This isn‘t helpful at all sadly. We need more information and details. Fishing generally does suck to start until you get more skilled. That’s part of the challenge with it.FISHING MECHANIC ON CONSOLE IS TERRIBLE FIX IT
Maybe that's what I need to do. I suck at fishing.have you tried buying a training rod from Willy? It makes those first couple of fishing levels a lot easier
Dude, when I start a new save I always buy the training rod and use it until I've got my fishing skill to at least 4 before switching to another fishing rod. The training rod sets your bar size during the mini game to the size you would have with fishing level 5 no matter your actual skill level. This makes it a LOT easier to catch fish, even if they're cheaper fish that are worth less exp. If you can't catch anything with the bamboo rod, though, ANY exp is more than no exp.Maybe that's what I need to do. I suck at fishing.
If you're not able to control the rod with the mouse or the keyboard, something may be going on with your hardware or your keybindings. Left-clicking is the way to control it with the mouse; is it supposed to be C with the keyboard, all? I don't use the keyboard much unless I'm being piled on by children while I 3 of fishing, one fish only because the fish stayed on the bottom most of the time. Using the keyboard, and it still does not respond no matter how I tap, it is either at the bottom or the top , No F ing control.
I will be getting the training rod tonight I think.Dude, when I start a new save I always buy the training rod and use it until I've got my fishing skill to at least 4 before switching to another fishing rod. The training rod sets your bar size during the mini game to the size you would have with fishing level 5 no matter your actual skill level. This makes it a LOT easier to catch fish, even if they're cheaper fish that are worth less exp. If you can't catch anything with the bamboo rod, though, ANY exp is more than no exp.