What are your Stardew Superstitions?



Mayor Lewis??? We’ll have to call upon Yoba to save us from that shadow creature!!! I swear if I see that thing walk by me like I’ve heard it can do I’m throwing my Nintendo Switch across the room just out of sheer fear
Eh, he's not so bad once you get past the glowing red eyes, the nightmares, and the fact that he likes to sit at the end of your bed and stare at you as you sleep. And despite these shortcomings, he's still a much better friend than Lewis or Pierre will ever be.


When it comes to summer, I always choose Wednesday as the special watering day. I walked carefully, clutching the famous Holy Bucket, believed to have magical powers to strengthen plant growth. After that, I doused the plants with water in careful motions, imagining the life energy flowing from the bucket towards the thirsty roots.

I am a godkin descended from a god, the "SEPUH" of Stardew Valley ( ̄⊿ ̄)╭
What are some habits you have that you know have no effect (according to the uncovered mechanics), but still do because you feel it matters to you?

Some of mine:

- I always have to click the Concerned Ape on startup.

- I always carry my highest grade Rabbits Feet.

- My first void chicken is named SLAYER.

- When Ocean Fishing in early game I always fish from Willy's spot.
I also always click on the concerned ape at the start as well!


Always get home before I pass out. I don't care if I'm only losing money, I'm a millionaire and shall act as so. I also give CA a jumpscare at the starting screen
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My very first official act in every new save is to arrange my tools in my backpack in the RIGHT order, which is hoe - axe - scythe - pickaxe - watering can. The whole bunch to the top left. That's how it should be and no other way. It causes me physical pain seeing them in a different order ... or with gaps between them ... or in a different place ... 😱


Local Legend
Interesting! Somehow I settled on this order: watering can, hoe, scythe, axe, pickaxe, weapon, cheese (or whatever emergency food I am using), bombs/staircases (if I'm using them). I play on switch or with an xbox controller, so I need to keep things that I frequently swap between directly next to each other. Even if I did use the keyboard on the PC, I lack a numeric keypad to take advantage of the hotkeys. So I could never use your layout without significantly raising the number of times I die in combat.
Interesting! Somehow I settled on this order: watering can, hoe, scythe, axe, pickaxe, weapon, cheese (or whatever emergency food I am using), bombs/staircases (if I'm using them). I play on switch or with an xbox controller, so I need to keep things that I frequently swap between directly next to each other. Even if I did use the keyboard on the PC, I lack a numeric keypad to take advantage of the hotkeys. So I could never use your layout without significantly raising the number of times I die in combat.
Exactly! The swap requirement is the concept behind my arrangement as well. I don't normally carry the watering can with me outside, there the fishing rod takes its place. In the mines, I always keep a chest at the entrance where I drop all the tools in except for the pickaxe and the sword, then the bombs go in the first three places. The food has to be just to the right of the sword so that I can switch quickly in case of deadly danger.

I play on PC, but I don't use the numeric keypad, but WASD lefthand and mouse righthand. I always use the mouse wheel to swap. Runs like a charm.

It's really interesting to learn how differently people are wired! 😃


I always touch my children to make em feel they're loved.
I also give all villagers their loved gifts on their birthdays and talk to em even when full heart so that they will feel there's someone who cares bout em.
This is so sweet!


I always have to have my dog look like and named after my IRL dog. She looks so much like the little one with floppy brown ears. I wish she could follow me around the valley though and stay with me when I stay over on GI!


Exactly! The swap requirement is the concept behind my arrangement as well. I don't normally carry the watering can with me outside, there the fishing rod takes its place. In the mines, I always keep a chest at the entrance where I drop all the tools in except for the pickaxe and the sword, then the bombs go in the first three places. The food has to be just to the right of the sword so that I can switch quickly in case of deadly danger.

I play on PC, but I don't use the numeric keypad, but WASD lefthand and mouse righthand. I always use the mouse wheel to swap. Runs like a charm.

It's really interesting to learn how differently people are wired! 😃
I'll share mine! Sword, axe, pick, bomb, staircase. Food at the last slot (on PC so I mwheelup from sword to access it)
Then row 2 of invo is scythe hoe watering can, which late game gets swapped for horse flute and return scepter. I quickly tab to access them.


I suck at using a controller for this game. I originally had it on my switch but my disability causes it to be too challenging as the game is timed. I just can’t switch tools and use all the buttons that fast, to make any real progress before I’d pass out at 2 or die in the mines. Now that I have it on mobile and can use the tap to advance and tap to attack even with an Apple Pencil I love the game to pieces and can do alright. I’m not as good as many here and yes I do use the item id glitch to help me catch up some, but it’s relatively smooth sailing now. I can’t play most control based games anymore so this is a real treat! Thanks CA for adding this to mobile!
I always touch my children to make em feel they're loved.
I also give all villagers their loved gifts on their birthdays and talk to em even when full heart so that they will feel there's someone who cares bout em.
I also interact with my children daily; something about that heart bubble over their little heads just tickles me! I've never understood the folks who turn theirs into doves, even if the most you can really do with your tots is make them wear a sweet hat. As for gifting the villagers, once hearts are maxed they're lucky if they get a beer on the days I try to beat Prairie King--the only exceptions are Linus and Willie because they truly deserve the best the valley has to offer and I'd throuple them up in a heartbeat if I could.


The stable goes to the left of the farmhouse. Like I get that it's probably optimal to place it closer to the bus stop but the roof of the stable matches up to the roof of the farmhouse when you put it there such that it really bugs me whenever it is anywhere else.


Local Legend
The stable goes to the left of the farmhouse. Like I get that it's probably optimal to place it closer to the bus stop but the roof of the stable matches up to the roof of the farmhouse when you put it there such that it really bugs me whenever it is anywhere else.
Now that I've had this pointed out to me, it is bugging me that I put the stable somewhere else, even though I specifically chose the spot to use up some of the land that cannot grow grass.

Lew Zealand

The stable goes to the left of the farmhouse. Like I get that it's probably optimal to place it closer to the bus stop but the roof of the stable matches up to the roof of the farmhouse when you put it there such that it really bugs me whenever it is anywhere else.
This is a 100% requirement for me as the Stable is so clearly intended to attach to the Farmhouse thanks to that roofline. I haven’t tried to see if it matches a Shed or something else but I do wish it had a less defined roof or maybe more roofline options to allow its integration into other locations.