
  1. Francesco

    PC [FR] Recherche quelqu'un pour jouer en co-op :)

    Coucou tout le monde ! ^^ Je suis actuellement à la recherche d'une personne voulant jouer à Stardew Valley avec moi en coop. Voici mon discord : Francesco#0001
  2. Windows Improving the french translation

    Hi, i'm a french native speaker who begun the game the passed year on Windows. What gave me the desire to play hard is the French translation. Why i'm here and open a new thread is because i found some translations errors as orthography, grammar, spacing missing... or somethings similar. I wish...
  3. Switch Looking for player speakinf french

    Bonjour, Je recherche des joueurs pour jouer en multijoueur - 1 à 2 soirs par semaine (ou fin d'aprem en fonction des dispositions des joueurs) - Heure francaise - 1 à 2h par soirée (en fonction de la motivation des troupes) - Argent partagé - Centre communautaire - Chill mais tentative de...
  4. Will the game be published in other languages?

    Hello everyone, I wanted to ask if there were plans for a localized version of the Board Game in the works, or if it was kind of planned. I myself am a French translator, and have an infinite passion for Stardew Valley: it would be a true honor and a one-time chance to be able to translate the...
  5. Shakadox

    PC [BUG] Livin' Off The Land Summer 4 year 2

    Hello, I'm in 1.5.4 version, in french and single-player When I watch Livin 'Off The Land Summer 4 Year 2, I have the first common text window "" Welcome to' Livin 'Off The Land'. We're back again with another tip for y'all. Now listen up: " but I don't have the text with the tip of the day...
  6. PC French mistake - dog - lack of space

    In the french version, when you get the dog it is presented to you whitout a space bewteen ''this'' and ''dog''. Therefore, ''cechien'' should be ''ce chien''.
  7. PC [BUG] French/english translation scrambled

    Scrambled translation Windows 10, Steam Localization : france Single player In game I use mostly french but sometimes english Version 1.5.2 So here's is the game in french, some name specificly the infinity blade and the iridium needle seemed to have their translations missing and their name...