Today I learned...


I have been playing this game for 7 months already. And yet...

Today I learned that you can store clothes in a dresser. HOW did I not know this? I have been binning all my clothes, hats, rings, headbands, polka dot bows, swords and other fashion accessories because they wouldn't stack in chests and took up too much space. They were all new or almost new! I'm worse than Alex!

What's your TIL?


I've been playing Stardew Valley for almost two years. One or two weeks ago, I learned that horse radish/spice berry/common mushroom/winter root can be placed into the seed maker to produce wild seeds of their respective season.

I have a farmer who is focused on foraging and this changed her life.

Lew Zealand

I learned what hexnessie, nicodeux and Boo1972 posted all within the last few days to weeks from knowledgable people here, after playing for over 3 years.

But the best part about it that I keep forgetting to actually buy a Dresser in my current game, even as I have over 2 Chests full of Clothes. Of course it's probably Tuesday in-game as I missed yet another week of the Traveling Cart lady and we're in the last week of Spring Year 2. Now, why could I still be fixated on the Traveling Cart at this point in the game? 🤔


Magically Clueless

Staff member
I have been playing this game for 7 months already. And yet...

Today I learned that you can store clothes in a dresser. HOW did I not know this? I have been binning all my clothes, hats, rings, headbands, polka dot bows, swords and other fashion accessories because they wouldn't stack in chests and took up too much space. They were all new or almost new! I'm worse than Alex!

What's your TIL?
if it helps, i think this was in one of the later updates, i wanna say 1.4 since that was a big clothes update! a very nice update to furniture that always existed in the game

i guess my TIL was that the strange capsule has more to it unless i got bamboozled since i was very surprised not hearing of it before

Lew Zealand

After 2500+ hours of gameplay, I learned only a week or two ago that you can delete quests from your journal. Now I can refuse to ever give Lewis back his shorts without having that quest stare me in the face every time!
Thank you for reminding me! I have a vague recollection of someone posting that here recently, which was the first time I'd heard of it but didn't process what it meant. Now I do, thanks!


Staff member
The one that took my forever to learn was that when repairing fences, you don't need to break the old ones, just place the new fences on top of the broken sections!

I learned that the big bathtub looking thing that's filled with water in the greenhouse can be used to refill your watering can.
It's definitely handy! You may already know this one, but you can also use the farmhouse/cabin's kitchen sink once you get the kitchen upgrade.


Din't know about the sink or the greenhouse basin (TIL), but I knew that you could fill your watering can with seawater and even sewage, so out of curiosity I tried just about every type of water in the game and can confirm that you can fill your can in fishponds, the sea, the sewers, the three mine lakes, the insect cave thingy marsh and the witch's bog.

I do not suggest pouring that in you pet's water bowl though.


Local Legend
I have played the game for quite a while and am quite technical of a player but there are two things I recently learned that others may not know of.
Keep in mind that although I play on ios and pc, these two "tricks" are only tested true on pc.
1. You can speed up how fast the game tallies your daily earnings at the shipping bin by holding down left click while the shipping screen is rolling down the screen, this makes the shipping screen really fast which was a suprise to me when I found out.
2. You can rename animals!? Too much of an old ios player, I never even thought you could do this and so many of my animals have dank names that are cut off or auto generated and bad.

Also, just a really useful tip overall, name your next animal (or rename *wink*wink) "this little(word of choosing)"
The last one is a joke, do what you will with it, I just find it funny when the gui for the chicken or other animal comes up and it says: "this little..." looks really happy today or something along the lines of that.
A maybe *slightly more positive thing to do is to name an animal "no wonder he/she/it/etc." and if you fees them/they are happy then the gui will say: "no wonder he looks happy today" which is a nice little positive boost to your irl day I find and is pretty cute overall.
Good luck.