
Just updated to and have two bugs so far

1. String of code instead of counts for the monster slayer quest (incomplete)

2. Crash when opening artifact troves at Clints shop (happened twice in a row with nearly the same string of events during the day).
Crash details "software encountered an error and was forced to close"
Single player
Y7 spring 25
2x speed 1x luck food and drink boosts
Luck ring
Bat luck day

Thanks for fixing what you do.


I am also having the same issue with the artifact troves at Clint's. I just updated to and I'm playing single player on the Nintendo Switch OLED Model. I was able to recreate the bug twice and each time the only error test is just "An error has occurred". I have no rain or weather effects, although I had the train passing through. But the game is perfectly functional until clint swings his hammer and it immediately breaks. Hope this helps


Playing on the switch:
So far we have found that we cannot play online or local co-op on my husbands newer game that was started recently (within the last 2ish weeks). We can only play split screen. Local play and online play will not load for multiplayer. His game loads fine for him when playing solo. However, my game that I have had for years loaded fine on local play and online play. It did end up crashing later in the game play though.

We also noticed code in the Dialog boxes for the following:
1) Putting in one coffee bean into the keg (instead of 5)
2) The monster board in the adventures guild
3) One of our characters got married after the latest patch and now there is code in the dialog for the wedding ceremony.

So far one other major glitch we noticed was when I went to go jump on my horse in the secret forest, near the entrance. The glitch moved me to the very far edge of the inside the woods, near the little pond. It was very odd.


Playing on the switch:
So far we have found that we cannot play online or local co-op on my husbands newer game that was started recently (within the last 2ish weeks). We can only play split screen. Local play and online play will not load for multiplayer. His game loads fine for him when playing solo. However, my game that I have had for years loaded fine on local play and online play. It did end up crashing later in the game play though.

We also noticed code in the Dialog boxes for the following:
1) Putting in one coffee bean into the keg (instead of 5)
2) The monster board in the adventures guild
3) One of our characters got married after the latest patch and now there is code in the dialog for the wedding ceremony.

So far one other major glitch we noticed was when I went to go jump on my horse in the secret forest, near the entrance. The glitch moved me to the very far edge of the inside the woods, near the little pond. It was very odd.
I got the marriage text bug too


Just updated to and have two bugs so far

1. String of code instead of counts for the monster slayer quest (incomplete)

2. Crash when opening artifact troves at Clints shop (happened twice in a row with nearly the same string of events during the day).
Crash details "software encountered an error and was forced to close"
Yep, just came here to report number 1. I just did the update on my switch today before playing. Good to know about the second one though! I’ll be careful with that for a bit.


evergreen oak

Hey Google, how do I treat a permanent facial disfigurement caused by the excessive amount of times my palm has made contact with my face since November 2024? I'm, uhh, asking for a friend... lmao