Finished year 2, getting four candles. Year 3 is starting with a triple potato harvest using Deluxe Speed-Gro, and I'll plant the field with strawberries on the day of the Egg Festival.
Hopefully I'll get Pam's special order on the 8th.
I've gotten both of the community upgrades now, and the second one is super handy.
Also had Robin paint my house, stable, and shed, as well as start on a silo. I plan to finally get animals this third year. I have three crackers sitting around in a chest (both of my fish ponds already have one), and even an auto-petter from a golden mystery box. Ideally, I'd like a second auto-petter, but I may not get that lucky.
One worst luck day was the opposite of bad luck: in the Skull Caverns I found ladder after ladder after hole, and came out with a Prismatic Shard, 64 iridium ore, 2 iridium ingots, 2 golden mystery boxes, and a bunch of other goodies. Not too shabby.
I've got a dragontooth saber with Crusader, and it's an amazing weapon. One of the last things I did before closing the game for the night was a Ghost bounty, and I was pleasantly surprised when I one-shot the ghosts.
All of my tools are iridium now, and I have around 20 iridium bars sitting around, waiting for the day I can afford the desert obelisk.
My shipping screen on Winter 24 had not only the usual Santa but also a UFO chasing him, which was rather hilarious.
During winter I bought two of each of the stone statue the mysterious Night Market merchant had, and I also received two owl statues from overnight events. So, plenty of statues on the farm now.
Other new decorations, too. It's coming together very nicely, with lots of wild trees of all kinds except maples. The mystic ones haven't grown yet, though. I have a lot of mushroom stumps place between oaks and pines, which is an excellent source of mushrooms of all kinds, with even the occasional purple ones appearing.
Caught the Legend using the power combo of the 1.6 rod and bait, barbed hook, and cork bobber. I did literally nothing except the initial hooking, and got a gold star catch. Only the Crimsonfish (which will get the same combo) and the easy Mutant Carp remain of the legendaries.
There is more, but I think this is enough for now.