What are your Stardew Superstitions?


What are some habits you have that you know have no effect (according to the uncovered mechanics), but still do because you feel it matters to you?

Some of mine:

- I always have to click the Concerned Ape on startup.

- I always carry my highest grade Rabbits Feet.

- My first void chicken is named SLAYER.

- When Ocean Fishing in early game I always fish from Willy's spot.

Dr. eeL

I don't necessarily feel that they are superstitions (it's more just to save time), but I do always click on the startup Concerned Ape, and click on the flying birds. I do carry a rabbit's foot in my pack (just in case), I also always carry 5 strawberries as gifts to share with those that I meet when I'm out and about.


Totally superstistious but I have a feeling my cat is "The Spirits" that are happy or very displeased according to Welwick, so I always make sure to give her fresh water and pet her even if it's late in the evening, to make sure spirits are on my side ;)

(I wish there were ways to keep the household spirits happy directly, but I'm quite OK making my virtual cat content)

Lew Zealand

I click on the Concerned Ape on startup but am always disappointed when I get the squish. Apes should honk, not squish.

My favorite thing in any new game, even when testing something quick, is Chickens. This is of course self-evident because, well, Chickens. :bchicken:

I always pick up Forage, even in late game. Because it's there.

I always check the weather and the day's luck so I have plausible deniability for why my Skull Cavern or Volcano run was such a disaster. My Pickaxe was rusty. My Sword grip was slippery. I used up my Watering Can on the cat. My Iridium Cheese hadn't congealed yet. Someone replaced my Life Elixir with Salmonberry Wine. My Iridium Band's batteries were low. Someone cut the fuses on my Mega Bombs. Maru stole my Space Boots! Someone put plantains in my Banana Pudding! It wasn't my fault, I swear to Yoba!!!


I'm the same way with the horse. I have to put him in the stable for the night, even at the risk of me falling asleep on the porch. My husband always gives the dog water even after he already loves him.


I click on the leaf until all the junimos come out to wave to me. Then, I click on the lower left piece of wood until the smiling notch comes out. Finally, I use my mouse to make him visit each junimo on the start-up screen. But I think it's more about me being a doofus than superstitious. 🤓


Local Legend
I have to have spaces empty at all times in the top inventory bar. And the
alien from the Strange Capsule
is a Xenomorph coming to kill us all. Save us, Mayor Lewis!
I never let the Strange Capsule hatch, and I as well always carry my best rabbit's foot somewhere in the inventory.

I also think the parrots are evil, and as such I don't play into their hands with those fetch games and their erroneous concept of "Perfection". As such I never go to Ginger Island, and Willy's boat is better off left unrepaired in that case.
I never let the Strange Capsule hatch, and I as well always carry my best rabbit's foot somewhere in the inventory.

I also think the parrots are evil, and as such I don't play into their hands with those fetch games and their erroneous concept of "Perfection". As such I never go to Ginger Island, and Willy's boat is better off left unrepaired in that case.
Do you keep it in a chest or your inventory? Xenomorphs break out of chests!

I know, that was a really bad Alien joke, but I had to say it!


I click the Concerned Ape at startup too. Also, I like to hear the cows mooing when I get back to the farm at night. It gives me energy to play another day.

Another one I do on iOS is I turn on Guided Access to shut out all of the distractions, such as the arrow pointing up or down randomly appearing.

I guess it's a superstition but recently I started to have to select the save backup option intermittently throughout each day, but back when I started I used to only use going to bed to save, which made the game super addictive because you would have to play another whole day to save your game.