

I just read the latest 1.6.9 patch notes for the beta and work boots and all exclusive remixed mines loot have been added as buyables from the adventure’s guild!

No need to fish anymore :grin:
If you were near my locale, i would absolutely treat you to food or drinks, for the good news you're bringing!

Although i already abandoned my main save and need little time to reach the same setting with my new one... This is like, the best sight for sore eyes, piled upon years (months?) of adventuring mishaps!

Finally, no more wailing over, TRASHING the work-boots :/ :S :'(

P.S. Aren't WorkBoots and Legendary FishPonds, displayed in the patch notes? Where are they officially presented and explained?
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Lew Zealand


Of course this is great for completionists and those who value fashion uber alles, however...

Buying them with just a simple tap or mouse click would be soooo.... anticlimactic. I mean, not even a little minigame for them like the crane game in the movie theater or get to level 2 of JotPK or similar? Just: Here ya go, sell 2 bottles of wine and you get some Work Boots. Used to be a long chain of undercover operatives needed to smuggle them from the other side of the Gotoro Empire, taking years to source and ferret a pair good enough for the Valley. But now we got a supplier 2 towns over who's producing them en masse.

I think I have a Work Boots hangover, I can't imagine what @sameperson_differentfont is feeling.
I get another fishing chest, opening it, hopeless... just another ancient doll. I save my game once again- dismayed. I look up from the switch and click onto the forums, looking for some joy in these dark times.


Why are so many people pinging me on a... work boots update?? My eyes scan over the post and my mouth opens in shock.

After all this time... my pleas have been heard...

Praise be upon Concerned Ape!!!!!!
HURRAH HURRAH!!!!!!!!!!!

Lew Zealand

Seriously though can someone screenshot where it mentions this in the patch notes???
I believe you can only access the current patch notes if you opt-in to playing the 1.6.9 beta. You can still do this I think but you will not be able to open those saves in 1.6.8 again after they're updated to v1.6.9. So it may be better to wait the 10 8! days and do other fun things in game just to keep things simple.
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Wow! As I was revisiting Stardew again and struggling over some weapons' RNG in my new save, can't wait for all that to come to the Switch!
At the moment, I have been exploiting the seed swap glitch to get Work Boots and other items from the remixed rewards, but having a more official way to complete collections like that is pretty cool!

Here's to hoping we may not need to divorce Penny three times to get all her items in the future, the poor girl.
I am beyond ecstatic y'all!!!!!
I can't wait for November 4th! :boot:
Oh my, that signature haha - if it isn't the truth though.

I was non-stop fishing for months continuously for the Work Boot around COVID time, and I've gotten through so much stages:
1. Went into this thinking what else can be worse than the Living Hat (... soon to realize, this)
2. A bit concerned but hopeful, resolute because low probability means there will always be a chance
3. Desperately digging through the source code to make sure the wiki number is correct (It is, I miscalculated initially which caused even more skepticism, but I corrected myself later)
3.5 Desperately checking if there's any bugs in the RNG (I couldn't figure it out if there were any)
4. Creating an Excel sheet detailing which items I fished up and see if the empirical probability matched with the theoretical probability (it did close enough unfortunately... so have a reasonable belief that there shouldn't be any bugs)
5. Give up on all reasons and methodologies and just keep fishing, because any time wasted NOT fishing, is any time away from Work Boots
5.5 Getting triggered everytime I fished up a Boot, but it's never the Work Boot (This was all the boots I fished up before I called quits)
Rubber Boots
Leather Boots
Work Boots
Combat Boots
Tundra Boots
Thermal Boots
Dark Boots
Firewalker Boots
Genie Boots
6. Have to finally admit defeat and just have to move on to better things - to this day I cannot confirm if it is actually possible, I know it theoretically is...

I think even if one realizes how low the 0.008% probability is, it is still being underestimated because we are not factoring how much time it takes to get one try at that probability. I'm sooooo glad those days are over lol.


Local Legend

Of course this is great for completionists and those who value fashion uber alles, however...

Buying them with just a simple tap or mouse click would be soooo.... anticlimactic. I mean, not even a little minigame for them like the crane game in the movie theater or get to level 2 of JotPK or similar? Just: Here ya go, sell 2 bottles of wine and you get some Work Boots. Used to be a long chain of undercover operatives needed to smuggle them from the other side of the Gotoro Empire, taking years to source and ferret a pair good enough for the Valley. But now we got a supplier 2 towns over who's producing them en masse.

I think I have a Work Boots hangover, I can't imagine what @sameperson_differentfont is feeling.
While i had the same thoughts (well, most of them anyways) shortly after I posted, I came to the conclusion that this move is removing some unnecessary stress for players. Players who are actually grind completionists will always have something else that they will want to get, like a fish tank full of Legends for example. While we will look back fondly on the struggle that was once work boots, for newer players tryin to get all the shoes, that will simply be a stress that they will never have to endure.
While i had the same thoughts (well, most of them anyways) shortly after I posted, I came to the conclusion that this move is removing some unnecessary stress for players. Players who are actually grind completionists will always have something else that they will want to get, like a fish tank full of Legends for example. While we will look back fondly on the struggle that was once work boots, for newer players tryin to get all the shoes, that will simply be a stress that they will never have to endure.
Agree with this sentiment wholeheartedly - status quo should not impede progress. Pro-farming life should not equate anti-progress :P I used to see someone who did Iridium Quality (perfect catch) The Legend back in the day, and then 1.5 introduced the Quality Bobber. That does not at all take away the pride, the memories, the cherished time to get those difficult items, and should players want to stick to the "harder process", they still have that choice. The means is much more important than the end. But, not everyone is fond of those particular means, and having more accessible / different ways for players to enjoy the same valley is always a bonus.

And hey, I don't think it's at all anti-climatic! It's about time us millionaires, heck, billionaires dare splurge in the luxury of a pristine Work Boots from a shop rather than some soggy ones at the bottom of some riverbeds. I'm glad to see there's some progress made in the valley to allow for access to items like possibly imported Work Boots from Zuzu City or something after almost a decade of farming. That it takes almost a decade for a millionaire like sameperson_differentfont to finally secure a pair of Work Boots, no matter the process, speaks to the climax of this journey - no matter how misguided or unfounded the process was. And... the story told here is already legendary as we can clearly see from the posts!


Local Legend
If you were near my locale, i would absolutely treat you to food or drinks, for the good news you're bringing!
Haha thanks
Of course this is great for completionists and those who value fashion uber alles, however...

Buying them with just a simple tap or mouse click would be soooo.... anticlimactic. I mean, not even a little minigame for them like the crane game in the movie theater or get to level 2 of JotPK or similar? Just: Here ya go, sell 2 bottles of wine and you get some Work Boots. Used to be a long chain of undercover operatives needed to smuggle them from the other side of the Gotoro Empire, taking years to source and ferret a pair good enough for the Valley. But now we got a supplier 2 towns over who's producing them en masse.
Oh absolutely, though I presume some part of it is the time constraint. There are probably a million other things that need to be done in the next week pertaining to the update and a little qol feature for collectors probably doesn't rank super high on that list
While i had the same thoughts (well, most of them anyways) shortly after I posted, I came to the conclusion that this move is removing some unnecessary stress for players. Players who are actually grind completionists will always have something else that they will want to get, like a fish tank full of Legends for example. While we will look back fondly on the struggle that was once work boots, for newer players tryin to get all the shoes, that will simply be a stress that they will never have to endure.
Yeah pretty much, and in the case of work boots it's kind of just unluckiness that they're as rare as they are. They were pretty much just meant to be a one off loot like any other remixed reward but then got added to a fishing loot pool that made them unnecessarily rare when they really shouldn't have even been contained within the context of a rare collectable