Due to a recent post from Lew Zealand i want to show you the machine shop #3! aka the cindersap forest!

Wow. That's a lot. Impressive job with all the crystal flooring, too (nice choice, btw). How long does it take to gather all those?

Watch out when the 1.6 update comes to your device! I've had a lot of foragbles spaen atop the pathing I've put down. I don't know what it would do if there was a machine there!

Lew Zealand

Spring rain is always wonderfully pleasant until it overstays its welcome, Leah muses as she tosses the covers aside, listening for the pitter-pats on her cottage roof. It was always frustrating to be cooped up inside so soon after the doldrums of Winter, why can't the rain wait until Summer? Finally hearing none for the first time in a few days, Leah decides to end her exile from outdoor living and have a rummage through the forest for a fresh, if damp breakfast. Subconsciously she ignores the purplish blue colors partially penetrating her linen window coverings as she approaches the door, unlocks and opens it.

Someone stole my riverfront view.

And replaced it with an ugly blue hedgerow with diamonds floating above, further destroying the view. Well at least it's not pizzas, could you imagine the smell! Looking right and left Leah finds herself embedded in a giant maze of these machines as she wanders around the side of her house. She kicks the 2 machines shoved right up against her house in annoyance, dislodging a diamond from each. Oh I'm keeping these, Leah thinks, though it doesn't make her feel any better about what's become of her forest. Turning around, Leah sees some of the river and breathes a small sigh of relief, followed by a realization.

"You stole my breakfast!" Echoes Leah's voice through the various slot canyons between the machines.

"Did not!," answers the machines from not terribly far away.

"Great, they talk now—," Leah mumbles but then notices the machines' voice sounds a lot like... "Haley!"

"Leah is that you?" Haley calls.

"I'm by my house, where are you?"

"I see the fence, I'll be there in a bit!" Haley answers. She'd been fiddling with her camera settings while walking to Cindersap on autopilot and bonked up against a very unexpected solid blue object. Initially thinking it was Shane, she started apologizing as she looked up to find Shane had somehow gotten bigger with a diamond stuck on his face. She giggled, it's not Shane but in her mind she was thinking of that painting with the green apple in front of a guy in a hat. But instead a Diamond.

She'd been standing at the town exit holding her now-useless camera, wondering where the forest had gone and grumbling about that weirdo Wizard practicing his hedge maze designs when Leah's accusation rang out from the depths of their new urban dystopia.

Leah and Haley did not often cross paths and were never the best of friends but sometimes a common focus can bridge formerly impassable gaps.

As Haley approaches Leah, she declares, "This sucks."

Not a word I usually use, but Leah agrees. "Yeah, this sucks."

"Oh now wait," Haley brightens a bit as she looks to the southwest along the river. "That little island still has a tree on it but bleh." She deflates. "Look at that horrible background on the far side. No amount of bokeh can fix that." A pause. "Stupid Wizard."

"I dunno," counters Leah a few seconds after processing Haley's accusation. "He's not really the outdoorsy type as I've never seen him outside while foraging. Like ever. All the action with him centers around finding new ways to keep his roof from collapsing and discovering new species of load-bearing ivy."

Haley snickers, "Heehee 'load bearing' you're funny!" I think this is the most I've ever talked to Leah, Haley ponders. She seems OK.

Haley and Leah hear a funny yelp from somewhere vaguely close-by in the maze and call out but there's no reply. Looking for it's source, they head in the general direction of town, mostly retracing Haley's steps as she wasn't paying much attention on her way in and as they reach the entrance, they spy Abigail running up with…

A weapon.

And an almost wild-eyed look on her face. "Girls!" Abigail yells as she approaches, panting and out of breath. "Girls...ladies," trying to catch her breath. "Whatever, you know what I mean." Catching her breath. "Don't go in there!"

"Uh Abigail, we were just in therrrree," Haley says in a tone of being obvious and maybe approaching derogatory.

Abigail mostly ignores Haley and moves between them and the former forest (making a face behind Haley's back causing Leah to try and fail to suppress a smirk), brandishing her sword towards the rows of metal machines, declaring, "Don't enter the deep dark dungeon without some protection!" She turns back to them, "You have no idea what kinds of werewolves and imps and bugbears are lurking about!"

Haley lights up,"Oh and Wizards!"

"You get it!" Abigail rounds on Haley now, almost getting her with the sword by mistake but swings it behind her back for relative safety. Abby's eyes are alight with excitement. "His secret Final Boss Lair resides at the far end of this Endless Maze of Woe which will challenge our very beings as we bulk up our stats on the way. I wonder what kind of loot drops we'll find!"

Leah is making some bad muscle poses at the "bulk up our stats" comment but Abigail misses it in her soliloquized focus on Haley. Haley keeps a mostly straight face and follows with, "I don't need any more bulk, dieting lets me eat all the Pink Cake I want. Well, some of it. I always want more..."

Abigail deflates a bit but is undeterred. "I'm going in." She says flatly. "There will be monsters. There will be fights. There will be victory. I would like to lead a party and Sam and Seb the losers are probably not even awake yet." Haley opens her mouth at 'party' but Abigail is way ahead of her.

"A party of 3 for dungeon crawling." Abigail walks to the dungeon entrance, pointing her sword into its deep, dark unknown. She turns her head back to Leah and Haley.

"Are you with me?"

Edit: Part 2
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Spring rain is always wonderfully pleasant until it overstays its welcome, Leah muses as she tosses the covers aside, listening for the pitter-pats on her cottage roof. It was always frustrating to be cooped up inside so soon after the doldrums of Winter, why can't the rain wait until Summer? Finally hearing none for the first time in a few days, Leah decides to end her exile from outdoor living and have a rummage through the forest for a fresh, if damp breakfast. Subconsciously she ignores the purplish blue colors partially penetrating her linen window coverings as she approaches the door, unlocks and opens it.

Someone stole my riverfront view.

And replaced it with an ugly blue hedgerow with diamonds floating above, further destroying the view. Well at least it's not pizzas, could you imagine the smell! Looking right and left Leah finds herself embedded in a giant maze of these machines as she wanders around the side of her house. She kicks the 2 machines shoved right up against her house in annoyance, dislodging a diamond from each. Oh I'm keeping these, Leah thinks, though it doesn't make her feel any better about what's become of her forest. Turning around, Leah sees some of the river and breathes a small sigh of relief, followed by a realization.

"You stole my breakfast!" Echoes Leah's voice through the various slot canyons between the machines.

"Did not!," answers the machines from not terribly far away.

"Great, they talk now—," Leah mumbles but then notices the machines' voice sounds a lot like... "Haley!"

"Leah is that you?" Haley calls.

"I'm by my house, where are you?"

"I see the fence, I'll be there in a bit!" Haley answers. She'd been fiddling with her camera settings while walking to Cindersap on autopilot and bonked up against a very unexpected solid blue object. Initially thinking it was Shane, she started apologizing as she looked up to find Shane had somehow gotten bigger with a diamond stuck on his face. She giggled, it's not Shane but in her mind she was thinking of that painting with the green apple in front of a guy in a hat. But instead a Diamond.

She'd been standing at the town exit holding her now-useless camera, wondering where the forest had gone and grumbling about that weirdo Wizard practicing his hedge maze designs when Leah's accusation rang out from the depths of their new urban dystopia.

Leah and Haley did not often cross paths and were never the best of friends but sometimes a common focus can bridge formerly impassable gaps.

As Haley approaches Leah, she declares, "This sucks."

Not a word I usually use, but Leah agrees. "Yeah, this sucks."

"Oh now wait," Haley brightens a bit as she looks to the southwest along the river. "That little island still has a tree on it but bleh." She deflates. "Look at that horrible background on the far side. No amount of bokeh can fix that." A pause. "Stupid Wizard."

"I dunno," counters Leah a few seconds after processing Haley's accusation. "He's not really the outdoorsy type as I've never seen him outside while foraging. Like ever. All the action with him centers around finding new ways to keep his roof from collapsing and discovering new species of load-bearing ivy."

Haley snickers, "Heehee 'load bearing' you're funny!" I think this is the most I've ever talked to Leah, Haley ponders. She seems OK.

Haley and Leah hear a funny yelp from somewhere vaguely close-by in the maze and call out but there's no reply. Looking for it's source, they head in the general direction of town, mostly retracing Haley's steps as she wasn't paying much attention on her way in and as they reach the entrance, they spy Abigail running up with…

A weapon.

And an almost wild-eyed look on her face. "Girls!" Abigail yells as she approaches, panting and out of breath. "Girls...ladies," trying to catch her breath. "Whatever, you know what I mean." Catching her breath. "Don't go in there!"

"Uh Abigail, we were just in therrrree," Haley says in a tone of being obvious and maybe approaching derogatory.

Abigail mostly ignores Haley and moves between them and the former forest (making a face behind Haley's back causing Leah to try and fail to suppress a smirk), brandishing her sword towards the rows of metal machines, declaring, "Don't enter the deep dark dungeon without some protection!" She turns back to them, "You have no idea what kinds of werewolves and imps and bugbears are lurking about!"

Haley lights up,"Oh and Wizards!"

"You get it!" Abigail rounds on Haley now, almost getting her with the sword by mistake but swings it behind her back for relative safety. Abby's eyes are alight with excitement. "His secret Final Boss Lair resides at the far end of this Endless Maze of Woe which will challenge our very beings as we bulk up our stats on the way. I wonder what kind of loot drops we'll find!"

Leah is making some bad muscle poses at the "bulk up our stats" comment but Abigail misses it in her soliloquized focus on Haley. Haley keeps a mostly straight face and follows with, "I don't need any more bulk, dieting lets me eat all the Pink Cake I want. Well, some of it. I always want more..."

Abigail deflates a bit but is undeterred. "I'm going in." She says flatly. "There will be monsters. There will be fights. There will be victory. I would like to lead a party and Sam and Seb the losers are probably not even awake yet." Haley opens her mouth at 'party' but Abigail is way ahead of her.

"A party of 3 for dungeon crawling." Abigail walks to the dungeon entrance, pointing her sword into its deep, dark unknown. She turns her head back to Leah and Haley.

"Are you with me?"
Have you ever wrote a book, in your life, Lew? I feel like you have, with how you come up with these. :smile:

Lew Zealand

Have you ever wrote a book, in your life, Lew? I feel like you have, with how you come up with these. :smile:
Nah, no books. In fact, until posting some stories here I hadn't written anything creatively, ever. When it came time to do that for English classes, I simply didn't and got criticism from teachers for avoiding it. I couldn't get my brain to start anything. It was just blank. Or maybe gray mush. But people change over time and I got to know how to use my brain a bit better and the stuff started tumbling out. I've written a few things here in the Fan Works section but really I'm looking for things like this post from @Ferris Bueller .

A different look at a familiar place and how people living there might react to it. My plan was not to have Abby roleplay it as a dungeon crawl (or even be in the story) but it occurred to me while writing Leah and Haley's parts that she'd see it as a first person perspective video game but in real life.

I think it was Ferris who posted a similar pic maybe a year ago of his Secret Woods Machine Room (#3a) and I imagined and wrote Emily's reaction if she planned her 10 :heart: event only to find rows of machines instead of the quiet secluded woods she wanted for that special encounter.
Wow. That's a lot. Impressive job with all the crystal flooring, too (nice choice, btw). How long does it take to gather all those?

Watch out when the 1.6 update comes to your device! I've had a lot of foragbles spaen atop the pathing I've put down. I don't know what it would do if there was a machine there!
thanks a lot! :heart: i can't really tell you because i made this long time ago. the crystal flooring was the first "layer" that mark all the spots where npc's don't walk. and thanks for the warning, guess i'll have to check out the new npc paths before updating! Edit: i made this cindersap forest over 2 years ago, anly posted it on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewVal...arm_was_running_out_of_space_so_i_had_to_put/
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Spring rain is always wonderfully pleasant until it overstays its welcome, Leah muses as she tosses the covers aside, listening for the pitter-pats on her cottage roof. It was always frustrating to be cooped up inside so soon after the doldrums of Winter, why can't the rain wait until Summer? Finally hearing none for the first time in a few days, Leah decides to end her exile from outdoor living and have a rummage through the forest for a fresh, if damp breakfast. Subconsciously she ignores the purplish blue colors partially penetrating her linen window coverings as she approaches the door, unlocks and opens it.

Someone stole my riverfront view.

And replaced it with an ugly blue hedgerow with diamonds floating above, further destroying the view. Well at least it's not pizzas, could you imagine the smell! Looking right and left Leah finds herself embedded in a giant maze of these machines as she wanders around the side of her house. She kicks the 2 machines shoved right up against her house in annoyance, dislodging a diamond from each. Oh I'm keeping these, Leah thinks, though it doesn't make her feel any better about what's become of her forest. Turning around, Leah sees some of the river and breathes a small sigh of relief, followed by a realization.

"You stole my breakfast!" Echoes Leah's voice through the various slot canyons between the machines.

"Did not!," answers the machines from not terribly far away.

"Great, they talk now—," Leah mumbles but then notices the machines' voice sounds a lot like... "Haley!"

"Leah is that you?" Haley calls.

"I'm by my house, where are you?"

"I see the fence, I'll be there in a bit!" Haley answers. She'd been fiddling with her camera settings while walking to Cindersap on autopilot and bonked up against a very unexpected solid blue object. Initially thinking it was Shane, she started apologizing as she looked up to find Shane had somehow gotten bigger with a diamond stuck on his face. She giggled, it's not Shane but in her mind she was thinking of that painting with the green apple in front of a guy in a hat. But instead a Diamond.

She'd been standing at the town exit holding her now-useless camera, wondering where the forest had gone and grumbling about that weirdo Wizard practicing his hedge maze designs when Leah's accusation rang out from the depths of their new urban dystopia.

Leah and Haley did not often cross paths and were never the best of friends but sometimes a common focus can bridge formerly impassable gaps.

As Haley approaches Leah, she declares, "This sucks."

Not a word I usually use, but Leah agrees. "Yeah, this sucks."

"Oh now wait," Haley brightens a bit as she looks to the southwest along the river. "That little island still has a tree on it but bleh." She deflates. "Look at that horrible background on the far side. No amount of bokeh can fix that." A pause. "Stupid Wizard."

"I dunno," counters Leah a few seconds after processing Haley's accusation. "He's not really the outdoorsy type as I've never seen him outside while foraging. Like ever. All the action with him centers around finding new ways to keep his roof from collapsing and discovering new species of load-bearing ivy."

Haley snickers, "Heehee 'load bearing' you're funny!" I think this is the most I've ever talked to Leah, Haley ponders. She seems OK.

Haley and Leah hear a funny yelp from somewhere vaguely close-by in the maze and call out but there's no reply. Looking for it's source, they head in the general direction of town, mostly retracing Haley's steps as she wasn't paying much attention on her way in and as they reach the entrance, they spy Abigail running up with…

A weapon.

And an almost wild-eyed look on her face. "Girls!" Abigail yells as she approaches, panting and out of breath. "Girls...ladies," trying to catch her breath. "Whatever, you know what I mean." Catching her breath. "Don't go in there!"

"Uh Abigail, we were just in therrrree," Haley says in a tone of being obvious and maybe approaching derogatory.

Abigail mostly ignores Haley and moves between them and the former forest (making a face behind Haley's back causing Leah to try and fail to suppress a smirk), brandishing her sword towards the rows of metal machines, declaring, "Don't enter the deep dark dungeon without some protection!" She turns back to them, "You have no idea what kinds of werewolves and imps and bugbears are lurking about!"

Haley lights up,"Oh and Wizards!"

"You get it!" Abigail rounds on Haley now, almost getting her with the sword by mistake but swings it behind her back for relative safety. Abby's eyes are alight with excitement. "His secret Final Boss Lair resides at the far end of this Endless Maze of Woe which will challenge our very beings as we bulk up our stats on the way. I wonder what kind of loot drops we'll find!"

Leah is making some bad muscle poses at the "bulk up our stats" comment but Abigail misses it in her soliloquized focus on Haley. Haley keeps a mostly straight face and follows with, "I don't need any more bulk, dieting lets me eat all the Pink Cake I want. Well, some of it. I always want more..."

Abigail deflates a bit but is undeterred. "I'm going in." She says flatly. "There will be monsters. There will be fights. There will be victory. I would like to lead a party and Sam and Seb the losers are probably not even awake yet." Haley opens her mouth at 'party' but Abigail is way ahead of her.

"A party of 3 for dungeon crawling." Abigail walks to the dungeon entrance, pointing her sword into its deep, dark unknown. She turns her head back to Leah and Haley.

"Are you with me?"
hahaha i really love this story! 😍:stardrop::stardrop::stardrop: how can you be so creative with that! i mean the depiction of the characters is perfect, especially from abigail :heart: (was my first spouse for most of the time i played, i only divorced abby and married emily to get that stupid wannabe mexican outfit). really funny and creative! i mean the idea of a "maze" from abbys perspective is quiet comprehensible and so funny! 😁 the other ones are just looking at it and think "why are these stupid machines blocking my way, and why are they pulsating?" while abbys adventurer instinct kicks in! you have to summarize all these short stories in a thread (with pics) like a little book of stardew valley tales. thanks a lot for this funny contribution, i enjoyed reading this!:heart:
Nah, no books. In fact, until posting some stories here I hadn't written anything creatively, ever. When it came time to do that for English classes, I simply didn't and got criticism from teachers for avoiding it. I couldn't get my brain to start anything. It was just blank. Or maybe gray mush. But people change over time and I got to know how to use my brain a bit better and the stuff started tumbling out. I've written a few things here in the Fan Works section but really I'm looking for things like this post from @Ferris Bueller .

A different look at a familiar place and how people living there might react to it. My plan was not to have Abby roleplay it as a dungeon crawl (or even be in the story) but it occurred to me while writing Leah and Haley's parts that she'd see it as a first person perspective video game but in real life.

I think it was Ferris who posted a similar pic maybe a year ago of his Secret Woods Machine Room (#3a) and I imagined and wrote Emily's reaction if she planned her 10 :heart: event only to find rows of machines instead of the quiet secluded woods she wanted for that special encounter.
it was this thread: https://forums.stardewvalley.net/th...et-woods-so-i-put-crystalariums-inside.21844/

and another one: https://forums.stardewvalley.net/th...live-music-drinks-and-halloween-favors.24957/

and another one: https://forums.stardewvalley.net/th...ishing-that-includes-a-sea-life-museum.21336/

and another one: https://forums.stardewvalley.net/th...gn-of-the-beach-before-i-reorganize-it.30176/
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Lol, I'd forgotten about half of those!
i felt obligated to scroll through my posts to find these! because they are all remarkable! you should put them together in a special thread, like a little "book", with pictures and everything. you'll have my upvote/support, no doubt! you can also use all my pictures if you want! but why "bobbie"? pls be honest, i don't need a helmet 😆 i think it's really funny how you describe my "alternative" lifestyle or "destructive" way of playing sdv

Lew Zealand

i felt obligated to scroll through my posts to find these! because they are all remarkable! you should put them together in a special thread, like a little "book", with pictures and everything. you'll have my upvote/support, no doubt! you can also use all my pictures if you want! but why "bobbie"? pls be honest, i don't need a helmet 😆 i think it's really funny how you describe my "alternative" lifestyle or "destructive" way of playing sdv
Bobbi is my Farmer's name. Every Stardew save has a version of Farmer Bobbi and all my games have Bobbi as the main character if possible, whether it be Hogwarts Legacy or Ark. She's also the Farmer in anything I write about Stardew but some Bobbis are a little different than others.

Thanks for the kind words! 😊 I do have a spot where I everything's listed except it's looks like it's not everything. As posting to a topic here bumps it to the top and that would be a bother, I have an older post on my profile with them listed. I'll add the missing ones, lol.
Bobbi is my Farmer's name. Every Stardew save has a version of Farmer Bobbi and all my games have Bobbi as the main character if possible, whether it be Hogwarts Legacy or Ark. She's also the Farmer in anything I write about Stardew but some Bobbis are a little different than others.

Thanks for the kind words! 😊 I do have a spot where I everything's listed except it's looks like it's not everything. As posting to a topic here bumps it to the top and that would be a bother, I have an older post on my profile with them listed. I'll add the missing ones, lol.
ah ok, sry i lost that info...TY Bobbi! traveler from a foreign land!
thanks a lot! :heart: i can't really tell you because i made this long time ago. the crystal flooring was the first "layer" that mark all the spots where npc's don't walk. and thanks for the warning, guess i'll have to check out the new npc paths before updating! Edit: i made this cindersap forest over 2 years ago, anly posted it on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewVal...arm_was_running_out_of_space_so_i_had_to_put/
That cindersap forest setup is insane! I would never be able to sustain something like that. Working out where everything can go sounds fun but I would never actually check that many crystalriums. How long did you collect from all those? It's impressive, no matter what!