What current game files did you remove? You only need to remove CustomFurniture and any CustomFurniture mods you had; in the mod folder. And, then from the saves; the spacecore files either edit or delete.
The new log you posted just says that the the game crashed previously, and you have to confirm that you want to continue playing.
There's no other info.
[13:15:03 ERROR SMAPI] The game crashed last time you played. If it happens repeatedly, see 'get help' on https://smapi.io.
[13:15:03 ERROR SMAPI] If you ask for help, make sure to share your SMAPI log: https://smapi.io/log.
[13:15:03 INFO SMAPI] Press any key to delete the crash data and continue playing.
Acknowledge it, and then load the save again. If it crashes; then post a new log.