombs, staircases)
Light gray: odds and ends storage

In the house, by the catalogues:
Light blue: wall decorations
Brown: decorations

In the crafting shed, not at the workbench:
Junimo chest
Brown: floors, spare chests, spare lights, spare crafting machines not currently in use
Light blue: fishing stuff like baits, tackles
Light green: spare farming gear like my old scythe and old rarecrows
Red: animal stuff that is stored but not crafted like feathers, rabbits feet, nautilus, rainbow shell, sea urchin

In the crafting shed, surrounding the workbench:
Black: quartz, stone, ore, geodes
Purple: gems, expensive minerals
Gray: inexpensive minerals
Red: animal products for crafting
Pink: flowers
Dark green: wood, sap, tree fertilizer, tree seeds, syrups, fiber
Light green: forage, wild seeds, mushrooms, mixed seeds
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Field produce and forage goes by season: pale green for Spring, red for summer, dark brown for fall. Winter and rare forage go into a deep purple chest.

Fish chest is blue, obviously! And dairy products chest is white.

Building and crafting materials chest is black / dark gray.

Flowers chest is pink.
So it depends on how deep into the save I am. Early game I typically get away with the following:

Pink - Spring things (crops, seeds, and forage)
Yellow - Summer things (crops, seeds, and forage)
Orange - Fall things (crops, seeds, and forage)
White - Winter things (crops, seeds and forage)
Black - Mines stuff (monster stuff, stones, geodes, ore, whatever)
Blue - Caught fish
Teal - Crab pot stuff, fishing supplies, and "trash" catches
Brown - General farm equipment like scarecrows, fertilizer, sprinklers, furniture, etc
Gray, Inside - Foodstuffs, until I get a fridge to store them in

However I tend to be a little chest happy, and maybe a bit of a hoarder. Outside the farmhouse, it's context sensitive. The chest next to the silo has a few stacks of hay in it, the chest in one of the keg sheds has goods to be processed, and so forth, and the color is chosen only for aesthetic considerations rather than organization.

Inside the farmhouse, I have:
Fridges - Foodstuffs and crops. Raw cooking materials, finished cooked products, whatever.
8 around my workbench -
Orange - Tree and Mushroom products
Dark Green - Forage
Teal - Crab pot stuff, "trash", and misc items for crafting like batteries
Pink - Flowers
Gray - Minerals
Red - Monster drops
Black - Stones, Ores, and Geodes
And a bunch more besides
Goldish - Grange Display items
Light Purple - Artifacts
Light Pink - Loved gifts
Dark Purple - Luxury items like Treasure Chests, Pearls, Iridium quality Starfruit, Qi Seasoning, as well as anything Krobus gifts me
Red by the door - Combat / Mining Equipment (weapons, specific foodstuffs, staircases, bombs)
Junimo Chest - Currently unused tools
Light Blue - Fishing equipment, rods, tackles, bait, food with buffs
Light Teal (2 chests) - Caught Fish
Brown - Furniture
Light Gray - Farming equipment (sprinklers, machines, flooring, etc)
Light Green - Seeds and Fertilizer
Yellow - Nostalgia items, like old weapons I'm not using anymore but want to hang onto and Lewis' shorts
Orange - Island stuff
White next to the Bone Mill - Bones and Fossils

Edit: On the topic of stone vs wood, I like the way Stone chests look better. In my ideal world I'd either use all Stone, or use the different materials to delineate two chests otherwise of the same color for still more organization. Unfortunately that's Way too much effort to switch everything over and implement that, way more than I've been willing to put in.
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Hill Myna

Great thread!

I add chests to "The Hoarder's Dream", my, ahem... collection of chests.
My current farm is at Summer 27, Year 1, and I have 10 chests.

On the farm itself I have:

Dark Green – Aaall the Spring forage/crops that I've saved for either Sandy, Krobus (no, silly auto-correct, not "Knobs"), Leah or nobody.
Pink – Aaall the Summer things. Including 425 non-star Blueberries for my PJars. Right now I have 2 PJars. Yeah, I'm working on it...
Orange – Currently just Corn, Sunflowers, my 1 Rare Seed, Coffee Beans (?) and Seeds/Fertilizer/Sprinklers for Fall 1. Soon to be bursting!
Dark Blue – Judging by what others have shared in this thread, I think you all know what's in this one!
White – My go-to Crafting & Tools chest! All my spare tools that I don't need at the time. My Wood, Stone, Hardwood, Fiber, Sap, Clay, Tree Resins, Batteries, Cloth and Torches all go in here. As well my minuscule amount of Mushrooms because my Cave is just too far away.
Brown – Any & all monster drops, Ores & Bars, useful Minerals, and Geodes.
Default Brown – Extra Artifacts like Chewing Sticks that I'm just going to get again, Food that I've been gifted, CC things, and now my Desert foragables/fish.

Other places:

In the Mines – Mines stuff can be temporarily stored here, later taken home. + all the things that I'll give to Marlon three rainy days down the road.
At the Mountain Lake – has a couple of non-star Mountain Lake fish that I'm keeping because... well, because I want to. And also because Cooking.
At the Desert – Yay! I reached the Desert! Let's bring a chest to celebrate! Useful for dumping things that I don't need in Skull Cavern (see: Coconuts, because sadly, they don't blow up).

I'm still deciding on the best colour for the off-the-farm chests. They don't need to be coloured for organisation purposes because there's only one at each place, but it'd be nice for them to be colourful!
This is my endgame farm (which was Splitscreen all the way to Perfection, so if I say "we" or "our", that's why. Now I use it mainly as a Forums Testing Ground if Racoon's Garbage Farm won't suffice).

So, since we had the resources to do whatever we wanted, I created a crafting shed with exactly 35 Stone Chests, 1 Wood Chest and 1 Junimo Chest, along with a whole bunch of other equipment. Pretty much my ideal storage system, although I have some ideas about how to make it better.


First Row (from the bottom up)
Dark Green, Pink, Orange – Spring, Summer, and Fall crops

Cyan – Skull Cavern Chest. The most accessible (and my favourite colour! :D) for a reason.
Yellow – Tree Fruit and Desert Foragables.
Pink (again) – Animal Produce and other Artisan Goods.
Light Green – Seeds, Sprinklers & Fertiliser.

Second Row
Dark Green, Pink, Orange, Light Blue – Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter Forageables.

Dark Purple – Combat Chest. Spare Weapons, Bones, 3,292 Void Essence + other Monster drops.
Brown – Mining Chest. 1,273 Omni Geodes + other geodes; 1,288 Diamonds and other non-geode Minerals (also 134 Prismas); 352 Radioactive Ore + other ores; 435 Iridium Bars + other Bars. No, I'm not selling them!
Light Grey – 10,840 Stone; 1,144 Clay; 393 Batteries, + other basic resources.
Teal – 716 Ginger + other Island Forageables. Also some fish, Island Bones and Dragon Teeth (40 ATM). My 216 Cinder Shards live in the Junimo Chest.

Dark Purple, Brown and White Chests are all in range of a Workbench, which is also next to a Junimo Chest. I also have a Dresser, tucked next to the Jukebox (which is playing "Ginger Island" at the moment).

Third Row
Pink – Festival-bought decorations. Mostly pretty banners.
Default Stone #1 – This one isn't pretty...
Default Stone #2 – Old Tools, some statues, 7 SC-sourced Saplings, 3 Golden Masks (!), 6 Golden Relics (!!), 8 Golden Pumpkins (!!!), 7 Pearls, 3 Treasure Chests and 2 Ancient Sword. These came from when we needed just one more artifact (Geminite, also in the Crystalarium below me), so we "extended" the length of our Artifact Troves but claimed all the goodies. Required multiple day restarts because Switch.
Pale Orange – For all my decorating around the farm. 70 Dwarf Scrolls of various types (for endtables), Paths/Flooring, un-used Kegs/PJars + other equipment.

Light Blue – Crab Pot Chest. 939 Clams + other Crab Pot Fish, Seaweed & Algaes, and 6 Curiosity Lures.
Purple 1-3 – All the Dishes that we had to cook for Gourmet Chef. Also Energy Tonics, Life Elixers and Field Snacks.

Fourth Row
Default Stone #3 & #4 – All the random things I had to craft for Craft Master.
Default Stone #5 – Crane Game chest! Wumbus & Bobo Statues + lots of lil' Plush Junimos!

Dark Blue 1-4 – Random fish that I don't feel like selling. Because when you have 14M, fish are better kept.

Fifth Row
Please, no... they must not be opened! Don't look! Shut your eyes!

Oh...too late.

While I say this is what belongs in each chest, it's not past me to misplace my Watering Can here or some Mixed Seeds there... just ignore those parts. I will fix them...



My ideal set up:

In the bedroom a white (wooden) chest to hold things I think are valuable- prismatic shards, yes, but golden pumpkins, star shards, pearls- things I like but may not Have real in game value.

By the door- a maroon stone chest- my “go” chest. Stuff I’d need to grab to head to Skull Caverns or the volcano dungeon, think food buffs, bombs, warp totems, weapons.

On the farm:

Pink chest- loved gifts, CC items, artifacts. I keep this by the entrance to the farm.
Red chest- animal products and supplies. I keep it by the barn.
Purple chests- any crop that is going to be processed goes here. I keep these outside of processing sheds.
Light green- seeds, fertilizers, sprinklers. This is in the greenhouse.
Aqua: a temporary home for fish destined for ponds or tanks.

The rest are my crafting chests.

Black- the most useful chest. The most important crafting items go here. Metal bars, wood, stone, fiber, oak resin.
Gray- lesser crafting items and overflow wood and stone. There are always 2 pieces of marble here.
Yellow- sap and excess pathing or fencing.
Dark blue- urchin, coral, clams, cheap fish.
Dark green- forage and mushrooms.

Off the farm:

Red- at the entrance of the mines. Holds mining stuff and my ore and coal while my furnaces are there.
Assorted blue- by my favorite fishing spots.
Orange #1- dwarf gifts by the dwarf, naturally.
Orange #2- in front of the volcano holds food, cinder shards, gems for forging.
Magenta- by the bone quarry holds all the crap you find there
Various tropical colors- my Ginger Island chests. I haven’t settled on 2 colors I like.

I prefer the stone chests, except for the white color, but it’s too much work to switch the wooden chests over to stone.


Most my chests are vanilla, sometimes coloured to fit in surroundings (like making the chest at the mines black or grey), but I have some kind of system for in-house chests mainly for crops, fruit and forageables: Yellow - spring, green - summer, orange - autumn, blue - winter, possibly Ginger Island and Calico stuff.Pink for exotics from mods. Possibly fruits have their own with colour. Purple is for valuables!


I really like this thread and noticed a few things. First, we all have a blue chest for fish and fishing gear. Second, there are fewer yellow chest for sap than I would have thought. Lastly, there seem to be 2 main organizational strategies.

Many farmers mainly, but not exclusively, separate items by what they are. So spring crops go in the spring chest, monster drops go in the monster chest. This is a very efficient, logical and sensible system. The rest of us, mainly but not exclusively, sort items by their use. So crops, regardless of the season, either go to a processing chest for wine and jelly, the fridge for cooking, a chest for gifting or are sold. This is also a very efficient, logical and sensible system. I just though it was interesting how differently we all approach farm organization. And how similarly too.

Also, @Lew Zealand, which fruits don’t you like? Is it personal preference or you just don’t like them in game?
None lol. My ADHD handles it for me. (Not really, I'm just to lazy to color code things.)
Same here! If I start color coding chests that will take over my life and I will do nothing but separate items and rearrange chests! I will start saving things I don't need just to fill all the slots in chests! I will have to build sheds just to hold more chests! Actually that sounds super fun, maybe I will do that in a future playthrough.

I try to keep as few things as possible in as few chests as I can. I organize them by location instead of color, like one outside the greenhouse for seeds and fruit to process, fertilizer, hay, foraged items to craft wild seeds, produce waiting to go into seedmakers.

Right now I'm early game and have 2 chests. One outside has everything for smelting, recycling, and also hay. The one inside has everything else: building & crafting, planting, bait, oddball decor & museum rewards.

Once I get the kitchen I will keep loved gifts, buff food, and skull cavern stuff in the fridge. And when I get the greenhouse I will shift all my gardening stuff to a chest in or just outside it.

If I get junimo huts I use those to store items too. I also let animal products stay in the autocollectors waiting for processing.

Lew Zealand

Same here! If I start color coding chests that will take over my life and I will do nothing but separate items and rearrange chests! I will start saving things I don't need just to fill all the slots in chests! I will have to build sheds just to hold more chests! Actually that sounds super fun, maybe I will do that in a future playthrough.
This is really how it goes but I hoard things in Chests so I have maximal options when Tailoring.

Initially I didn't even consider Tailoring a thing. It was a non-thing so was a non-game element that didn't matter.

However one thing I've noticed about my head is that it's so dense that even though ideas initially >bonk< off of it with quite the satisfying pinging sound, the extra thick layers of bone exert their gravitational pull and slowly draw those ideas back into an orbit which decays, finally allowing the idea to alight on the surface and eventually seep deep within to the tiny inner core.

Where I ignore them until someone else points out the idea elsewhere and I go, "Oh yeah, that's kinda cool."