Unofficial mod updates


I think it will, I'm playtesting it in my current game but haven't got that far yet. But it modifies experience when it's gained so that should affect
xp points gained either before level 10 or after, to count towards mastery
I've noticed in my recent testing that it appears that while generalExperienceFactor seems to work for both increasing or decreasing normal XP and can be used to successfully increase
XP, it can't be used to decrease it for some reason. E.G. For
XP when I set generalExperienceFactor to 1.5 or 2 I get the expected increase, but setting it to 0.5 or 0.25 just gives the same XP I'd get without the mod installed.

I don't know whether this is related to the recent 1.6.4 change to how Farming
XP is reduced 50% because I only started testing this today, but I suspect there might be some connection because as far as I can tell currently playing 1.6.4 not just Farming
Mastery but all Mastery
XP for all 5 Skills appears to be reduced by 50% in vanilla.

At any rate, thanks again for updating this in the first place!


Hi, I was wondering if someone would be able to convert this to Fashion Sense or point me to instructions on how to do so? It's one of my cosmetic essentials and I realize it's probably very outdated now. (If it could be made for both genders also, cool, but not required!)

Pointy Shoes for Get Glam

(Thank you in advance!!)


does anyone know if this mod has any unofficial updates? or if someone could update it I really need....


Hello! Have you tried Item Extensions yet? It might be what you need for your food mod to work.
Thank you so much! I converted the crc food clumps mod to cp with mistyspring converter. played all mine levels but didn't see any food clumps, so then downloaded Item Extensions played again didn't found them again. later on i was just chilling on the mines when finally saw it! :heart:

StardewModdingAPI 2024-04-19 12-10-48.png


Since I havent said it, first, thank you for putting in work to update these mods!

Unfortunately, I am unsure where else to share issues I am running into with "custom spouse patio", but I am having issues with my spouse patio resetting back to normal randomly, or even not being able to set a new patio at all (I can pull up the wizard, but clicking create a new patio just does nothing). I am unsure if anyone else has had issues (and figured out any fixes if they have!) but figured I would post just in case. My SMAPI log doesnt have any errors that I can see.

Does anyone know of any other mods that have any capability to move the spouse patio? That is honestly the main thing I want out of this, as the current location on the SVE "grandpa's farm" map is not really... ideal
I would check out Several Spouse Spots. I've never used it so I don't know how well it works, but it looks like it does the same thing.
If that mod doesn't work, let me know - I have a update for Swim and then Resource Storage to do, but after that I'll come back and update this mod if need be. Otherwise, I'll defer this one to them. Also, even if you don't see any errors, providing a smapi log is still very useful because most mods output information that isn't visible to the player, and having access to the mod list is helpful for trying to reproduce issues.


Would someone be willing to accept a paid commission to update a mod for me?
I can pay beforehand if you already have published mods on nexusmods, but in any case you can just dm me here and we can discuss all the details.

Anyway, i'd like to see the Magic Mod
Updated for 1.6 fully. I already tried contacting the original author but no answer. I asked around and some say they are kinda burned out, so i figured i could ask here instead.
Let me know, i can pay well to see this mod back in all its glory!


Anyone know MaxMakesMods (Max Vollmer)? I think Deep Woods ( is the only mod I have left waiting for a 1.6 update. Max has turned off comments and hasn't updated since March 20th, would love to know what his progress is on the update.

Also, are all the unofficial mods you fine folks have created been updated on the SMAPI Compatibility page ( so I can make sure I have the most recent version?



Would someone be willing to accept a paid commission to update a mod for me?
I can pay beforehand if you already have published mods on nexusmods, but in any case you can just dm me here and we can discuss all the details.

Anyway, i'd like to see the Magic Mod
Updated for 1.6 fully. I already tried contacting the original author but no answer. I asked around and some say they are kinda burned out, so i figured i could ask here instead.
Let me know, i can pay well to see this mod back in all its glory!
There are two pull requests for updates on the GitHub (see here). I would reach out to them about getting compiled versions.


Anyone know MaxMakesMods (Max Vollmer)? I think Deep Woods ( is the only mod I have left waiting for a 1.6 update. Max has turned off comments and hasn't updated since March 20th, would love to know what his progress is on the update.
He has a YouTube channel and last posted a video about DeepWoods there 3 weeks ago. It looks like it's going to be a while before any updates but YouTube or GitHub would probably be the best places to check for progress updates.


Hi, is there any chance of an unofficial update for [CP] Penny Expanded for 1.6? This itself was already an unofficial update of an even older .xnb mod by the og creator Wolvenlight, who gave permission for the original Penny Expanded to be updated about 2 years ago.

I saw someone has done a "condensed" update for 1.6, but they removed about half of the extra heart events and content that were added in the mod. So I was wondering if anyone could do an unofficial update for the full mod, if possible!

It's one of my absolute favorite mods of all time, I really love all the extra love and character depth it gives to Penny, so I'd hate to have to stop using it. :(
Hi, I was wondering if there were any new updates on this? Sorry for any trouble!

Agent Lyoko

Hi, I was wondering if there were any new updates on this? Sorry for any trouble!
There's currently an in-development project by TallLeprechaun on the Stardew Valley Discord to port Penny Expanded over - it's made pretty good progress so far, but I'm guessing once they release it someone, if not them, will post a link to it here as well.


Thanks for highlighting :smile:, nice easy fix just needed to put a blank string to get the data type to match . Updated mod below

It's broken now and SMAPI is skipping it. Also, is there any way that you could upload the files to Nexus Mods?

[SMAPI] Skipped mods
[SMAPI] --------------------------------------------------
[SMAPI] These mods could not be added to your game.

[SMAPI] - MultiSave for 1.6 0.2.1 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at


I think it will, I'm playtesting it in my current game but haven't got that far yet. But it modifies experience when it's gained so that should affect
xp points gained either before level 10 or after, to count towards mastery
I've noticed in my recent testing that it appears that while generalExperienceFactor seems to work for both increasing or decreasing normal XP and can be used to successfully increase
XP, it can't be used to decrease it for some reason.
Actually, I went ahead and tinkered around with the Leveling Adjustments files, and think I have a version now which can successfully adjust
Mastery point
gain as well as regular skill experience. I opted to just circumvent the vanilla games calculation for those, and so added some more settings to the config.json for the user to manually adjust them just like with regular skill experience, instead of using vanilla's flat 0.5x multiplier for all of them (appears to be a bug as the 1.6.4 patch notes state that should only be done for
Farming Mastery points.)

I went ahead and added in integration with Generic Mod Config Menu with detailed descriptions/tooltip for the various settings as well. It seems to work so far in my tests, but of course could be missing something. I'm not really up to speed with github but I can supply the (probably sloppy) code I used if that's at all helpful.


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