Will the game be published in other languages?

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Hello everyone,

I wanted to ask if there were plans for a localized version of the Board Game in the works, or if it was kind of planned.
I myself am a French translator, and have an infinite passion for Stardew Valley: it would be a true honor and a one-time chance to be able to translate the Board Game and see it played in France, where it would certainly have a tremendous success.

Is this a possibility then?


Staff member
Hi! I've locked this thread as a duplicate of ones where Cole, the designer, has responded. For his response on shipping to other countries, see https://forums.stardewvalley.net/threads/5840/. For translations, see https://forums.stardewvalley.net/threads/5867/.
If you'd like to share your interest in the game shipping to other countries or being translated, please feel free to add a message in those threads! You can also contact Cole directly through here if you wish to inquire about providing translation!
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