I have a couple accounts I've made, but the one I'm furthest on is my first save, I'm year five of fall. I've completed the community center as of beginning this fall, and am starting to do the movie theater where Joja mart used to be. It took me so long to get the fish and animals products I needed so I could complete the community center but I'm just glad to say I'm done with that now. I ended up marrying Shane and have 2 kids now with him, we're living on the beach farm, mostly because I didn't know I could select other farms until I made a 2nd save account

but it works out. It's neat to try other ones though and figure out how they're all laid out compared to the others.
My most recent save I have that I just started recently, it's my 4th save. I'm still in spring, but nearing the end of it. I want to try to complete the community center by end of year two if not year three but we'll see how it goes.
I also play the switch version so idk how different things are on other consoles for the game and I feel like with what you described with already having 4 cows, either you're just smart with the game and knew how to do what you wanted or you play on a different console that things progress faster or go easier than the switch. Just wanted to ask too, what console do you play on for Stardew Valley?