On Switch since the latest update. Single player.

Every gift is registering as a loved gift. Previous gifts given are showing as loved in the NPC gift tab regardless of if it is loved or not.
Nice to meet you
At least myself Two switches experienced the same failure.


Hey guys,
I'm having the same experience on Switch here too. Giving sap to people and it's returning as a loved gift. But some things like fish given to Elliott was still disliked.
Guess this is the quick way to max Alex's friendship.


Just downloaded the lastest patch update for the Switch version.

Every gift for every character is now a Loved item.


Yeah I’m having the same issue.
Things that are normally hated like glass shards or trash are now included in the “Loved Gifts”

There’s no longer liked, neutral, disliked, or hated gift categories


I’ll include as much information as I know;
Somehow, after updating (version is now 1.6.9 build 40) all gifts I give to people count as loved gifts. I gave Haley a daffodil and noticed it counted as a loved gift. I then went and gave George a broken CD to test, and it turned into a loved gift for him too. A previous gift I had given him by accident, broken glasses, was now also registered as a loved gift in the gift log. I don’t know how this happened and if I need to share any other details, please tell me. I didn’t see instructions on how to add a safe file for Switch players so I didn’t know how to add/if it was necessary.
That being said this bug is not really game-breaking and it’s convenient if anything, haha
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evergreen oak

I'm sick and tired of console players being treated like beta-testers. It takes the console team way too long to release patches at all, and when they finally do, the patches break just as much, if not more, as they fix. Barone needs to find another porting studio after this whole mess is finally over and done with. It has really become abundantly clear that Sickhead Games ain't it


Hi, I'm currently using Nintendo Switch and all of the sudden my villagers no longer have dislikes. In fact, the gifts they dislike have moved to the loved gifts :( so they love EVERYTHING now lol

I don't know how to fix this :(, any TS is appreciated, thank you

