Favorite video game


GTA San Andreas for the sheer level of freedom. It's quite difficult to even think of something you can't do in that game (well yes you can't farm but you can drive a combine harvester!). The story is quite well written, lots of funny dialogue and the gameplay is incredibly crisp. I enjoy it quite a lot.


Portal/Portal 2 will always be my top games, I am totally in love with those games, the story, the music, the dialogue and everything about them.

ALl I want is more story in the Half Life universe to build upon the story of Aperture Labs.


Xenoblade Chronicles, without a doubt. I will never stop yelling about how amazing that game is and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is a fan of JRPG's. Even if you can't play it yourself I would recommend watching a Let's Play of it, specifically Chuggaaconroy has a great LP of it. The story, characters, music, setting, gameplay... basically everything about it makes me love it so much.


Portal/Portal 2 will always be my top games, I am totally in love with those games, the story, the music, the dialogue and everything about them.
Portal and Portal 2 are extremely high up on my list as well. Love the writing and style of black humour.

"Please note that we have added a consequence for failure. Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an 'unsatisfactory' mark on your official testing record followed by death. Good luck!"

"Very impressive. Please note that any appearance of danger is merely a device to enhance your testing experience."

And from Portal 2, this gem:

"These bridges are made from natural light that I pump in from the surface. If you rubbed your cheek on one, it would be like standing outside with the sun shining on your face. It would also set your hair on fire, so don't actually do it."

Love it.
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I like playing different games, starting from single-player games like Skyrim, Dragon Age, Elden Ring, Dark Souls, ending with multiple online games like Wow, New World, Heroes Of The Storm, Dota, and Counter-Strike. Last month I played CS: GO a lot because of the new patch and operation where you can win new gloves skins so you can sell them later for the real money at online services but remember to hide your operations because Valve doesn't welcome when someone is selling the item for the real money.
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Lew Zealand

My favorite game needs to be something I can play almost anywhere, anywhen without using my brain. Or at least without the squishy gray-matter part of it.

A cerebellum-only game that I can almost play with my eyes closed. No planning other than a few seconds in the future, no forgotten Fishing Rods back in the chest, no Creeper explosions stealing 33 levels, no failed series of jumps so I'm back to the previous campsite, no 10 minute cutscenes when I just wanna go to bed!

Rocket League. 7 minutes in and out if needed, plays OK on an 8 year old laptop, no lost progress, turn it off if you're salty about your teammates somehow managing to be worse than you. I think RL is the only game I've seen someone play (on YT) and said that is @&%$ awesome, I'm getting it and will make my computer able to play it no matter what.

However when brain is in a more competent mood: Stardew Valley ofc, AC: Odyssey, Horizon ZD, Minecraft, any Tomb Raider (curr. Shadow), Raft


Other than the obvious, my favourites would have to be the old Wii and N64 games, like MarioKart and Wii Resort. They're only really fun if you play them with a friend though.
For single player, I just play SDV. And multi-player, I have quite a few farms on year two or something on multiplayer because we always have so much fun starting them up.


Games loved because of memories: FF7, Monkey Ball, Kingdom Hearts, Mario Kart
Favorites: SDV, BOTW
Guilty secret game: Zumba on the Xbox Kinect
(please don't give me that look)
Hated these games because the were so freekin hard for me when I was just tiny game player-
Lion King and Donkey Kong country the one on Nintendo 64.
I've since decided if I'm getting mad playing a game then it's just not worth it.