What's the first 'rare' item you love getting in a new game?


This isn’t a rare item but I’m always so excited to get last dwarf scroll. On my first play through it took 3 years to get the final scroll. Meanwhile, everyone is chatting about how awesome the dwarf is and how it’s soooo nice to buy all the bombs you could ever want. Ok, maybe it wasn’t exactly like that, but it felt like that. Now, even if I get the 4th scroll in spring year 1, I feel a tingle of excitement. And relief.


I think the meteorite is probably my favorite. I've never had one destroy anything, but I have had one that landed in a spot in front of a bush that made it look like the meteorite was wearing a wig. (I think I still have the screenshot somewhere...I'll have to look.)
I'm imagining a meteorite under a bush that makes it look like it has a Bob Ross style hairdo. Anyways, I love the meteorite event too, mainly because it reminds me of a game I played growing up called Maniac Mansion where the real main villain ends up being *SPOILER* a literal "Purple Slimy Meteor". I just wish they'd always land in the pasture for all of my saves.


oh man, neptune's glaive is so fun to use!!! i would use it forever if i could


i got a dino egg early summer y1 in my same save! fishing is so underrated, i absolutely love it
I'm more in love with the broken trident myself, especially levels 40 to 80 in the mines. Those annoying ghosts that get knocked back across half the screen when you hit them with a sword or club? Not an issue with the broken trident, and the dagger based weapon special tends to make quick work of them. That said, you do tend to take more hits using it given the lack of the defensive specials the sword and club based weapons have, but I still like the trident better because it doesn't have the knock-back that Neptune's Glaive has.

As for Fishing being underrated, I don't know why that is. Fishing is a major reason why I can buy 120 strawberry seeds and copper upgrades for the axe, pickax, and watering can by the time the Egg Festival rolls around, 160+ strawberry seeds if I get 3 or more rainy days before then. Those catfish and shad are practically a gold mine.


I'm always happy to get the Ancient Seed. Even when I already have a full greenhouse of ancient fruits.

A few days ago in my last save, I got an octopus while digging in Haley and Emily's trash can (don't ask me why). It was late spring or 1st of summer in the first year. I was very happy to find it though I had no use for it at that time.

I also got the owl event on the 15th of Spring in the first year during my second to last save. It was my first owl event ever.


Spring year one the day before the egg festival, I was fishing at the mountain lake and my first cast was a chub with a chest and inside I got a treasure chest with an iridium band. Then on my next cast another chub with a chest and inside was another treasure chest with a small glow ring. I now had over 10,000 gold to buy strawberry seeds.
I've been meaning to post this for quite a while, but I only just remembered to do it. In my new playthrough on Spring 12 I got a dino egg from a fishing treasure chest while fishing for the Legend. I didn't get the Legend, but I'll take it.

InsaneDinoEggTreasureChest (2).png


Neptune's Glaive before the mine opens is a strong personal favorite.

Spring year one the day before the egg festival, I was fishing at the mountain lake and my first cast was a chub with a chest and inside I got a treasure chest with an iridium band. Then on my next cast another chub with a chest and inside was another treasure chest with a small glow ring. I now had over 10,000 gold to buy strawberry seeds.
I did that once too. It was Spring 28 and I was fishing catfish and got back-to-back chest-in-a-chest, and discovered my screen recorder wasn't recording, so I went home 3/4 angry. And in the morning I go outside to discover that I hadn't put a scarecrow back down when I rearranged the farm plot for summer, and a crow is eating my ancient fruit. It's the only time I've ever rage-quit SDV. Deleted the save and the whole nine yards.
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Not rare but happiness moment when the crab drops in the early mine. That's 3 free crab pots and a chance at free iridium when the bolder is gone. I often can get the bolder removed in or around the last week of spring

Are the crabs in the mines the ones that look like rocks but they move when you go to hit them? ..i thought they were just another enemy like the blobby things and flying things! ... if so, do I just keep hitting them with the pickaxe to get the crab?


Are the crabs in the mines the ones that look like rocks but they move when you go to hit them? ..i thought they were just another enemy like the blobby things and flying things! ... if so, do I just keep hitting them with the pickaxe to get the crab?
The rock crabs in the mine are funny. When they are moving, hit them with a weapon. When they are motionless, hiding under their rock, hit them with a pickaxe. They drop a crab sometimes, it feels like 25% of the time but that’s just my impression. If they drop a crab, it bounces around before you can catch it, like the ghost fish from ghosts, and it always makes me smile.


Local Legend
Are the crabs in the mines the ones that look like rocks but they move when you go to hit them? ..i thought they were just another enemy like the blobby things and flying things! ... if so, do I just keep hitting them with the pickaxe to get the crab?
Yes, they are just another enemy... but an enemy that can drop a crab pot item otherwise only received from the crab pot.

(( FYI: You can forage most of the items needed for the crab pot bundle at the Community Center, but you'll still be one short. Killing one of the crabs in the Mines can get you that last item needed for that bundle, getting you crab pots long before you would normally get access to them. ))

Additionally, explosives are just a glorious way to deal with rock crabs. My favorite way is to shoot them with explosive ammo. You blow up their shell. It makes it a lot easier to kill them because they can no longer hide and be impervious to your weapon attacks. They also try to run away from you, and all you have to do is corner them and finish them off.
I don't know if its as rare as it was just surprising, but I started a playthrough on a Forest Farm and one one of my first casts into my own pond I caught a Woodskip! I thought they were only in the secret woods, maybe its a perk of the Forest Farm.


Local Legend
I don't know if its as rare as it was just surprising, but I started a playthrough on a Forest Farm and one one of my first casts into my own pond I caught a Woodskip! I thought they were only in the secret woods, maybe its a perk of the Forest Farm.
That's not rare, but definitely exciting. And you're right in thinking it's a perk of the forest farm. Generally speaking, the fishing is a little bit different on each farm map.