Completely off-topic discussion (If you just wanna talk about random stuff, this is the place)

You don’t have to. It’s kinda embarrassing and chaotic. Probably going to remove a bunch of non important characters there from existence. Mostly non-canon characters, and make it more for the games. :/
I was mostly joking. If I have the time I'll probably take a look, though I've never actually played FNAF.
I’ve heard of that! I wanted to try it a while back and found some cards at GameStop, but didn’t end up getting them.
The best bang for your buck is probably buying a land station off of Amazon and a draft booster box. You'll get a bunch of cards, more than enough to make multiple good decks. If you want to play draft with friends it's also super fun.

Lew Zealand

No, that's the reason that I will never have it.

*Involuntary shudder after even thinking about eating squid*
You must assert your dominance over Nature by taking bites of it whenever the opportunity arises. Nature will do the same to you at every opportunity and it is your job to show you're up to the task as an equal. Nature must learn it's infernal place eventually and a good starting point is to demean it by carefully chopping hunks of it to relatively cuboid pieces and placing them daintily on the end of tiny bits of manly-chopped-down trees. Then, plunge said Nature cubes into a sauce of equally Natural origins and nibble teeny tiny little bites off the enspeared cube.

Nature will be thusly shamed by your controlled and genteel consuming of its various parts and never again seek to cross paths with you without a deferential bow, or tip of its leafy Totoro hat.

This is your destiny.
You must assert your dominance over Nature by taking bites of it whenever the opportunity arises. Nature will do the same to you at every opportunity and it is your job to show you're up to the task as an equal. Nature must learn it's infernal place eventually and a good starting point is to demean it by carefully chopping hunks of it to relatively cuboid pieces and placing them daintily on the end of tiny bits of manly-chopped-down trees. Then, plunge said Nature cubes into a sauce of equally Natural origins and nibble teeny tiny little bites off the enspeared cube.

Nature will be thusly shamed by your controlled and genteel consuming of its various parts and never again seek to cross paths with you without a deferential bow, or tip of its leafy Totoro hat.

This is your destiny.
Do I have the strength of character? Do you believe me the chosen one, meant to take mastery of the reigns of nature itself, therefore assuming a godlike position which would allow me dominion over all of you puny humans? Do you really believe me ready for this responsibility?
Do I have the strength of character? Do you believe me the chosen one, meant to take mastery of the reigns of nature itself, therefore assuming a godlike position which would allow me dominion over all of you puny humans? Do you really believe me ready for this responsibility?
I’m excluded from the puny humans, though, right? Because I’m pretty sure I’m at least half evil monster thing.

Lew Zealand

Do I have the strength of character? Do you believe me the chosen one, meant to take mastery of the reigns of nature itself, therefore assuming a godlike position which would allow me dominion over all of you puny humans? Do you really believe me ready for this responsibility?
I vote in the enthusiastic affirmative! And I can say this, I have consumed:

Tofu (!!)

While the tofu can be good and the squid and octopus can approach very good, the locusts were the best! But that's all up to preparation. But nowadays I'd rather not eat Squid or Octopus as they're too intelligent. Which of course brings up the question: how dumb does an animal need to be before it's acceptable to eat it? Obviously that's a sliding scale with people's opinions equally distributed along it's breadth.

When of course the question instead should be: Are my teeth stronger than my food's? :laugh:

Answer: The salad always loses. :clover:
I vote in the enthusiastic affirmative! And I can say this, I have consumed:

Tofu (!!)

While the tofu can be good and the squid and octopus can approach very good, the locusts were the best! But that's all up to preparation. But nowadays I'd rather not eat Squid or Octopus as they're too intelligent. Which of course brings up the question: how dumb does an animal need to be before it's acceptable to eat it? Obviously that's a sliding scale with people's opinions equally distributed along it's breadth.

When of course the question instead should be: Are my teeth stronger than my food's? :laugh:

Answer: The salad always loses. :clover:
I solemnly accept this heavy burden you have placed on my shoulders... The salad and squid will die to my superior teeth.