And one more thing, since I'm all fired-up. If some benighted country doesn't want to let you play Stardew because they thing non-binary people are tiny baby Satans... that sucks. But watering down the inclusivity to get the game to more people doesn't actually do them any good. If I want to see a game that helps normalize the way I feel and live, but you cut that content out because my local censor hates it, I'm no better off than if you hadn't made the game at all. Self-censoring is still letting the thought-police win; you're just saving them some trouble by doing their job for them.
If you desperately want to maximize the revenue stream, there are calculatikns to make that can get you the most access, the most interest, and the most sales. If, on the other hand, you are not SOLELY concerned with the bottom line, then make the game you want, how you want, and censors be damned. You can't reach everybody, you can't magically make the world exactly how you want right away, so do what you can. If you care about representation, make it a priority. Releasing a game that 70% of the people can find and play and understand means you're reaching about 70% of the people who find solace because you recognize them and their lives as valid. Cutting that content means you release a game accessible to 90% of the world that serves 0% of those marginalized folks.
Yes, I understand--no, I GROK--the fear around changes coming to something you love. The characters in Stardew shouldn't be fundamentally changed, but again, I don't think removing gender from the game would necessarily do that. We all make assumptions about what we're seeing in the NPCs anyway, after all. Instead of saying why it can't happen, or shouldn't happen, leave the first up to Concerned Ape, and drop the second. Tell us *what you are worried about LOSING* if the game changes, so THAT can be addressed.
Phew! End of rant, off to set up a pop-up tent so I can work on my real-life chicken coop. I gotta get these little dinosaurs out of my basement and into their house!