The Desert Trader


Has the desert trader been considered to become a full villager like Sandy? She could be a bit of a nomad type character like Linus (but more adventurous, less hermit).

I know that SDV is likely not getting any major updates, but this is one that would make the game feel more complete to me.


Lenora Rose

As a long time fan, this seems like a great idea. It’s funny that you call the desert trader “she” - I always think of the desert trader as “he!” This is exactly why we need a full character arc with all the details of the desert trader’s life story!
Sandy calls the Desert Trader "she" in one dialogue somewhere, so canonically she's female, but many people have read the turban as making the character male-coded.


I got curious and consulted Wikipedia. Apparently, although it seems that turbans are more frequently worn by men, women are not restricted from wearing turbans, particularly according to some religious or regional customs. (I am paraphrasing and summarizing hugely, and I wholly admit to Wikipedia not being the best source. So please, if anyone knows better and wants to weigh in, please do!)

I don't think the wearing of earrings and bracelets should indicate one gender over the other, personally.

Anyway, so I vote that we may as well go with Sandy's usage of female pronouns. And I think I'll save up and buy a turban from her!


Wanting to understand each individual is an artificial, unreasonable, and arrogant desire. If society just adhered to the view that all should be uniform (turbans for boys and earrings for girls), then Hollywood wouldn't have created the opposite film, would it? _(-_-メ)