What's the first 'rare' item you love getting in a new game?


Well, I just got an Ancient Seed Artifact in a fishing treasure chest on like Spring 4, and I definitely loved that! It reminded me why I started liking fishing so much.

Lew Zealand

I got an Ancient Seed on Spring 25 or so on my Walkthrough Farm and the Owl Statue on Spring 18 on my most recent Forest Farm.

But the best was probably a Spring meteor in my very first playthrough which persisted for quite a while as I had no idea what to do with it for a very long time.

The more creative people here would have designed something super cool around it and made it a farm centerpiece. This is not me.

I eventually pickaxed it to oblivion not knowing how rare they are, and since have been spending time madly trying to mash Iridium bars into round mounds on the Farm. Unsuccessfully.
I got the Owl Statue on Spring 3 and an Ancient Seed on Spring 6 both on the same save (My second game)
Apparently I am one of the luckiest people in the game because I got the Ancient Seed from an artifact spot, and there are only two places you can get it from, both with a 0.7% chance, also adding the rareness of the event, It wat the 6th day in-game.
Getting an early Ancient Fruit seed is the absolute best, nothing can top that for me. Close though was indeed the time that I got the early Neptune's Glaive. I was at like floor 20 at the time, but even still, what a massive upgrade it was. I've also gotten an incredibly early Treasure Chest from fishing (like Spring 7), which was such a massive kickstart it was insane.

Come to think of it, all of my top finds have been while fishing. I'd say that's because that's always what I'm doing Spring Year 1, but it seems to be a common theme amongst others as well. Fishing FTW!


Magic Rock Candy. Next to triple shot espresso, it’s my favourite item in that game XD and not just for the boosts it provides. Rather, because it’s aesthetically pleasing to look at, following up on that it looks delicious, and then there’s how I used to love eating rock candy irl. lol


Yeti's Tooth in the mines mid-year 1
Ancient seed early spring year 1
A whole bar of pure iridium mid-year 1 from a shadow person in the mines
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I actually don't remember. That was a year ago (in the real world) on my Beach farm.
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Fisting Treasure chests are always a good source of surprise for me. Ancient Seeds, Gems, Geodes... My biggest surprise this last playthrough was a pretty early Game "win". After the quarry unlock I blew up a Mystic Stone for a Shard, then went into the Quarry Mine and a Lucky Ring dropped.

This last playthrough I was awash in Lucky Rings.

Lew Zealand

Coming back to the thread title, in my recent farm, I got a Small Glow Ring and Small Magnet Ring within the first 2 or 3 Mine runs and those make the little things in the game much nicer to do. I got them fairly early in my very first playthrough and took them for granted, but on subsequent ones needed to wait until crafting the Iridium Band to get those effects again.

A nice second is getting an early weapon upgrade drop in the Mines. I just got a Forest Sword somewhere in the 20s but when to comes to early weapons, there can be only one, and my all-time favorite weapon in the game:

The Insect Head. I find it very pleasant to wield.


Spring Day 3, Year 1: Caught a catfish with a chest while fishing that had a Broken Trident, Ancient Seed, and literal Treasure Chest inside. I was like "Clint! Get ready buddy, you'll be making me a copper watering can and copper axe in the very, VERY near future".

Spring Day 6, Year 1: Meteorite event. It landed in an area that I planned to make the barn yard pasture, so I just left it there. It ended up being the first of 3 meteorite events on the particular save file, and all of them landed in the pasture. I thought for sure the goats, chickens, and pigs would turn into purple mutant variants of themselves, but that never happened :/