evergreen oak

There are more like 10 and not 10000 people on the team. So you cannot expect the same as from an AAA video game company.
I don't expect from them the same as from a triple A developer! I very much don't. What I do expect is some actual effort, and efficient use of time. Keeping us in the loop would be nice too, but they clearly don't have any interest in doing so. What I'm asking of them isn't unreasonable. Don't twist my words. It isn't a zero-sum, "all-or-nothing" affair. They can do better, and they should be doing better. It should not be taking this long, and they should be more transparent about it


This happened to me too😭!! I have the 1.6 latest patch update on Switch and I started a new farm (though I haven't tried this on my pre-1.6 save) and now Penny likes bat wings.


I don't expect from them the same as from a triple A developer! I very much don't. What I do expect is some actual effort, and efficient use of time. Keeping us in the loop would be nice too, but they clearly don't have any interest in doing so. What I'm asking of them isn't unreasonable. Don't twist my words. It isn't a zero-sum, "all-or-nothing" affair. They can do better, and they should be doing better. It should not be taking this long, and they should be more transparent about it
Exactly! It’s so irritating, I stopped playing stardew valley. Still haven’t fixed it by the way. After weeks, maybe a month already?


I'm in the same boat as y'all, I noticed earlier today and even did a test by giving Demetrius a void essence to double check only to find that her loved it. I guess this is a tone to stock up on friendship points by using sap, but kind of annoying because it takes the realism out of the game. Hope Concerned Ape finds a fix soon. Especially since Nintendo doesn't like exploits on their platform.


crockpot theory here: the 1.6 update for the switch took awhile to roll out. maybe this bug is a bug, but it could be a "sorry this took so long" feature. it hardly seems like an exploit because that implies there's a legit way to build up friendship, which there IS, but it's inaccessible to switch players right now. i dont see why this is becoming a federal issue for some people because it's not game breaking in the slightest. sure, its not working as intended, but the game still runs fine. ive started a completely new save since the update and this is the only bug ive found at all.
yall need to relax with the complaining and instant aggro regarding patches and updates. this isnt a big studio working on the game and theyve got lives and plans beyond it.


On Nintendo switch, me and my brother noticed and issue while gifting items to NPCs. Every item gifted was a loved gift. I was confused and tried restarting the game, but nothing changed. This is a major issue and needs to be fixed immediately.

evergreen oak

I agree, they're taking far too long to patch the game up on consoles, especially on the switch. That said, they just released a patch for PS and Xbx and Ape said a patch for switch is coming soon. So hopefully we'll see that within a few months, if not much sooner ideally


I have been able to gift anything to anyone and they would love it. A huge example is when granny said Alex hates quartz but I gifted Alex that and he loves it


Does anyone know roughly how long it usually takes for Switch to get updates versus other platforms?

I only purchased this game a couple of months ago and so I lack historical insight. Unfortunately, this particular bug (all gifts loved) kind of ruins the experience for me, so I was waiting for the fix before starting a new game. But it has been over a week since the update that the Switch patch was coming "soon". Do we know what this usually means, time wise? :)


Nintendo is notoriously slow applying patches to games once they've been submitted by developers. I've been told by some it's a QA thing, but who knows for sure.

When the last patch went out for consoles, the Swich version took weeks longer to get applied. I assume the patch was submitted for all consoles at the same time.


Nintendo is notoriously slow applying patches to games once they've been submitted by developers. I've been told by some it's a QA thing, but who knows for sure.

When the last patch went out for consoles, the Swich version took weeks longer to get applied. I assume the patch was submitted for all consoles at the same time.
Thanks - this is helpful! So no need to hold my breath, then...


v1. 6. 9 build 40
I recently started a new 1.6 save file and realised that for some reason every single gift that I give to a villager is a loved gift. At first I just thought that me a amount of loved gifts has been updated but then I learnt that they weren't changed and to test I have random junk to a bunch of seperate villagers and no matter what they'd love it, even if it was a soggy newspaper or a peice of clay. It is on Switch and I have no idea what could be causing this. I'm pretty sure this is has been an error from the start of the save file.


For my game suddenly about a month ago any gift I give any villager no matter what it is trash,rocks,etc gives a max gift response and hearts for every villager no matter what the item is and I dont know why as that wasnt the case a while ago.


Staff member
For my game suddenly about a month ago any gift I give any villager no matter what it is trash,rocks,etc gives a max gift response and hearts for every villager no matter what the item is and I dont know why as that wasnt the case a while ago.
Yes, the dev team is aware of that bug and it will be fixed on the patch that's coming soon.


Staff member
v1. 6. 9 build 40
I recently started a new 1.6 save file and realised that for some reason every single gift that I give to a villager is a loved gift. At first I just thought that me a amount of loved gifts has been updated but then I learnt that they weren't changed and to test I have random junk to a bunch of seperate villagers and no matter what they'd love it, even if it was a soggy newspaper or a peice of clay. It is on Switch and I have no idea what could be causing this. I'm pretty sure this is has been an error from the start of the save file.
Yeah, this issue started about a month ago when the latest patch came out. The dev team is aware of the bug and it will be fixed on a patch that's coming soon.


On Switch since the latest update. Single player.

Every gift is registering as a loved gift. Previous gifts given are showing as loved in the NPC gift tab regardless of if it is loved or not.
I have also found this!
On Switch since the latest update. Single player.

Every gift is registering as a loved gift. Previous gifts given are showing as loved in the NPC gift tab regardless of if it is loved or not.
I have also found this bug, giving everyone random stuff to get friendship up!