1.6 Update What happened in your game today?


Having the darndest time getting hardwood or mahogany seeds this save for some reason
My very first run, I didn't get a mahogany seed until I bought one on ginger island. Thankfully, I was able to get one much earlier in every subsequent save file. I hope you find some soon!
Summer 17 Year 3.

Monster Eradication Goals complete, combined the napalm and slime charmer rings. My Ginger Island farm is practically overflowing with ancient fruits and pineapples, so I'm working on expanding my keg production. Most of my remaining fruit is probably going to be dehydrated once I truly understand the profit break point based on quality.

Literally only need just over 8.3 Mil gold to get the golden clock and reach the summit, unless 1.6.4 throws a small wrench that I doubt will take too long to deal with anyway.


I played 2 days of Spring year 2 last night.
-Upgraded my coop to a big coop
-have about 25k gold (trying to save up)
-chopped down some trees
-donated some artifacts

Didn't do too much, just some casual SDV last night.

Lew Zealand

That's so impressive! A rainbow of outfits!
Thanks! I like many of the Hats and a lot of the Shirts in the game but having something that matches or complements well is necessary. I'd been planning to have a wide/complete selection of matching tops and skirts for like 2 different saves and finally started it. And there are still a lot of shirt combos which need proper exact matching Pants, Skirts and Dresses (like in the top pic), so I'll be Tailoring those up and then deciding which bottom and color best fit the Shirts. I have about 1M g right now and it will be going to buying Mannequins from Sandy.

The true purpose of Winter is to ignore your Animals, check the Greenhouse once a week, check the Keg/Jar Shed maybe twice a week...

and Tailor clothing to be worn the rest of the year.


Played some SDV last night for about 2 1/2 hrs...
-Harvested parsnips, 2 rounds of potatoes, and a bunch of cauliflower
-bought 105 strawberry seeds from Pierre at the egg festival
-got a duck
-completed the fish tank (I finally upgraded my axe to a steel axe)
-gave a bday gift to my hubby Haley
-got to level 75 in the mines

pretty successful!

Lew Zealand

There's a bra in the game now? Cool!
There are two Bikini tops, which can be Dyed and used/interpreted as needed:

Rainbow Shell --> Bikini Top
Golden Coconut --> Island Bikini Top

They sit differently so one may look better with one outfit and one with another but I prefer the Island Bikini Top, and once you open Ginger it's quicker to gather Coconuts than Rainbow Shells. However before opening Ginger, Rainbow Shells are among if not the top item I want to get in early game. Y1 Summer 1 after planting I hit the Beach to Forage, and later Summer 12-14 during the high Beach Forage spawn days is my prime gathering time.
Another Desert Festival outfit showcase, plus a purple train car I've never seen before.

And a Pina Colada and getting caught in the Green Rain. (How I still regret not catching everyone's reaction to the first year)


Some things I like to see before I even fire up patch 1.6.4:

auto-petters in the golden mystery box pool
napalm rings no longer destroy things on the farm or in the slime hutch, only monsters
apparently, the monster compendium now actually drops extra loot properly. Didn't pay attention to it not working before
improved shaving enchantment
fresh coal containers in the mines


Had a pretty productive playthrough last night, here is what I did
-Got a white chicken
-got to level 90 in the mines
-finished the boiler room
-started working on some bulletin board requests (I only have bb and pantry left)
-harvested 108 strawberries
-harvested a bunch of cauliflower and potatoes (I'm gonna start jarring them, I currently have 6 jars)

The flower dance is tomorrow, so I'm gonna dance with my hubby

i got through about a week and a half in-game, I'm pretty happy about how much I accomplished. I got the boulder removed and can now pan for gold, and I can also got the minecarts repaired.

I placed a Junimo Chest in the Desert in front of the trader's hut, but now it's gone.

Pretty sure no one walks there, so I don't know how it disappeared.