What's in your shed?

ohhhhhhh hot dog
so i'm not a native speaker, and i red this:

Hot dog! A hot-dog hot dog, a hot-dog hot dog and that other hot-dog hot dogger hot-dogged those hot dogs from that hot doggery, but during a hot dog, one slipped on that dog’s hot dog. What a hot dog.

Believe it or not, all of the uses of the phrase "hot dog" in the previous statement mean different things. According to Green’s Dictionary of Slang, the word "hot dog" has had more than eight different meanings over the years, and while some of its many meanings other than the barbecue staple we all know and love have fallen out of use, you likely understood at least a little of that sentence.

Here’s a translation, in case you were wondering:

Whoa! A flamboyant gay dude, a good, successful gambler and that other greedy showoff grabbed those frankfurters from that sausage cart, but during a chase, one slipped on that pup’s poo. What an idiot.

As you can see, the phrase "hot dog" can be used as a noun, a verb, an adjective and even as an exclamation. Some of its meanings are positive: excellent, flourishing or expert — but some have been used in the pejorative sense: pornographic, a showoff or a mean way to call someone gay. But, then again, what slang didn’t mean gay back then? (Seriously, there have been a lot of words used to avoid saying the actual word gay, like bananas, fruit and, yes, hot dog.)

what kind of hot dog?