
My game also brought up the error message and crashed twice. Only on artifact trove as I got through the omni geodes first with no problem. The crash happens right when you click the item onto the anvil :(
Just jumping in to say it happens to me too. I was stuck on Fall 4 and no matter if I did a few things before try to open an artifact trove or went straight to Clint’s it always crashes. I even tried sleeping and going to Fall 5 and same thing happens. Hoping for a quick fix!


Also having the game crash during the Artifact Trove opening. I've crushed every other type of geode I have and Golden Coconuts but they aren't crashing at all. Switch version for me.
Made an account just to say this is an issue in my switch game too. Game has crashed three times since I have updated this morning. Whenever I see Clint and try to open an Artifact Trove, game crashes out. I also noticed this issue within the Adventurer Guild (see image below). I don’t think this is supposed to happen either lol. Hope this is fixed soon.


@FrogInAJar @Mango-25 @mzbrink @JuliaStar @GreyOfLight @loosinder @Lizplaysgames @Frederique @lucanconducts @rosiemann @XenonXyrxys @OsirisTheFeared @Guezou @larsmaur @Patate @krombop26 @libbysandi @Cissilas @NamelessLyctor @calheli @tears_of_satan @ijbrewsky @serenity4596 @distantdreamer29 @lydiajbry @Mindnight_Queen @7liu7 @shamWOWSER64 @AstralPhysician @sneakykiki @WitherinRoseYT @Claudie125 @joanneplans @meowster79

Hey everyone, thanks again for reporting the issue! I've been informed by the porting team that they've identified the issue, and have figured out a fix. I can't currently share anything about when the next patch will release, but this problem will be fixed as soon as it does. Hopefully, it will be a quick review process by Nintendo.

Thanks for the patience everyone, and I'm sorry that these bugs have arisen.