Please Read Dedicated typo and translation error thread

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Platform: PC
Language: German
Version: 1.5.1

When you have to repair the ship it asks for 5 "Iridiumstäbe" even though it should be "Iridiumbarren". Plus it all of the 3 quest ask for for it in past tense "konnte" instead of "könnte".

The new quest Robins project where she wants 80 hardwood for a new bed it says "einen neue Bett" correctly it should be "ein neues Bett".
The new quest...harvest order? from major Lewis where he wants 100 blueberries says "Bestellnug" but should be "Bestellung", then it says "Blaubeere" which is singular even though it should be plural "Blaubeeren".


Platform: PC
Language: German
Version: 1.5.1

Special Orders Pam Quest to bring her potatoe juice. I don't know if UI is just clipped or the translation is utterly wrong because you aren't supposed to gather "potatoes" , you have to craft "potato juice"



Platform: PC
Language: German
Version: 1.5.1

"tage" should be "Tage". "innen" is also a little weird, "drinnen" may be clearer, as its the clearer opposite to "draußen" (outside, outdoors, in relation to a place). Innen-außen is rather used to describe where on an object something is I think.


"es" instead of "hes" (which isn't a word)


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Platform: PC
Language: Italian
Version: 1.5.1

Rice shoot has been translated to "spara di riso".
"spara" is the translation of "shoot" in the sense of the verb "to shoot (a gun)", and in Italian it sounds something like "it shoots rice".
A proper translation would be "Germoglio di riso", for instance.


Platform: PC
Language: German
Version: 1.5.1

- I caught two three translation errors in the new special quests:
> Pam orders 12 potato juices which are translated as 12 "Kartoffeln" (potatoes) instead of "Kartoffelsäfte".
> Robin orders 1000 stone which are only shown as Ressource:text in the quest description(left quest on the picture).
In the quest on the right side of the picture (also Robin), it should be "für ein neues Bett" instead of "für einen neue Bett".

View attachment 2644

> This special order from Lewis is very confusing and it wasn't clear what to do from only reading this. It says "Jeder der bis zum Ende der Saison 100 Blaubeere an uns liefert,..." roughly translating to "everyone that delivers 100 blueberrys to us", which is wrong, because you're only supposed to send them away in the shipping bin. Also "Blaubeere" is wrong as it should be in plural - Blaubeeren. It should be more along the lines of "Jeder, der bis zum Ende der Saison 100 Blaubeeren verschickt,.." (therefore the second mission should be "Verschicke 100 Blaubeeren" instead of "Liefere 100 Blaubeere" too).

special quest bug lewis.png

- In every new cutscene with Willy that I saw, he says both the male and female version of gendered sentences to the character (in the same text box).

Willy bug.png

- Many times I was referred to as "er" (he/him) instead of "sie" (she/her) while playing a female character when I achieved goals for the adventurer's guild.

- There is a typo right when you open a coop farm (the text in the middle) - It should be Verbindung instead of Vebindung

sdv text tippfehler multiplayer.png

- In the seventh diary entry that you can now find, some gems and some traits listed aren't translated right.
> Topaz should be Topas in german.
> Emerald isn't translated at all as it should be Smaragd and its' trait should be Geschwindigkeit instead of Schnelligkeit, since it's Geschwindigkeit when in the description of the weapon it's used on.
> Ruby should be Rubin in german.
> Prismatischer Splitter should be Prismatische Scherbe.

sdv diary translation mistake.png

- I noticed translation errors in the farm customization screen.
> The beach farm wasn't translated to german at all

Farm name.png

> The four corners farm was translated in a weird way as in german the word "farm" is switched to "Hof" in every other farm type.

Farm name 2.png

Edit: I edited this because I found some more errors.
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"Ostrich Egg" is translated to "Strucctojás Egg", should be just "Strucctojás" (the translator forgot to delete the word "Egg")


Platform: PC
Language: German

In der deutschen Info für die Kaffebohne fehlt der Frühling.

Plant in spring or summer to grow a coffee plant. Place five beans in a keg to make coffee.

Pflanze sie im Sommer, um eine Kaffeeplanze wachsen zu lassen. Lege fünf Bohnen in ein Fass, um Kaffee zu machen.
Platform: PC
Language: English
Version: 1.5.1

I'm not sure if it counts here given that's a technical formatting error, but when you buy the furniture portrait 'Tropical Fish #173', at the Night Market place (Winter 16, 3rd year), the usual dialogue box (You bought 'Tropical Fish #173') shows up, but it cuts to a new dialogue box with only 173 on it. I'm guessing the scripting uses # to signify 'Continue on new dialogue box', so this means the name of this piece of furniture should have the # symbol escaped or, barring that, have the name changed. I'm not sure the name of the item is ever used anywhere else in dialogue but I would guess it would repeat there too.


Screenshot (26).png

- Platform you're playing on: PC
- Language you're playing in: German
- Version number : 1.5.1

Ressource:Text shoud be "Holz"


Platform: PC (Steam)
language: hungarian
Version: 1.5.1 word
The translation of the ostrich egg is messed up. It should be "Strucctojás" but the "egg" word isn't removed, so it's translated at "Strucctojás Egg"

Wang Tang

- Platform: PC (Steam)
- Language: German
- Version: 1.5.1

Errors in red, bold, corrections in green, bold:

Missing translation:
  • Linus' speech bubble at the mountain lake: The water's never been cleaner. -> Das Wasser sah noch nie sauberer aus.
  • Linus' speech bubble at the mountain lake: ...And the same goes for me! Hehehe. -> ...Und das gleiche gilt für mich. Hehehe.
  • Farm analysis using the computer, last line not translated: Farm Cave Ready: Nein -> Höhle bereit: Nein / Höhlenfarm bereit: Nein
  • In the desert at the lady with the camel, you can buy "Teleport Totem: Desert", description text partly not translated: Consumed on use -> Wird bei Benutzung verbraucht.
  • In the desert at the lady with the camel, you can buy "Teleport Totem: Desert (Rezept)", description text partly not translated: Consumed on use ->Wird bei Benutzung verbraucht.
  • Everywhere: "Teleport Totem: Desert" -> "Teleport Totem: Wüste"

  • In the desert at the lady with the camel, you can buy "Butterfly Hutch", German "Schmertterlingsstall" -> "Schmetterlingsstall"
  • Quest, Gus' famous omelett: "Sammle Sie 24 Eier." -> "Sammle 24 Eier."
  • After buying a rabbit when you select a coop: "Wähle einen Hühnerstall für die neue Hase" -> "Wähle einen Hühnerstall für den neuen Hasen"
  • Trying to put a lingcod (Lengdorsch) into an already transformed fish pool (example: pufferfish/Kugelfisch): "Dein lengdorsch will nicht in einem Kugelfisch Teich leben." -> "Dein Lengdorsch will nicht in einem Kugelfisch Teich leben."
  • Fish quest: "Könntest du, wenn es dir nichts ausmacht einige Gelee bringen?" -> "Könntest du, wenn es dir nichts ausmacht, ein Glas Gelee bringen?"
    • If the amount of requested jelly (Gelee) can be variable, instead use "Könntest du, wenn es dir nichts ausmacht, etwas Gelee bringen?"
  • On completion of that quest: "Hey! Dieser Gelee sieht ziemlich gut aus!" -> "Hey! Dieses Gelee sieht ziemlich gut aus!" (as lizardiam noted, "Dieser" is okay)
  • Repairing the old boat: All three repair options have the same error, "konnte" -> "könnte"
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- PC (steam)
- Simplified Chinese(简体中文)
- 1.5.1

file location: Stardew Valley\Content\Strings\Locations.zh-CN.xnb

Some parrot's hints of golden walnuts locations are incorrect.
Incorrect translation(West is translated to East, Hidden is translated to Buried):
line 355: "NutHint_WestBuried": "还有 {0} 个埋在东边……",
line 358: "NutHint_NorthHidden": "还有 {0} 个埋在北边……",

Correct translation:
line 355: "NutHint_WestBuried": "还有 {0} 个埋在西边……",
line 358: "NutHint_NorthHidden": "还有 {0} 个藏在北边……",

Wang Tang

- Platform: PC (Steam)
- Language: German
- Version: 1.5.1

In the game, sometimes "Du" is used, sometimes "du". "Du" with a capital "D" should only be used when directly addressing someone in writing (so not for transcribed speech) and even this use is becoming outdated rather quickly. Using "du" everywhere would be the consistent change.
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PC (Steam)

[game] Failed parsing dialogue string for Abigail:
$y Думаешь, я слишком взрослая, чтобы яйца искать?_Да_Хм-м... да ты прямо как мо
я мама!$a_Нет_Ага, и мне так кажется. Зачем останавливаться, если мне весело?'
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Длина не может быть меньше нуля.
Имя параметра: length
в System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
в StardewValley.Dialogue.parseDialogueString(String masterString) в C:\Gitlab
рока 481


PC (Mac via Steam)
Language: English

Delivery quest:

I'm in the market for a delicious Cranberries. I'll pay you when you bring it.

Bring Jodi Cranberries
The game has Cranberries which it treats as singular but is grammatically plural. It would be more grammatical to say 'some delicious Cranberries', and 'bring them'. If the phrase is supposed to work for all fruit and veg then maybe Cranberries need to be removed as an option.
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