Unofficial mod updates


Hi there, reposting some mod update requests since my last post was... woah 30 pages ago??? Y'all are wizards lol, thank you for all of your hard work everybody!!
Requesting updates for:
Atracore (source)
Atra's Interaction Tweaks (source; requires Atracore) - does a LOT more than the rug fix!!
Cellar Door (DGA)
Fruit Tree Tweaks (source) - or Better Fruit Trees (source), whichever is less complicated
Greenhouse Entry Begone (source) - for the building shadow options
Industrial Furnace (source)
Pond Painter (source)
Portable Dye Pots (DGA)
Qi Sprinklers (source)
Quick Start (source)
Social Page Order Menu (source)
Trash Does Not Consume Bait (source; also needs Atracore) - also has options for replacing bait/bobbers automatically when they run out

Alternatively, if someone can point me towards some sort of guide for converting DGA->CP, I can try the DGA ones myself. Thanks for reading/considering!!
Hi! I am super late to replying to this but I have pushed a couple updates for Fruit Tree Tweaks, this post actually inspired me to do so. It should mostly work now (still working on 2 features: draw and fruit per day). I also have the original and modified source code Github repos on the page, so anyone who would like to contribute is free to do so as per aedenthorn's original Permissions and Credits!


Hi there, reposting some mod update requests since my last post was... woah 30 pages ago??? Y'all are wizards lol, thank you for all of your hard work everybody!!
Requesting updates for:
Atracore (source)
Atra's Interaction Tweaks (source; requires Atracore) - does a LOT more than the rug fix!!
Cellar Door (DGA)
Fruit Tree Tweaks (source) - or Better Fruit Trees (source), whichever is less complicated
Greenhouse Entry Begone (source) - for the building shadow options
Industrial Furnace (source)
Pond Painter (source)
Portable Dye Pots (DGA)
Qi Sprinklers (source)
Quick Start (source)
Social Page Order Menu (source)
Trash Does Not Consume Bait (source; also needs Atracore) - also has options for replacing bait/bobbers automatically when they run out

Alternatively, if someone can point me towards some sort of guide for converting DGA->CP, I can try the DGA ones myself. Thanks for reading/considering!!
I made an updated version of Cellar Door. The sprites are different but it functions essentially the same in game.


Better Bombs
Original Source: here
Original Nexus Page: here

[ . . . ]

Pull Request: here
Re-implemented the "Break Clumps" in a way that covers all vanilla and modded resource clumps (that I know of, there's only one 1.6 framework for it to my knowledge), introducing a new hard dependency on ItemExtensions unless/until a way to fetch custom clump content data through their API becomes available.
Split up clump breaking by category: Stone, Wood, Weeds, and Other. A side bonus of doing so is that it made it easier to add the new vanilla resource clumps and spawn their correct drops.
Re-implemented collecting objects that can be grabbed using explosions, split into Collect Minerals and Collect Forage. Forage has quality depending on your foraging level and profession choice.
GMCM support for all currently implemented features. No i18n yet.


Can anyone recommend an alternative to Forage To Farm? I only realized it was broken today. It worked at the beginning of 1.6, as I know I harvested Fiddleheads, but now all of the harvestables are error items. Alternatively, if someone knows what's wrong with it and would show me how to fix it for my own use (it does not have open permissions) that would also be absolutely lovely.

Zydar C.

BossCreatures mod update. Original here.
Try it on 1.6.5
Source also here, if anyone want to continue this mod)
Thank you for the unofficial update. But I want to ask how exactly do you use the mod? It has two folders. Do I put both folders in the main SDV Mods folder?


Hello can anyone update the Leo adoption mod and the Charlie out of her Coop or make something similar

The author of the Leo mod said they have no interest in maintaining it
And the author for the Charlie mod hasn't been active since 2021
The Charlie mod does not have open permissions but I've been thinking of creating a similar mod using Content Patcher + Custom Companions (so Charlie would be able to wander around, unlike the original mod). I'll post it here if I manage to figure it out! :)


Ok I've uploaded the code to GitHub and also added a release so people can download it directly from there:

The only change I made was to the manifest file to follow the SMAPI recommendations for unofficial updates - the version number is now 1.1.1-unofficial.2

Hopefully this is everything that is needed for SMAPI to be updated and the mod be available to download from GitHub.
I also did a little more tinkering:
  • With the existing system it always rounds XP up to a whole number, however when using Experience Factors below 1 this sort of caps how low you can reduce XP gains, as once an action is giving 1 XP you can't reduce it any more than that. I changed the default behavior to instead convert any partial XP into a % chance to gain +1 XP, so 1.5 XP becomes 1 XP with a 50% chance for an additional +1 XP, or 0.25 XP becomes 0 XP with a 25% chance for an additional +1 XP, etc. This should make actual XP gains more accurately reflect the chosen Experience Factors set in the config.
  • In case people relied on the old behavior, I put in a config setting (also integrated into GMCM) to instead always round partial XP as before. However, I changed it so that instead of always rounding partial XP up, it now rounds to the closest whole number. I added an exception that if the nearest whole number is 0, it will instead round up to 1 XP, so overall it will be quite similar to before.
I've attached the compiled and uncompiled versions with the manifest version as 1.1.1-unofficial.3, but let me know if there is a more convenient way through github I should be doing something like this.


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Hi there, reposting some mod update requests since my last post was... woah 30 pages ago??? Y'all are wizards lol, thank you for all of your hard work everybody!!
Requesting updates for:
Atracore (source)
Atra's Interaction Tweaks (source; requires Atracore) - does a LOT more than the rug fix!!
Cellar Door (DGA)
Fruit Tree Tweaks (source) - or Better Fruit Trees (source), whichever is less complicated
Greenhouse Entry Begone (source) - for the building shadow options
Industrial Furnace (source)
Pond Painter (source)
Portable Dye Pots (DGA)
Qi Sprinklers (source)
Quick Start (source)
Social Page Order Menu (source)
Trash Does Not Consume Bait (source; also needs Atracore) - also has options for replacing bait/bobbers automatically when they run out

Alternatively, if someone can point me towards some sort of guide for converting DGA->CP, I can try the DGA ones myself. Thanks for reading/considering!!
Cellar Hatch could be a good alternative to Cellar Door

Jard Melon

Would be really awesome if Aedenthorn's Advance Melee Framework got an update for 1.6. I loved this mod so much. I wish I knew how to do it myself as from what I could glean from the threads and discord that the author is on hiatus/not returning. I have a lot of fond memories about this mod and was bummed to see it possibly not getting an update.


Permission has been granted, and the JA bugs have been fixed, so here's my unofficial update of Adventurer's Guild Expanded (the actual files this time!)

Requirements are the same (CP, Expanded Precondition Utility, JsonAssets, SpaceCore), and this is only the content as I didn't touch the music pack



It's so over guys. Yellog's Bed and craftables no longer work anymore. I will die cry of sadness until they are somehow updated. Not saying it's a lost cause, but more than likely, there is nothing we can do to update it without Yellog's permission unless we find out if they put a permissions notice anywhere.