I was hoping and wondering if anyone would be able to update the following mods, all of them are created by Aedenthorn. I have absolutely no idea about #C mods. I searched the forum here and also at smapi.io/mods for updates, but didn't find them. If they already exists, I apologize for not finding it.
Every time I stand in front of Pierre's General Store I wonder why there is no or only one quest at the help wanted board, but then I remember, that the additional quests come from the mod
Help Wanted, I really miss this one.
Another mod, I really miss is
Dialogue Display Framework, it is the dependency for
Hearts and Gift Dialogue Display but if the Dialogue Display Framework mod will work again, the Hearts and Gift Dialogue Display mod will also work again. So it is only one update.
Social Page Order Menu is another one of the mods I miss. The other ones are
Livestock Choices,
Robin Work Hours (it is very annoying when she hammers around the house all night while you are trying to sleep after a long day of work in the fields. Besides, she should sleep and relax also at night and not try to finish the upgrade),
Crops Survive Season Change and
Field Harvest. I know there is a mod called "Field Works", but as far as I understand the description, this mod will harvest all crops, not only crops from the same seed as the original tile are harvested and I like to choose which crops to harvest and also not to harvest my flowers.
On the other side, if someone needs a German translation of their mods, I'm willing to help. I already translated a few mods, but only for personal use.