[Spoilers] New ore


I didn't say the heavy tapper is bad. It is quite the opposite and maybe the most useful you can craft with the new ore. I only said it doesn't come in high quantities so the impact is way less then you could expect. Based on the posts that just gave me an idea for a game option: Only allow to build/place inside of your farm with maybe a couple of exceptions, eg. crap pots at the beach or allowed to place seeds.


Local Legend
Use the name cheat - Buy some chickens and name them with the ID [ 910 ] for a radioactive a bar, simple
I thought that one has been fixed?
The name exploit has not been removed, and CA is on record saying he has no intention to remove it. (It was removed on some platforms because on those platforms it caused crashes.)
I didn't say the heavy tapper is bad. It is quite the opposite and maybe the most useful you can craft with the new ore.
If it seems like what I said in my last reply was aimed at you, Drullo, it was more aimed at Cptldsilver and BlaDe for poo-pooing my defense of the heavy tapper when I said that I find them quite useful for cutting down on the number of tapped trees I have on the farm.
Based on the posts that just gave me an idea for a game option: Only allow to build/place inside of your farm with maybe a couple of exceptions, eg. crap pots at the beach or allowed to place seeds.
I'd be behind this 100%, but I have a feeling that some folks will be fit to be tied if they're told they can no longer use the tunnel west of the bus station for kegs any more, etc. It might just be better, for those of us that dislike using public space in such a fashion, to just not do it.


Local Legend
I'd be behind this 100%, but I have a feeling that some folks will be fit to be tied if they're told they can no longer use the tunnel west of the bus station for kegs any more, etc....
Are there really that many people? In a game like this i try to not judge. But if the tunnel community is that big then i'd be like "woah", for a second.


Local Legend
Are there really that many people? In a game like this i try to not judge. But if the tunnel community is that big then i'd be like "woah", for a second.
There's at least a few. I mean, there were two people here in this thread telling me to tap trees outside the farm. Maybe they aren't "kegs in the tunnel" people or "kegs in the desert" people, which I think is a step beyond tapping wild trees in the Cindersap. There are some of those around, though, as I know one person was pretty irate that Emily now goes to visit Sandy for her birthday and destroyed a bunch of stuff he had in the desert (and he shared a screenie of the desert in his save, and all available space was filled with kegs and other things).

Anyway, this is getting off topic, so we should probably close out this tangent here. Perhaps make a new one if you'd like to make the suggestion.


Can you spoilerfy all the things you can make with radioactive stuffs? I haven't gotten there yet but i'm curious about what you can do with them.
Here you are


Yes, but the farm is still more convenient than anywhere else. It is right there where you wake up every morning. If I'm having to run to the quarry or backwoods or the desert regularly to check on my trees, I'm wasting time that could be better spent. Then, to be honest, I also feel it kinda cheap to use what should be public spaces as if they were just an extension of my space on the farm.

For someone that plays like I play (as in not taking advantage of the fact that the code doesn't have folks come take your stuff regularly when you leave it lying around in the woods or something like and doesn't have the bus demolish your kegs in the backwoods), the heavy tapper isn't bad. You play how you play. Do what you'd like. Don't judge an addition to the game only based on your min-max playstyle.
No one's judging you just pointing out your making points that don't make sense. "Saving space" doesn't mean anything if your placing things outside your farm. If you want to play that way then it could be good but only building inside the farm sounds like an arbitrary restriction. Why play that way? Maybe some kind of weird challenge?


Are there really that many people? In a game like this i try to not judge. But if the tunnel community is that big then i'd be like "woah", for a second.
"Tunnel community" 😄😄😄

The tunnel is only the start. Every single spot in Stardew Valley that doesn't have an NPC walking through it is fair game for equipment. If your just playing casually it can be quite nice to not have to build multiple sheds for equipment. If CA took it out (which he won't since its a core mechanic of the game), it wouldn't make the game less enjoyable for me just a little different.


Don't judge an addition to the game only based on your min-max playstyle.
I never shared an opinion on the heavy tappers, just pointed out an easily accessible alternative. If you decide not to use it I don't have a problem with that.


Staff member
Yes, but the farm is still more convenient than anywhere else. It is right there where you wake up every morning. If I'm having to run to the quarry or backwoods or the desert regularly to check on my trees, I'm wasting time that could be better spent. Then, to be honest, I also feel it kinda cheap to use what should be public spaces as if they were just an extension of my space on the farm.
You can have it both ways though! I have three trees (one of each kind) on my farm with tappers, and then a whole bunch more in the quarry. When one of the trees on my farm has a tapper pop-up appear, I know the quarry trees are ready!