Unofficial mod updates


Bonster's Crops work fine if you remove both Taro folders from the "Bonster.Fruit.Veg\Bonster's Fruit & Veggies\Crops" and "Bonster.Fruit.Veg\Bonster's Fruit & Veggies\Objects" as it is now a vanilla crop, creating a conflict.
I notified the mod author.
Late reply, but I'll have an updated crop and recipe file using the vanilla taro in a few days. I'm busy with Christmas right now. I'll be taking my own taro out, this is a fine fix for crops if you don't want to wait.

Also, I know not as many people use it anymore, but I do because I'm bad at programming and it's way easier than TXML:

Farmhouse Redone, please?


Hello, is it possible to update the mod "Stardew Notifications" please ? I can help by adding the French translation once the mod is updated, thanks!



I would love it if someone could test this for me (BFAV)
i'm getting that same harmony error someone up in the thread mentioned...unfortunately i know next to nothing about coding so i'm sure what to do about it...

[Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety] Exception from HarmonyInstance "Paritee.BetterFarmAnimalVariety"

edit: based on the assets included in mod folder and the data in the farm-animals file, it looks like ostriches haven't been added into this file, which might be the cause of the exception? unfortunately i don't know how to edit the code to include them, or where to pull assets from...
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Unofficial update for 1.5
This is based on the 1.9 update unlike my previous post which was based on 1.8.4
I found some bugs:

- calendar and billboard open when i click in the middle of my inventory
- range indicator from sprinklers and scarecrows are displaced

does anyone other have these bugs or is it my game?



Unofficial update for 1.5
This is based on the 1.9 update unlike my previous post which was based on 1.8.4
It works wonderfully, the only thing I could notice is that when the Zoom Level of the game is changed, the click does not coincide in the place that we see what we are going to mark. So if we touch the top of Track on Map to know where the villager is, we have to click somewhere else higher or lower and not where it should be ... I hope they will put a Level in the new update of this mod Zoom that change with the game at the same time.


Is this one a lost cause or does it just work? New to modding and of course the patch released right before I restart ^^;

Adopt 'n' Skin (Animal Skinner)


Taaka, Frosty746 and others: In 1.5 they separated UI scaling and Zoom level, and mods has to take this into account if they use/change any interface.
Is this one a lost cause or does it just work? New to modding and of course the patch released right before I restart ^^;

Adopt 'n' Skin (Animal Skinner)
here's the link to the post by Corrin, it's the still tested updated version but if you want to try it out:


I think that error can be ignored for the most part. Are modded animals working?
I'm not able to buy BFAV animals at all; I'm trying with rats, lung dragons, and crows, and the icons don't appear in the shop. The crow code is also removed from the farmanimals json after loading the game