Howdy and welcome, even though you've been pretty active here a few days already!
You have questions, I have writing prompts.
1. Since v1.3.28, early August 2018. So, decades ago.
2. Stay in bed all day. Practice makes perfect. OK fine: I like the Witch series of quests but only because I get to see my boyfriend, The Henchman. He will be mine one day! Huggability is his best trait.
3. See: 2, also Penny, Shane ('cause I see right through his callous exterior), Caroline, Maru. But really Gil, though he's a not-character, and because he's a not-character and a not-everything. I envy his lack of effort and dedication, and ability to condense his electron cloud into a minimum size, lazing around their various nuclei at mere meters per second. He invented the Bose-Einstein Condensate state of matter but didn't publish as that would break the code of zero-effort and -energy wastage ethics. So honorable. Those other 2 guys are unknowing, silly pikers.
4. Currently Forest Farm because Forest. Apparently you can also Farm there, but I try to avoid that. Also done Regular, Beach, 4 Corners (meh), and Hilltop (yuck). I yucked out on the Hilltop so much that I destroyed my Farm converting that save back to Standard Farm and then lost my save backup for over a year. Found it again recently and once sufficiently motivated, will do a proper conversion. So: never.