1.6 Update What happened in your game today?

Lew Zealand

Have a Qi Quest to get 4 Prizzy Shards in 27 days and Winter is the best season for this. First day Lucky: Very happy spirits, Luck+Iridium Band, Spicy Eel (shoulda taken Lucky Lunch).

Take Eel, Espresso, Cheez, Stikk of Putting Off the Drive Home 'til Later, Bombs, Stairs. Get to Skull Cavern at about 10am. Yeah, I get there when I get there and yes I have the Dessert Obelisk, I just can't be bothered to break my routine of sleeping in and wandering aimlessly for an hour. Realize I forgot my Fairy, no free healing for me. Oh well!

Hop down levels, Bomb an occasional one because it has colorful shinies that I already have many dozens of. I don't need things to make sense, only that they make me happy. Start Bombing more seriously around 105 or so, anyone left around shoulda heard me coming to they're askin' for it! Skipped the bad levels and the one with 8 Serpents in it. Someone snitched that Ms. Tastyknees was Skullrunning again and they just couldn't resist a nibble. It's understandable.

Eat Cheez, Bomb, grab shiny things, take Shafts or make Stairs. Made it to like 150? Oh! you can check now... 148, whatever. A dramatic swoosh with a tongue stuck out at 2 descending Serpents and my posterior is leaning on the Farmhouse front doorknob. Immediately retract tongue because I forgot there was no snow today and Emily already told me she's not unfreezing me from the metal doorjamb again. 1:40am. No need to even cut it that close, take it easier next time.

Spoils (yeah nothing like the min/maxxers out there, lol)

Clay, Cave Carrots, Vertebra, Quartz, some Stone, Omni Geodes, the typical Copper, Iron, Gold Ore, a few Diamonds, Rubies, Jade, Emeralds, Amethyst. From Treayzzzhurrrre Rooms, got Apricot Sapling, Turban, more Omni Geodes.

Also got 216 Iridium Ore! OK and 3 Prizzy Shards, I hope I find another in the next 26 days. Which is real as I'll probably forget to go back and finish...

Lew Zealand

Quikupdate: Next day was also High Luck so traded in Eel for Lucky Lunch and this time ignored the Animals as I pet them every other day (I also switch hands to preserve my delicate skin). Got there an hour or so earlier but took it slower in the Cavern so only got to about Level 130. Mostly same stuff but this time got:

Dark Cowboy Hat
Beeg Bombs
20 Radish Seeds. really?
Auto-Grabber. WHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT??? Does this freakin game even know how to SPELL???!?!?! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
284 Iridium
4 PrizzyShards!

This is a pretty easy and fun quest if you have Lucky stuffs and accumulate Skull Cavern things but rarely go there.
We played far too much over the weekend, but it's okay because we got a LOT accomplished, such as...

- constructing all the obelisks available at the Wizard's tower
- acquiring a Junimo Hut
- maxing out all our skill levels and
achieving all 5 mastery skills
- purchasing a statue of endless fortune
- hitting the max jackpot on the slots at the casino (my husband did at least, I keep losing all my coins each time I go there)
- forging and enchanting our galaxy weapons (the monsters are quaking)
- building a slime hutch and finding a tiger slime egg almost immediately thereafter at the Volcano
- collecting enough walnuts to enter Mr. Qi's walnut room and being hit with the realization that perfection is a very long ways off (34% last I checked) but we only need 8 more walnuts before we've gotten all 130. We aren't prioritizing perfection though, so it's not a big deal if we never get there.
- completing Professor Snail's collection and incubating an ostrich egg
- six of my farm animals have been given
golden animal crackers (the ostrich, rabbit, dinosaur, goat, one void chicken, and a cow have received them)
so the cheese and mayo is absolutely poppin'
- obtaining high enough friendship with Shane to get our hands on blue chickens
- reaching floor 97 of the skull cavern only to pass out at 2 a.m. One day we'll get to floor 100. Also we've only found I think two treasure floors total and that's unfortunate
- finding our first
I have a
level 4 fairy that heals me in combat and my husband has a basilisk paw that prevents enemy debuffs
- planting our first
mystic trees
and using the
mystic syrup they produce to craft treasure totems
- witnessing another immaculate conception with the first immaculately concepted pig named Jesus; the second miracle pig has been named Allah to keep the religious theme
- filling all fish ponds to their max populations; we have sturgeon, lava eel, blue discus, void salmon, super cucumber, slimejack, and stingrays
- earning enough money to maintain a constant supply of 479 starfruit on the Ginger Island farm. It works perfectly because every Thursday we harvest and keg 116 ancient fruit from the greenhouse, then every 13 days we do the same with the starfruit but there's so many we have them in kegs, preserve jars, and excesses in multiples of 5 go in the dehydrators
the iridium scythe helps with harvesting massively; I love this tool!!
- aging 33 gold quality cheese at a time because the cheese is endless and the fridge has around 180 gold star cheese just chillin' in there at all times--may as well get some extra money from it!
- collecting all the rarecrows and getting that sweet, sweet deluxe scarecrow crafting recipe


On Starlight Farm my character married Sophia :heart: I bought a “vintage catalogue” and missed the Stardew Valley fair by hyper fixating on rearranging furniture in my house and in my sheds :sweat::cool:
I finished the pantry bundle and am excited to start my greenhouse :sprout: I can’t wait to be done with the community center, Fish Tank always takes me the longest but I’m getting there!


Phew. Ok, I played WAY TOO MUCH STARDEW this weekend. So, this recap is over the span of Friday evening, Saturday afternoon + evening, and Sunday afternoon.
This is during the whole season of winter. I mostly skipped through it while only getting up to pet my chickens because I HATE WINTER:
-Finished two rooms of the community center (yay I unlocked the desert!!!!! and also the bridge over by the mines)
-earned over 30k gold
-fixed up my farming area (I finally got a bunch of sprinklers so now I don't spend 4 in-game hours watering my plants
-got abt 10 more lvls in the mines (abt lvl 55 or 60 now)
-cleared out some of my farm because I hadn't been doing much of that
-Made it to year 2!!! (woohoo I can finally finish the quality crops bundle :sweat:)
-bought 20 parsnips, 20 potatoes, and about 25 cauliflower (I'm gonna buy more cauliflower for more money later on)
-built 4 more preserves jars, I now have 6
-got a keg and a crystalarium
-got Haley to 14 hearts (CAN SOMEONE TELL ME HOW TO GET A CHOCOLATE CAKE???? I need it for her 14 heart event)

So, pretty productive. I also played on my co-op farm with my sister, and this is during the second half of summer- the 1st of fall:
-Got enough gold star quality melons to contribute it to the bundle
-built a coop and got a brown and white chicken (Mine is named Eggo, my sister named hers Sylvia Queeni. DON'T ASK, I don't know why she named it that.)
-made some money
-got the largemouth bass

I think that's mostly all we did, we didn't play for long.

Anyways, I am pretty proud of my main save, I'm gonna keep working on it. BTW, how do you get Ginger Island?

So, how was your guys' games this weekend?


We played far too much over the weekend, but it's okay because we got a LOT accomplished, such as...

- constructing all the obelisks available at the Wizard's tower
- acquiring a Junimo Hut
- maxing out all our skill levels and
achieving all 5 mastery skills
- purchasing a statue of endless fortune
- hitting the max jackpot on the slots at the casino (my husband did at least, I keep losing all my coins each time I go there)
- forging and enchanting our galaxy weapons (the monsters are quaking)
- building a slime hutch and finding a tiger slime egg almost immediately thereafter at the Volcano
- collecting enough walnuts to enter Mr. Qi's walnut room and being hit with the realization that perfection is a very long ways off (34% last I checked) but we only need 8 more walnuts before we've gotten all 130. We aren't prioritizing perfection though, so it's not a big deal if we never get there.
- completing Professor Snail's collection and incubating an ostrich egg
- six of my farm animals have been given
golden animal crackers (the ostrich, rabbit, dinosaur, goat, one void chicken, and a cow have received them)
so the cheese and mayo is absolutely poppin'
- obtaining high enough friendship with Shane to get our hands on blue chickens
- reaching floor 97 of the skull cavern only to pass out at 2 a.m. One day we'll get to floor 100. Also we've only found I think two treasure floors total and that's unfortunate
- finding our first
I have a
level 4 fairy that heals me in combat and my husband has a basilisk paw that prevents enemy debuffs
- planting our first
mystic trees
and using the
mystic syrup they produce to craft treasure totems
- witnessing another immaculate conception with the first immaculately concepted pig named Jesus; the second miracle pig has been named Allah to keep the religious theme
- filling all fish ponds to their max populations; we have sturgeon, lava eel, blue discus, void salmon, super cucumber, slimejack, and stingrays
- earning enough money to maintain a constant supply of 479 starfruit on the Ginger Island farm. It works perfectly because every Thursday we harvest and keg 116 ancient fruit from the greenhouse, then every 13 days we do the same with the starfruit but there's so many we have them in kegs, preserve jars, and excesses in multiples of 5 go in the dehydrators
the iridium scythe helps with harvesting massively; I love this tool!!
- aging 33 gold quality cheese at a time because the cheese is endless and the fridge has around 180 gold star cheese just chillin' in there at all times--may as well get some extra money from it!
- collecting all the rarecrows and getting that sweet, sweet deluxe scarecrow crafting recipe
Ahh, the feeling of satisfaction when you accomplished absolutely nothing irl over the weekend, "but HEY, I'm being productive in Stardew Valley!! Look, I finished the community center! That counts for something! Right? Right??" Anyways, great job! I could never accomplish this much in a weekend with where I'm at now.

Lew Zealand

On Starlight Farm my character married Sophia :heart: I bought a “vintage catalogue” and missed the Stardew Valley fair by hyper fixating on rearranging furniture in my house and in my sheds :sweat::cool:
This is an entirely acceptable reason to miss a Festival. Bonus points if you were also Tailoring and sweating it out comparing dozens of outfits on your endless line of Mannequins.


A trip to the quarry mine on a high luck day, with two lucky rings and a burglar's ring, saw me get both cursed mannequins (M and F) AND a magic rock candy to finish off my husband Alex's loved gifts list. Maybe I should have saved it for Qi's Hungry Challenge but this guy is taking care of two kids and five dogs in a now-doubly-haunted house, he deserves it.


This is an entirely acceptable reason to miss a Festival. Bonus points if you were also Tailoring and sweating it out comparing dozens of outfits on your endless line of Mannequins.
No but very close XD
I created my wedding dress outfit and then miscalculated how many days until the wedding so I wasn't in it!!!!! So then I looked up how to go back a day just so I could wear my wedding dress for the ceremony dammit! :pskull:


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Phew. Ok, I played WAY TOO MUCH STARDEW this weekend. So, this recap is over the span of Friday evening, Saturday afternoon + evening, and Sunday afternoon.
This is during the whole season of winter. I mostly skipped through it while only getting up to pet my chickens because I HATE

Anyways, I am pretty proud of my main save, I'm gonna keep working on it. BTW, how do you get Ginger Island?

So, how was your guys' games this weekend?

As I remember, once you're friends with Willie he shows you a boat he has in the back, one that could get to Ginger Island if he had parts. Completing the boat becomes another community-center like project, though not as big.


As I remember, once you're friends with Willie he shows you a boat he has in the back, one that could get to Ginger Island if he had parts. Completing the boat becomes another community-center like project, though not as big.
Thank you! So I just have to get enough hearts with him?