1.6 Update Tea bushes


Why would CA reduce the price of tea bushes of all things. In half! It’s one of the few early ways to make money out of forage when you can’t make it much any other way. I mean, personally if it were to be more fair then some late game items should be reduced too, like ancient fruit and starfruit jellies and wines, when you really no longer need so much unless you’re going for obelisks or perfection. Then with new mastery system and prizes you get so many perks to make the end game easier it’s not even funny.

It’s his game he can do what he want to it, but it just doesn't make sense why he would make early game harder, when it’s hard enough for basic laid back players or new players. Those who are advanced, completionists, or min-maxers really don’t need the game to be EASIER they already got the hang of things very well, if not too well.

Just confusing. Not hatred towards CA. I still love the game but weird and confusing to make it harder for those who already struggle and easier for those who are advanced and do well or exceedingly insanely well anyways.

It is just a small thing, but more than you think. A lot of people leave the game (or start using helper mods) cause early game is so long and hard for casual players or those with disabilities. Why make it harder on them.

Lew Zealand

Tea Saplings are still a good way to make g in early game and at 250g each I still make them Year 1, they just aren't as game-breaking as they used to be. After playing early game a number of times without Tea Saplings and then after seeing a YT vid spotlighting them (in the 500g days), I tried a new save to see how it went. Early game was completely different and yeah it sure was nice to just buy pretty much everything I wanted in less than 6 weeks but that effectively put the game on easy mode. I'm not sure that's the kind of game balance CA (or any game developer) wants.

Instead, the game should have some settings for those with disabilities as a number of people have posted who are effectively prevented from Fishing because of motor control challenges. Having the most minor of these issues I have a taste of the problems (in other games, not SDV) and it can be frustrating not to be able to play a game you otherwise really like.


Local Legend
Yeah imo it’s an odd change, even more with the casino. Sure, maybe it was a little strong, but it was basically only used by newer players who wanted a taste of optimization which imo is always nice, like a soft intro into minmax, same with something like clay farming. I don’t really understand the act of perfect balancing in a largely singleplayer game, I personally would have liked to see other options become more viable.


No no no, please do not do that! When one thing gets nerfed, stop asking for the nerf to keep spreading! Just ask for an un-nerf, or something. Not good! Totally not good.


Local Legend
Tea Saplings are still a good way to make g in early game and at 250g each I still make them Year 1, they just aren't as game-breaking as they used to be. After playing early game a number of times without Tea Saplings and then after seeing a YT vid spotlighting them (in the 500g days), I tried a new save to see how it went. Early game was completely different and yeah it sure was nice to just buy pretty much everything I wanted in less than 6 weeks but that effectively put the game on easy mode. I'm not sure that's the kind of game balance CA (or any game developer) wants.

Instead, the game should have some settings for those with disabilities as a number of people have posted who are effectively prevented from Fishing because of motor control challenges. Having the most minor of these issues I have a taste of the problems (in other games, not SDV) and it can be frustrating not to be able to play a game you otherwise really like.
I agree with the fishing thing, I think a fishing difficulty slider would be amazing. We already have something implemented like it with the blessing statue which can make fish easier to catch (massively lowers max speed and therefore a lot of the perceived difficulty). The only issue is better implementing into the game.

My other method for combating thing would be allowing the training rod to equip tackle, you can’t get quality on it but it wouldmake it even better for beginners


No no no, please do not do that! When one thing gets nerfed, stop asking for the nerf to keep spreading! Just ask for an un-nerf, or something. Not good! Totally not good.
Sorry if I upset you, all I was trying to say was the game should make it harder in the end, not the beginning. Most games work that way. It makes sense that in a farming sim you would struggle more in the beginning, but don’t make it so hard that it turns people away from it. The only reason I mentioned the balance was that end game is easy enough, why make it even easier unless you want them to become the next Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. Make the beginning a tad easier to balance it a bit. At least let us keep what we had with tea saplings, clay farming, etc.


Tea Saplings are still a good way to make g in early game and at 250g each I still make them Year 1, they just aren't as game-breaking as they used to be. After playing early game a number of times without Tea Saplings and then after seeing a YT vid spotlighting them (in the 500g days), I tried a new save to see how it went. Early game was completely different and yeah it sure was nice to just buy pretty much everything I wanted in less than 6 weeks but that effectively put the game on easy mode. I'm not sure that's the kind of game balance CA (or any game developer) wants.

Instead, the game should have some settings for those with disabilities as a number of people have posted who are effectively prevented from Fishing because of motor control challenges. Having the most minor of these issues I have a taste of the problems (in other games, not SDV) and it can be frustrating not to be able to play a game you otherwise really like.
Yes I totally agree there should be settings for disabilities. I know that would make it super easy for everyone to use them, and in multiplayer that could lead to major problems. There was a mod for people with disabilities, but it hasn’t been updated in years. If I didn’t have my iPad and Apple Pencil I wouldn’t be able to play but for the shortest periods of time and wouldn’t progress at all. If CA takes away Apple Pencil in 1.6 mobile I will have to find a new game. 😕


Local Legend
I don't think CA intended for Tea Saplings to be used this way, that's usually why things get changed in single play games. As for balance, were Tea Saplings unbalancing early game? I've never used them, but the way I've seen people describe them it seems like some people used it as a crutch. It's a single player game, so I don't really care, but if it takes away from the vibe of the game that the game designer intended for then I don't see any reason why he shouldn't change it. I can't imagine CA doing this without thoroughly testing it, both before and after with the changes. Did he nerf it? Yes, but it's still a decent chunk of change at 250g a pop. It's not taking away the strategy, it's just making it so that it doesn't completely break the game.


I don't think CA intended for Tea Saplings to be used this way, that's usually why things get changed in single play games. As for balance, were Tea Saplings unbalancing early game? I've never used them, but the way I've seen people describe them it seems like some people used it as a crutch. It's a single player game, so I don't really care, but if it takes away from the vibe of the game that the game designer intended for then I don't see any reason why he shouldn't change it. I can't imagine CA doing this without thoroughly testing it, both before and after with the changes. Did he nerf it? Yes, but it's still a decent chunk of change at 250g a pop. It's not taking away the strategy, it's just making it so that it doesn't completely break the game.
Yes it’s his game. I guess he wants us to struggle a ton the first year or two so we have that moment “was it really worth giving up the city life for?” “Can I be a poor farmer, forage for food and still find joy and happiness in this valley anyways?” Maybe that’s the moral to the struggle. Anyways, it’s his game. It’s a great game. I just hate starting new files it reminds me too much of the struggles of real life. More struggles=more reminders. I’m glad I have my file where I finally don’t have to struggle. I can just play in the mines or whatever I want.

Lew Zealand

This is why I'm trying to write that Med/Meh playstyle as I do not see the early game as a struggle. The new Farmer doesn't have everything she wants but she doesn't need everything she wants. The Farmer already has everything they need from the first day in the game.

@LRangerR makes an excellent point in that thread that you can turn off the quests and I'm seriously considering doing that for my next playthrough. The quest list contributes to that undue pressure some/many feel on their Farmer's back and is helpful on a first playthrough, but it might be too much for some on subsequent saves.

Like you know what's coming and can stack up all these quests (I frequently have 7 or 8 active in early game) and that can certainly make the game less pleasant. I'm usually able to let those slide off my back as I took about 2 seasons to deliver Big D his Pufferfish even though one was in my Fish Chest and it was the only quest active for most of that time.

Meh, I'll get to it when I feel like it.

That's how the early game should go, too and ignoring or removing the Quest list should help. I will be doing this on my next playthrough. Yeah, if I remember...


Yes it’s his game. I guess he wants us to struggle a ton the first year or two so we have that moment “was it really worth giving up the city life for?” “Can I be a poor farmer, forage for food and still find joy and happiness in this valley anyways?” Maybe that’s the moral to the struggle. Anyways, it’s his game. It’s a great game. I just hate starting new files it reminds me too much of the struggles of real life. More struggles=more reminders. I’m glad I have my file where I finally don’t have to struggle. I can just play in the mines or whatever I want.
While most of this is right, I don't think CA is trying to "make us struggle". I think he just wants to make his game as fun as possible for all players, and if that means nerfing tea saplings, that's what he'll do. And ig if you don't like starting new files where you have to "struggle" because you get 250 g less from one item, then you can always just play on the file that you don't have to worry about. (Please don't start an argument :heart: )


Local Legend
Yes it’s his game. I guess he wants us to struggle a ton the first year or two so we have that moment “was it really worth giving up the city life for?” “Can I be a poor farmer, forage for food and still find joy and happiness in this valley anyways?” Maybe that’s the moral to the struggle. Anyways, it’s his game. It’s a great game. I just hate starting new files it reminds me too much of the struggles of real life. More struggles=more reminders. I’m glad I have my file where I finally don’t have to struggle. I can just play in the mines or whatever I want.
I mean, I literally just do this anyways. If I don't feel like farming then I don't. I just go fishing or mining or something. To be fair though, I enjoy certain aspects of early game, and I don't find much of the game frustrating or tedious at all.

I'm curious what makes having that much less g makes you feel the game is that much so much harder? It's just money, the easiest resource to get in the game aside from animal pets which only require love.


I just hate starting new files it reminds me too much of the struggles of real life. More struggles=more reminders. I’m glad I have my file where I finally don’t have to struggle.
I'm the compete opposite: my favourite part of the game is the first few seasons when I have to strategise how best to spend the money, time and energy I have available. I frequently start new saves with different challenges so I can experience that phase of the game again.


I also love the early game, I frequently start new files because building up the farm is my favorite part. Once everything is all perfect, I get bored. Also, I can never bring myself to sell the saplings. If I plant them, I get tea, which is much more satisfying to me.
What I love about this game is that everything is completely up to you and your mindset. If you're an ambitious person you will struggle. If you're an impatient person you will struggle all the more. But you don't have to!

For me, it was a steep learning curve. That's what I was talking about in another thread on how this game changed my lifestyle. I am an ambitious and impatient person, very goal-driven, and I'm getting stressed by this mindset my whole life. This game made me fully aware of my problem for the first time, and so I practise letting go anew in every save and only doing what I feel like doing.

As for the rest I'm of one mind with Yvi:
I also love the early game, I frequently start new files because building up the farm is my favorite part. Once everything is all perfect, I get bored. Also, I can never bring myself to sell the saplings. If I plant them, I get tea, which is much more satisfying to me.


I mean, I literally just do this anyways. If I don't feel like farming then I don't. I just go fishing or mining or something. To be fair though, I enjoy certain aspects of early game, and I don't find much of the game frustrating or tedious at all.

I'm curious what makes having that much less g makes you feel the game is that much so much harder? It's just money, the easiest resource to get in the game aside from animal pets which only require love.
That's what I'm saying!!! As for @ThePerfectGarden, I am completely the same.


While most of this is right, I don't think CA is trying to "make us strugglel". I think he just wants to make his game as fun as possible for all players, and if that means nerfing tea saplings, that's what he'll do. And ig if you don't like starting new files where you have to "struggle" because you get 250 g less from one item, then you can always just play on the file that you don't have to worry about. (Please don't start an argument :heart: )
All I meant was that might have been his intention. I mean you start from a horrible desk job in the city, but farming isn’t the easiest choice either. The struggle is a learning curve. Maybe that’s also why you can buy a Joja membership still. Maybe it makes things easier for the farmer than trying to restore a tedious list of quests for the community center. It’s like a literal choice. You find good and bad in both choices. I mean you choose community center and Shane and the nameless cashier loose their jobs. You choose the CC and it’s rarely used and really doesn’t bring people more together than they were before. Everyone still hangs out with the exact same people. No community events there. Farming doesn’t make life perfect either. There’s no argument here. It’s all about choices and the struggle may lead you back to Joja here in Stardew to find an easier way to eke out a living and still restore Stardew. I think CA was brilliant to leave the choices in.

We can all like or dislike certain aspects of the game. CA is a great and devoted developer, but I don’t believe he makes the best choices in adding or removing content every single time. There is almost a cult like feel when it comes to CA. He’s not God or a god or whatever higher power you believe in. It’s a game. Most things are really cool and fun, but not everything is to everyone at the same time. It’s ok if I agree or disagree with a choice of his. It’s ok if anyone agrees or disagrees with a choice he makes. We don’t have to just automatically accept everything he does as the best choice ever. He would likely feel weird if we did. He doesn’t want to be perfect, just appreciated for being committed, trying his best, and appreciated when he makes quality games you enjoy, whether completely, mostly, or partly.


Just for the sake of avoiding a "Mob Mentality", I would like to hear from people who dislike early game, and also why.
Who would have thought a thread on saying I dislike halving the price of tea saplings would start a heated argument. 😕

I mentioned why I do. It’s too much struggle. I struggle enough in real life, I don’t like to struggle in a fantasy world too. Disabilities are hard. They make every move of every game that much harder. When something makes it even harder it’s extra hard. That’s all. I guess you can’t dislike tea sapling prices going down here. I’ll remember that for next time. 😬 I don’t like starting arguments. I was just wondering if anyone else didn’t like that change.