1.6 Update What happened in your game today?



My lovey-dovey very pleasant-to-wield Insect Head needs to be hammered together with this trashy Infinity Blade and then given the Bug Killer enchant. Why did I not think of this?? I shall enter Mine Levels 11-29 and the Mutant Bug Lair like some overbearing locust from a Pixar movie, ready to lay waste to those leetle ants. That usually ends up pretty well for the locust, right?
I see you're as easily amused as me. My completionist plans involve getting all the NPC weapons from the desert festival and slapping Infinity stats on them. I've never even really used clubs but you bet I'm going to be slapping monsters around with Penny's Fryer. Too good not to. 😆

Lew Zealand

slapping monsters around with Penny's Fryer. Too good not to. 😆
Penny STILL refuses to sell anything at the Desert Festival. I will get that Fryer if it's the last thing I ever do. OK I have Elliott's Pencil and Harvey's Mallet which are nice but the Fryer has a 'feel' in the game that I can't shake. I think it may even be inherent to the name, it's the most musically mellifluous of all the personalized weapons. Most of the others are a meh feel though I like the idea of Haley's Iron. It looks like a sword and should slice through buttery monsters like a hot knife through… butter!
I played my first MP game tonight with someone who is making my doubt my competency as an SDV player because she has the SDV wiki memorized. Our farm is going well and she's filled like 3 bundles already. Definitely going to beat my comm center record (year 2 summer 3) but it will be mostly her doing. :laugh:


The lack of sprinklers on my beach farm got annoying, so I decided to try out Four Corners.

I also wanted to not need animals, so I started new games until Animal, Dye, Home Cook's and Enchanter's bundle were nowhere to be seen. I saw in a video how to check what bundles a save file got right after creating the save, so no waiting till day 5 (or later, if it rains) needed.
I did get the Chef's bundle, but I'm sure I can find a truffle at the traveling cart, and either find an egg at the cart or a fried egg at the saloon (or, ideally, its trash can).

One of the bundles I have is Children's, and I got really lucky with that one: cookies were in Evelyn and George's trash can the first or second time I checked it, before I even had the CC open, and I got the Ancient Doll in a fishing chest the same day I unlocked the bulletin board. Salmonberries of course were a piece of cake.

This time I'm actually using basic sprinklers, so that I can have more time and energy for more interesting things than watering crops.
I've usually waited till I get quality sprinklers, which takes a very long time because I can't have a huge number of crops without wasting all my energy on watering. I don't think I'll do that again.


Local Legend
She's OP! She claims to be really good in year one but not so much afterwards, so we'll see what happens. We played again last night and she rocked the egg festival. We're trying to get through the dark levels of the mines and I've got torches at the ready.
Congrats, it took many tries before I could beat Abigail.

That is pretty early for the dark mines - but since you're so far already, see if you can craft a glowstone ring. Huge help if you don't have a glow ring yet.


After restarting the same day a bunch of times trying different strategies, I'm still no closer to find the last journal scrap I need. The only time it showed up was during a test run when I wasted five artifact totems and trashed half of my inventory for space (including items likes an entire bomb stack). As tempting as it was to grab it and end the day, the loss of inventory was too big to justify it, and I figured I could get it on a subsequent reroll by trying a similar strategy. No luck. At the very least I know that my game is not broken, but whatever. Between this, the Dwarf Scroll I and the obsidian (still looking for it), RNG has not been the kindest to me on this run, and it's kind of burning me out. Autopetters being locked behind RNG? Junimo Kart being too hard? I do not like it but I can live with it. But that journal scrap in integral to Perfection and running around in circles blowing up the volcano ad nauseum is not fun. I don't remember having so much difficulty finding stuff in my previous perfect game.

I'm not that close to Perfection so I still have lots of time to find it, and I can always buy those last percentages if need be, but I wish some game elements weren't so reliant on luck. Bad luck can really spoil the mood. It certainly spoiled mine :bored:

Anyways, I'm still thinking whether I keep restarting the day until I get the secret note, carry on the game, or give up entirely. At some point I'll probably push through year 4 to see the new spouse dialogue. Maybe I just need to forget about the journal scrap and enjoy the rest of the game. Winter is coming to a close, so there will be more farming and less spelunking on the menu :crop:


I reached the bottom of the mines, and went to the 20s to get copper, where an insect dropped a Prismatic Shard. Must have been a maximum luck day. :clover:
It was spring 27 of year 1, and I hadn't even started completing the Vault.

Demetrius continued to ask for really difficult fish: yesterday it was Catfish, twice, and today it was a request for two Octopus. He must be insane in this seed. I have literally never caught an Octopus on any save (the only one I've ever acquired was in a trash can), and I absolutely wasn't going to even try with a fishing level of only 7.

I now have a setup of 24 basic sprinklers, but I messed up my planting and have to manually water two blueberries every day. However, it's actually good because it reminds me to fill my dog's bowl.

Tried some Junimo Kart progress mode, got to Sunset Speedway once and failed to manage more than the first jump with all the lives I had. Pathetic, but the only way is up.
I also discovered those really high areas in Ghastly Galleon do in fact have rails. I never knew until today when I accidentally landed on one.
Decided to give the beach farm a try, and it is awesome.

The farm genuinely feels like its own little world, it's so different from all of the surrounding areas.
The ocean view all around the farm is a much bigger pro than the lack of sprinkler-able area is a con. Not to mention supply crates, foraging, and fishing. I also like the unique default location of the greenhouse.

This time around I decided to start befriending Robin, Demetrius, and Maru right away, because I like all of them and I'm a scientist myself. Also they live nearby and the house is accessible until 8 pm. And, yes, one reason is that I know Robin will occasionally send me wood, which is always a welcome resource. I will eventually romance Maru.

I named the farm Sandsquirt farm, after the creature that's in my avatar.
Your description of the beach farm makes me want to try it. It sounds so magical :) But I just saw in your latest post that the lack of sprinklers is annoying. Still tempted to try the beach farm, but I'm not sure if I could get used to the sprinkler situation either :grin:


Your description of the beach farm makes me want to try it. It sounds so magical :) But I just saw in your latest post that the lack of sprinklers is annoying. Still tempted to try the beach farm, but I'm not sure if I could get used to the sprinkler situation either :grin:
I'd say it's worth a try. It really was a lot of fun until year 3 when I started to need millions and had nowhere near enough income -- and a big part of my problem was the fact I didn't want to have more than 9 animals (it takes so much time, and I need to have silos and grass), use coal for making preserve jars, or in general set up massive operations apart from having the cellar full of casks and kegs (which were far, far from operating at full capacity).
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Congrats, it took many tries before I could beat Abigail.

That is pretty early for the dark mines - but since you're so far already, see if you can craft a glowstone ring. Huge help if you don't have a glow ring yet.
I usually pick up a glow ring in the first year, but I never remember how I find one. Will have to investigate crafting menu for the glowstone!
Your description of the beach farm makes me want to try it. It sounds so magical :) But I just saw in your latest post that the lack of sprinklers is annoying. Still tempted to try the beach farm, but I'm not sure if I could get used to the sprinkler situation either :grin:
There's one area where you can do sprinklers, and then there's the greenhouse. It's workable but I prefer the other farm types. I only played Beach once, just to see what it was like.


Beat Junimo Kart, and got over 80k in endless mode while playing on my shiny home arcade machine. :cool:

The traveling cart had a caviar, which means I won't need to put a sturgeon in a pond. :thumbsup:
She also had a wine, which I needed for the Brewer's bundle. I reached farming level 8, so once my oaks produce sap, I can make kegs and craft the mead and the juice. I didn't grow any hops in the summer (it's fall now), so I hope I can find either that, a pale ale, or a green tea at the cart. I could simply befriend Caroline for the tea leaves, and I might.

I started decorating my farm, by placing as much brick as I could craft (need a lot more clay), some wooden lamp posts, and a sign. The sign says "No Soliciting!", just for fun.

Also had Robin upgrade my house to level 2, and build a stable. Clint upgraded my pick, axe, and hoe to gold, and watering can to copper. I'll upgrade the can all the way to gold during this season.

Gus sold me a fried egg for the Chef's bundle, and I bought a packet of rice from Pierre to make the maki roll. I do have unmilled rice, but a mill requires cloth and I haven't made any recycling machines yet.

I upgraded to quality sprinklers, but passed out while planting the last cranberry seeds. :bored:
Additionally, I set up some of my regular sprinklers to plant the mixed and mixed flower seeds I had around.