PC Wiki Addition


While I was exploring the skull cavern I found these red iridium bats somewhere between level 100-300 (its been a while so I don't remember specifics, sry). I cant find anything about it on the wiki and I'd inevitably screw it up p badly if I try adding it myself as I don't really know much about it anyway aside from it's *very* fast, spawns on extremely low levels, and was found in 1.4, possibly available in earlier versions too but haven't checked. I assume people have found them before but I figured I'd ask here about putting it on the wiki. here's a pic if any1 wants to do it themselves


that's the iridium bat model, but in red instead of purple. The wiki has a small info on it (listed under bugs), I have personally never seen it in over 600hrs of playtime but it seems to only spawn very deep into the skull cavern (gamecode >999, so floors 880+), much deeper than anyone without cheats could go. If you encountered it unmodded on a lower floor definitely make screenshots because then it would be new info.


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