What are some languages you want to/are learning?


Learned French and got to a decent intermediate level through Duolingo before throwing myself in full-time French Language studies to reach a "business-knowledge" level of written and oral comprehension. it's a constant work in progress! Learnt Spanish and Tagalog back in the day as well as Latin, but without being able to use it, my ability to communicate and conjugate properly is very rusty.
Would love to learn Japanese and Korean.


I'm currently learning Arabic at school. Not good at this but I'm still learning, hoping to be fluent one day (even after school). And English of course. And my native language is Hebrew.
Cool! I spent a number of years living in Israel as a kid so I remember how to say a couple of phrases in Hebrew (i.e. "i don't want this" "good dog", "strawberry", and "I don't speak Hebrew" lol)


Planning to retake Spanish again. I stalled a bit due to my workload. And I have plans to take Italian, Hebrew, Turkish, Korean, and Latin. My native languages are Filipino and English.
W00t Pinoy! Technically that's supposed to be my mother tongue, but I've pretty well grown up learning exclusively in English, though the curriculum in the HS I went to included Filipino language course and of course Filipino history. I understand enough and can kind of get by asking for things, but as with anything, I have not had the opportunity to practice my skills and am very rusty now...

Ambitious to learn a dead language such as Latin! I actually took that in my first couple of years in university, too, out of curiosity since I was part of a choir for a while.

Hm, I get excited talking and hearing about language and etymology... it's a wonder i didn't major in linguistics back in the day...