First off I AM SORRY. I went into a very very deep dive after I kept running into tiny issues here and there. Decided to pick through every card, item, rule, etc, and rewatch some videos of unboxings, teachings, and first plays to revisit every problem I or others got caught up on or theorized. Even browsed the forum for some things I had not come across, like the actual proper use of an upgraded Hoe.
This list grew more and more and...
I tried to organize this in some moderately readable way (?). Related cards and other passing thoughts are dimmed like this.
Answers confirmed or deemed satisfactoryare struck-through and the answer will follow in green. Here we go~
1- Rules state to discard bug meat to catch a crabpot in addition to your normal roll. If you rolled no fish up, is the crabpot catch a valid catch or can you still take a trash item, if any?
Yes, you can catch crab pot fish even without catching anything else, which also prevents you from discarding trash. This was answered by Cole in another thread...
2A- Some cards state to gain or draw and keep fish/tiles, is this claimed fish considered a valid catch for treasures? (Rules state: "...if you catch a fish to the immediate left...")
2B- Would chests or trash be a valid choice for the above instances?
Catch, gain, take, it's all the same thing for the purposes of the rules.
3- Fishing Profession: Treasure Chest -- If any above non-Fishing options gains you a chest, does this card activate as it is not via fishing?
Yes, the treasure chest card would still be activated. There are not many chests to begin with anyway, so not too overpowered
4- No Fishing Joja Tiles -- How do the Profession: Cork/Lead/Trap Bobber work with these 3 tiles?
Listed locations are what matters. As long as you arent on the Joja Tile preventing fishing entirely, other location's fish via bobbers are fine.
31- From LRangerR below: Two treasure chests next to each other on the fishing track. How would you treat that when claiming them?
The way the treasure chests should work is that they are only claimed when a fish immediately to the left of them is caught. Two adjacent chests would not be caught together, according to the rules as written. Although claiming both items in this instance is not game breaking if you like to play it that way.
Watering Crops:
A player currently taking a related watering action/effect is using any upgraded Watering Can. how does this interact with the following?
5A- Joja: Water Shortage (only move 1 Crop Tile) Also, could this cause a valid stacking of crops, or must you choose another option if possible? I may need just an entire explanation on what would intentionally cause crop stacking.
As I typed this, I also realized that I may be applying this weird No Stacking rule where it is not intended: It is specifically under the Buy/Plant Seeds action only...
You CAN stack crops if you need to due to the Joja Water Shortage tile, you just can't stack them when PLANTING unless you have the Hoe.
5B- Villager: Evelyn, Farming Profession: Retaining Soil (water all crops once/one time)
5C- Item: Rain Totem, Epic Item: Deluxe Scarecrow (water all crops)
Season Card Rain Icon specifically states "all planted crops 1 space"
The player themselves are not causing the watering, so they only shift one space as per usual.
Supply & Availability:
some things say "from supply" -- This looks at the tile tray
some things say "available X" -- This looks at the current Mine level's options
some things say "any" -- This is literally any in the game, still component limited
rules state: "Gold and Heart tokens are not limited by components" Stone is also considered not limited, see below
6- Are Quality resources an available option, or only the non-quality side?
You only can take crops and animal resources at their normal level, not quality.
7- What happens if you exceed the available supply, be it the actual Supply or whatever each instance references?
exA - Roll 3 Cows with both Cows bought (6 milk total)
exB - 3 player game, they collectively mined 3 stone (from Supply) and also foraged 1 stone in prior turns. Current player mines 2 stone, what is the result?
Further clarification was made by Cole: ONLY Stone should be considered unlimited from Supply, alongside Gold/Hearts. http://forums.stardewvalley.net/threads/6448/post-39534
A: Whatever remains in supply, so 4 total entirely -- B: You get ALL stone, kept track as needed, so resulting 6 in this example.
8- What is considered the discard? Does each deck have its own discard or just one heaping pile to sift through as needed? Are Supply tiles discarded directly back into itself? Partial Bundle turn-ins?
9- Are unchosen/equipped Profession Cards discarded, shuffled back in, or otherwise? (Pretty sure it would never happen, but just in case the deck cycles somehow?)
Supply discards return to the Supply, the rest is just "the discard". Do what is best for you for post-game cleanup~ Rules pg15: You may place resources onto a Bundle even if you don’t have enough to complete it. Once its requirement has been met, clear away the resources (return them to the supply or discard) and remove the Bundle Card from the board.
29- Kinda struggling on how to ask this... Does the act of discarding in ANY fashion trigger effects on other relevant cards/Professions/Items/etc? Or do you have to claim "I am discarding to activate X" even if it could cause multiple triggers?
When a card says, discard X to do Y, that discard cannot trigger multiple effects on other cards or abilities, only the single effect for the original ability.
rules state: "Trees work the same as Forageables, but are not considered Forageables"
10- some, but not all, cards explicitly differentiate the two, and the inconsistency of this always has me triple-checking things. I would just like some extra clarification, sorry.
You cannot choose to pick up a tree/wood if a card calls for you to "gain a foragable." The ones that do explicitly tell you.
30- Once you Forage a Fiber tile, is that tile still considered a Forageable, or does it become only a Material (hammer icon) at that point?
It is considered a Forageable tile when facedown, but once flipped it is only a material. The same could be said of Stone tiles which are foraged.
Item vs item:
11- I noticed some cards mention a lowercase "item" while others mention a capitalized "Item". Is there relevance, or just a oversight? (Villager: Caroline/Linus, Event: ???, etc)
Just typos from the first print. Common item just refers to the regular item deck.
12- Item: Miner's Treat, does the mining player gain the extra reward, or does the treating player gain it?
Wording seems to imply the mining player doubles up.
13- Item: Cherry/Mega/Bomb / Staircase/Oil of Garlic/Energy Tonic, Mine Event: Cave Carrot -- If these/other items or any resulting triggers cause a mine descent, what is the order of operations?
Bombs must be used all on the same map card, you choose all 3 triggers at once, with the staircase as the last one...
Think of how the bomb is used in game. It blows up a large chunk of the surrounding land / rocks all at the same time. Thus they all happen at once. You can absolutely choose identical tiles, such as if there's multiple staircases, mine events, etc., and just resolve things in whatever order you'd like, with stairs last.
Individual Card/Tile specifics:
14- Goal: Upgrade Starting Tools, is this under the same end note that Goal: Make Friends has where only total matters? Or does this one specifically require each player to do it at least twice?
Only the total matters.
15- Goal: Explore the Mine, is this completed on staircasing from 11 into 12, or must you staircase once within 12 to complete? (11 total descents seems odd vs 12 total)
"REACH" lv12, never have to interact with the lv12 mine beyond revealing it, so 11 total descents
16- Goal: Save Enough Gold: if this is the final goal (+ completed Bundles/cleared Joja Tiles), can you claim Victory at any point? Or must you endure to the final End of Season Card?
(for Artisan or the extra point-collecting, future seasons could bring up more Joja Tiles, and you may have only gold to offer, which may put you under the goal for the future? That is my idea for it not being forced to complete early. But for longer games, it might make sense to just claim an earlier Victory.)
Take the Victory if all other conditions of your difficulty are met! Might as well; can help for personal bests, saving player's time, and the like.
17- Winter: Festival of Ice, "ignore and redraw Trash or Treasure tiles", are these discarded entirely or placed back into the bag?
Rules: Fishing tiles are never returned to the Fishing Bag, except for Legendary Fish discarded via Fish Track movement.
18A- Fall: Double Crow (Green>Red), ex. if you had a Bok Choy on plot2 and an Eggplant on plot3, via order of Season icons, can you claim the the Eggplant eaten by Green, leaving Red with no snack?
18B- Item: Rarecrow, does this cancel both crows? This seems like the only instance where the plural "crows" would ever even matter
18C- Epic Item: Deluxe Scarecrow: Does this water crops twice?
"Yes to all! The order of the icons on season cards is important..." Valid example in A, both crows cancelled in B, double watering in C
19- Villager: Shane, on Gift, if you have the coop, but already have both chickens, does nothing happen at all, or does "otherwise gain 1 Egg" activate?
If you already own both chickens, you can instead get an egg
20A- Villager: Robin/Jas, on Gift, is this an immediate free action only? Or are they permanent effects for the remainder of the game
20B- Robin states "you may", while Jas states "any player may", Is Jas' Gift single target (user chooses player) or multi target (user claims use, all players use as able/desired)?
Confirmed by Cole elsewhere: When Jas’ ability is triggered, a single player is allowed to donate a single Artifact/Mineral to the Museum and may ignore its printed Letter for placement, effectively making it “?”/“Wild”. This happens immediately like Robin’s and does not cost an action.
21- Joja: Small Business Tax/Cost Increase, are these single-action fees, or per individual use within each action? Wording seems to imply Tax is once only, Cost is per animal?
Correct, you can open as many geodes as you'd like by paying 3 gold just once, but EACH animal is 3 extra gold.
22- Event: Giant Crops, does an upgraded Hoe affect the result of this card, for either filled or unfilled plots?
Much like how the upgraded watering can doesn't effect events or things that would trigger crop movement, the Hoe is only usable when buying and planting seeds.
23- Event: Livin' Off the Land, you match current season, having no effect in Winter, correct? (This is the only instance of the text "seasonal" in the entire game that I personally noticed)
Correct, you need to plant crops to match the season you're in, much like the video game operates
24- Item: Scarecrow, if a Green Crow appears, can you claim plot2 gets eaten which is ignored? Or does this essentially force plot1 to always be eaten?
If you have a crop in field 1, it would be eaten since the Scarecrow only protects 2-5.
25- Item: Magic Rock Candy, says "once", if you can choose between two End of Turn Effects this turn (ex. excessive hearts, 2 Joja, 2 Pets), does this mean 1 Joja (or Pet) would not be completed that turn?
I am assuming that it probably does mean "only once, as opposed to as many times as able via normal rules"
26A- Item: Joja Cola/Warp Totem, Epic Item Horse, do Moves taken with these items allow a Forage (only once via Horse?) as per the standard Rule: Movement Allows Foraging?
Was brought up on the Leth livestream with the devs, you do forage once taking these Item moves.
26B- Epic Item: Minecart, do above movements translate into the Minecart's Move? (I am aware it would be a poor decision for the Horse and Totem at least)
The Minecart outright removes the option to forage. Though It is a "may" ability, so you dont have to make any granted move by the Minecart.
27A- Epic Item: Mermaid's Pendant, what happens if a friendless player gains the item? Does it remain unattached until they gain a valid friend or they give the item to a player that can use it?
27B- rules state to move the Spouse "...during the Planning Phase...", so is there no true benefit until the start of the next turn no matter what?
The Pendant can remain unattached. Rules state "You may attach it", despite the card seeming in my mind like it had to be attached immediately. Once given to another player, which is during Planning Phase, they may then get the spouse pawn/action for that turn and onwards.
28- Omni Geode: When opening, a heart roll shows both Artifact and Mineral icons. Exactly how should this be interpreted? Claim one aloud then draw that specified side? Draw one, look at both sides, then choose either side? Both in order; drawing a Mineral first then an Artifact, taking both similarly to a double Mine space?
The way to do this Omni Result is from left to right, first take a Mineral then an Artifact. For clarity it's good to announce this when drawing.
That is it. So far at least... Again I apologize for this gigantic wall. And one final note for transparency: I do not own a copy, yet. This has been through watching others, playing online through various sources/friends, and the like. Despite how hard this game leans HEAVILY into luck, I still found an amazing charm to this iteration of Stardew that has left me wanting, haha. To all who venture here and officially clarify any bits and pieces, thank you in advance~ And I truly hope this helps others beyond just me. Lemme know if this somehow helps others out there~
This list grew more and more and...
I tried to organize this in some moderately readable way (?). Related cards and other passing thoughts are dimmed like this.
Answers confirmed or deemed satisfactory
Yes, you can catch crab pot fish even without catching anything else, which also prevents you from discarding trash. This was answered by Cole in another thread...
2B- Would chests or trash be a valid choice for the above instances?
Catch, gain, take, it's all the same thing for the purposes of the rules.
Yes, the treasure chest card would still be activated. There are not many chests to begin with anyway, so not too overpowered
Listed locations are what matters. As long as you arent on the Joja Tile preventing fishing entirely, other location's fish via bobbers are fine.
The way the treasure chests should work is that they are only claimed when a fish immediately to the left of them is caught. Two adjacent chests would not be caught together, according to the rules as written. Although claiming both items in this instance is not game breaking if you like to play it that way.
Watering Crops:
A player currently taking a related watering action/effect is using any upgraded Watering Can. how does this interact with the following?
You CAN stack crops if you need to due to the Joja Water Shortage tile, you just can't stack them when PLANTING unless you have the Hoe.
5C- Item: Rain Totem, Epic Item: Deluxe Scarecrow (water all crops)
Season Card Rain Icon specifically states "all planted crops 1 space"
The player themselves are not causing the watering, so they only shift one space as per usual.
Supply & Availability:
some things say "from supply" -- This looks at the tile tray
some things say "available X" -- This looks at the current Mine level's options
some things say "any" -- This is literally any in the game, still component limited
rules state: "Gold and Heart tokens are not limited by components" Stone is also considered not limited, see below
You only can take crops and animal resources at their normal level, not quality.
exB - 3 player game, they collectively mined 3 stone (from Supply) and also foraged 1 stone in prior turns. Current player mines 2 stone, what is the result?
Further clarification was made by Cole: ONLY Stone should be considered unlimited from Supply, alongside Gold/Hearts. http://forums.stardewvalley.net/threads/6448/post-39534
A: Whatever remains in supply, so 4 total entirely -- B: You get ALL stone, kept track as needed, so resulting 6 in this example.
Supply discards return to the Supply, the rest is just "the discard". Do what is best for you for post-game cleanup~ Rules pg15: You may place resources onto a Bundle even if you don’t have enough to complete it. Once its requirement has been met, clear away the resources (return them to the supply or discard) and remove the Bundle Card from the board.
When a card says, discard X to do Y, that discard cannot trigger multiple effects on other cards or abilities, only the single effect for the original ability.
rules state: "Trees work the same as Forageables, but are not considered Forageables"
You cannot choose to pick up a tree/wood if a card calls for you to "gain a foragable." The ones that do explicitly tell you.
It is considered a Forageable tile when facedown, but once flipped it is only a material. The same could be said of Stone tiles which are foraged.
Item vs item:
Just typos from the first print. Common item just refers to the regular item deck.
Wording seems to imply the mining player doubles up.
Bombs must be used all on the same map card, you choose all 3 triggers at once, with the staircase as the last one...
Think of how the bomb is used in game. It blows up a large chunk of the surrounding land / rocks all at the same time. Thus they all happen at once. You can absolutely choose identical tiles, such as if there's multiple staircases, mine events, etc., and just resolve things in whatever order you'd like, with stairs last.
Individual Card/Tile specifics:
Only the total matters.
"REACH" lv12, never have to interact with the lv12 mine beyond revealing it, so 11 total descents
Take the Victory if all other conditions of your difficulty are met! Might as well; can help for personal bests, saving player's time, and the like.
Rules: Fishing tiles are never returned to the Fishing Bag, except for Legendary Fish discarded via Fish Track movement.
18B- Item: Rarecrow, does this cancel both crows? This seems like the only instance where the plural "crows" would ever even matter
18C- Epic Item: Deluxe Scarecrow: Does this water crops twice?
"Yes to all! The order of the icons on season cards is important..." Valid example in A, both crows cancelled in B, double watering in C
If you already own both chickens, you can instead get an egg
20B- Robin states "you may", while Jas states "any player may", Is Jas' Gift single target (user chooses player) or multi target (user claims use, all players use as able/desired)?
Confirmed by Cole elsewhere: When Jas’ ability is triggered, a single player is allowed to donate a single Artifact/Mineral to the Museum and may ignore its printed Letter for placement, effectively making it “?”/“Wild”. This happens immediately like Robin’s and does not cost an action.
Correct, you can open as many geodes as you'd like by paying 3 gold just once, but EACH animal is 3 extra gold.
Much like how the upgraded watering can doesn't effect events or things that would trigger crop movement, the Hoe is only usable when buying and planting seeds.
Correct, you need to plant crops to match the season you're in, much like the video game operates
If you have a crop in field 1, it would be eaten since the Scarecrow only protects 2-5.
I am assuming that it probably does mean "only once, as opposed to as many times as able via normal rules"
Was brought up on the Leth livestream with the devs, you do forage once taking these Item moves.
The Minecart outright removes the option to forage. Though It is a "may" ability, so you dont have to make any granted move by the Minecart.
27B- rules state to move the Spouse "...during the Planning Phase...", so is there no true benefit until the start of the next turn no matter what?
The Pendant can remain unattached. Rules state "You may attach it", despite the card seeming in my mind like it had to be attached immediately. Once given to another player, which is during Planning Phase, they may then get the spouse pawn/action for that turn and onwards.
The way to do this Omni Result is from left to right, first take a Mineral then an Artifact. For clarity it's good to announce this when drawing.
That is it. So far at least... Again I apologize for this gigantic wall. And one final note for transparency: I do not own a copy, yet. This has been through watching others, playing online through various sources/friends, and the like. Despite how hard this game leans HEAVILY into luck, I still found an amazing charm to this iteration of Stardew that has left me wanting, haha. To all who venture here and officially clarify any bits and pieces, thank you in advance~ And I truly hope this helps others beyond just me. Lemme know if this somehow helps others out there~
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