What's in your shed?


super cute!! i love the details. this looks like it was made with love. i love to decorate as well. i have 6 sheds on my forrest farm (dont ask how i fit all 6 of them lol) one with kegs and one for preserves jars. i decorated them to make it more appealing to the eye. a garden shed which is by far my favorite, a workshop shed, gem/furnace shed and a shed for my animal machines! i made it a personal goal after perfection to decorate my farm and sheds and i'm having a blast. robin has been working overtime lol
super cute!! i love the details. this looks like it was made with love. i love to decorate as well. i have 6 sheds on my forrest farm (dont ask how i fit all 6 of them lol) one with kegs and one for preserves jars. i decorated them to make it more appealing to the eye. a garden shed which is by far my favorite, a workshop shed, gem/furnace shed and a shed for my animal machines! i made it a personal goal after perfection to decorate my farm and sheds and i'm having a blast. robin has been working overtime lol
nice :thumbsup: would be cool if you share some images from your sheds!