...Something evil this way comes

Some writing! Kinda-creepy little story, will probs be very short.


“Something’s going on. I don’t know what it is, but it’s weird,” Sam looked earnestly at his friends. “Ever since the farmer chick moved in, it’s like… I don’t know exactly.”
Abigail looked up. “I know what you mean. The mines have gotten way more dangerous, there are things in there…” She shuddered.
They both looked expectantly at Sebastian.
“I think everything’s fine,” He replied evenly, not looking up from his phone. “You’re probably just imagining things.”
“Yeah… Maybe…” Sam said doubtfully, looking at Abigail. She knew the look. Sebastian’s being weird. They both used the look a lot.
“Whatever. Let’s get back to the game.” She said, changing the subject.
Abigail and Sam had a confusing relationship. They became friends because of Sebastian and bonded over their mutual crush on him. Abigail had grown out of that pretty quickly, and Sam was in love with half the town anyway, so it wasn’t like they were jealous. Abigail would be forever grateful that Sam wasn’t the possessive type. She had seen Haley physically attack people for giving Alex a gift, and legends say Elliot still has the scar.
But even when their relationship progressed to be more than a shoulder to cry on when Sebastian didn’t return any affection, it still revolved around him. The fact that they had a look meaning “Sebatian’s being weird” proved it.
“What was up with him today?” Sam started as they walked down the mountain.
“Yeah… Normally he’s all for a conspiracy,” Abigail added, looking pensive. “I think he might…” She lowered her voice. “Have caught the “weirds”, if you know what I mean.” Sam nodded solemnly.
“He has been spending a lot of time with the farmer.” He added. Abigail shivered. The farmer had moved in a few months ago, inhabiting the old farm outside the town. Abigail used to explore the ruins when she was younger and braver.
“The old farm gives me the creeps. I don’t care how nice it’s been made up, there is definitely something evil living there.” Sam nodded again, unperturbed by the change of topic. Abigail was like that, mind switching topics like T.V. channels.
“Whatever it is, I don’t like it.” He concluded, pausing outside Abigail's door.
“Neither do I, Sam. Neither do I.”
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Part 2 (or 1, if that was a prologue. whatever)

In the safety of her bedroom, Abigail began to work. She always had a penchant for the supernatural, something she inherited from her dad. Her real dad, not Pierre. Despite her mom’s best attempts, Abigail had figured it out ages ago. It was pretty obvious, actually.
She pulled out the Ouija board from under her bed. She wasn’t sure if it would work. Ouija boards didn’t work alone, she knew that. But then again, things like this had always worked for her. Abigail leaned over the board. It was late, her parents would be asleep by now. No one would bother her. Fingers hovering over the game piece, she exhaled.
“If there really is something up with the town… With the new farmer... If anyone has something to say, anything…” She looked up from the boards, fingers shaking. “I want to know.”
The only response was the wind shaking her window.
Carefully, as it could bite, Abigail lowered her fingers onto the planchette.
Nothing happened. Everything was still. Abigail sighed in relief.
As if her sigh had triggered something, the planchette began to slide forward.
“Ohmygodohmygodoh-” Abigail swore, fingers white on the edge of the piece. It drifted to the h, pausing for a moment before resuming its course.
“H-E-L-L-O,” Abigail read. She looked up. “Um… Who are you- who am I conversing with?” The planchette shifted again. “M-O-N-A,” She gasped. Putting a name to the spirit made it so much more real.
“Do you have a message for me?”
The spirit (Mona) brought Abigail’s fingers to the yes. She mouthed the word, before looking up as if Mona was standing in front of her. She wasn’t, of course, but she might have been from the tiny scream Abigail let out.
There was something there, in her room, illuminated by the light from the T.V., which had turned on mysteriously. She scrambled backward, fingers leaving the planchette. She gasped again, this time at the spirit disappearing. Abigail blinked violently, rubbing her eyes. Something was very wrong. The T.V. was still on, playing fuzzy clips of something unrecognizable. It made her stomach hurt, and she felt around for the remote. Her shaking fingers found it, and she hurried to turn it off, bathing her room in darkness.

Something was very wrong indeed.
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let me know what you think so far!

part 3:

“The perfect trio has gone off the edge,” Haley remarked conspiratorially from the beach.
“Why do you say that? They seem fine to me.” Alex responded. Haley looked over to where they were huddled around a tide pool.
“No way. Abigail hasn’t moved in like five minutes, she’s just staring blankly into the dunes. And Sebastian looks more uncomfortable than he normally does, and that’s saying something,” She brushed the sand off her leg. “Sam is just staring adoringly at Sebastian, at least he seems to be the same.”
Alex gave her an unimpressed look. “Ok, so they’re messed up. How’s that our problem?”
Haley returned the look. “It’s not, dumbass. That’s the whole appeal,” She retorted, pushing herself off the towel.
“Hey! Where are you going? Haley!”
Haley laughed from the bridge.
“Hurry up! We’re going to Pierre’s.”

Haley walked into the story with the confidence of someone wearing more than a bathing suit and shorts. Alex looked more aware of his lack of clothing and was suffering the consequences in the air-conditioned building. Haley didn’t get cold, one of the many impressive things about her. She had called it strong willpower, but Alex was more inclined to believe that she was, in fact, an alien.
“Hey! Pierre!” Haley called out amicably. “Is Abigail in?”
Pierre looked slightly scandalized. He was used to Abigail’s friends, but in all honesty, they were a pretty innocent group. Comic books and bands rarely inspired paternal fear. But Haley? She inspired lots of fear—of all types.
“I don’t think so…” he said doubtfully.
Haley put on a dramatic pout. “Oh. But… She said she’d be here. Maybe she’s in her room! I’ll check. Come on, Alex!”
Pierre let out a weak protest, but it didn’t deter Haley. Very little did.

Abigail’s room had underwater-themed wallpaper, which Alex found endearing and Haley found hilarious.
“There is no way she’s twenty,” Haley muttered, sifting through piles of junk on Abigail’s dresser.
“Maybe she skipped a grade?” Alex offered, distracted by the small rodent apparently named David.
Haley snorted. “Oh, definitely. There is no excuse for a full-grown adult to have purple hair.”
“Your sister has blue hair,” Alex offered.
“I know, and she’s insane,” Haley said. “Ugh! This is pointless.”
“Could have told you that from the beginning,” Alex muttered, earning a glare from Haley.
She fell onto the bed dramatically. “And thus ends my career- Ow!”
Alex looked up from the hamster, concerned.
“Everything ok?”
“Better than ok,” Haley grinned, holding up the object she had unceremoniously fallen on. “I found a clue.”
Alex leaned forward. “Is that…”

Haley smiled maniacally. “An Ouija board!”
This one's for you, StardewValleyPlayer! Thank you for reminding me that I actually have to write this thing :skull: :skull: :skull:
It's kinda plotless, more like an extension of the previous chapter, just for fun. I promise actual plot development is coming soon! Ik it's kinda anti-climatic, sorry

Part 4:

So maybe Alex had a bit of a crush on Sam. So maybe it killed him a little every time Haley made an offhand comment about Sam’s infatuation with Sebastian. So maybe he was totally, utterly, in every sense of the word, done for. Whatever. It was fine. He could handle it.
Alex sighed. Lying to himself was really a new low.
He could probably blame it on Haley if he really tried. He would have never looked twice at Sam if it hadn’t been for her slight obsession with the “perfect trio”. She needed scandal, fed off it, and in the tiny town, they were the closest she could get.
It was always entertaining being friends with Haley, learning everyone’s secrets, spreading rumors, but sometimes he wished she had settled for reality TV instead. Here, standing in Abigail's bedroom looking through her stuff, was one of those times.
“An Ouija board? Huh,” Alex wouldn’t have pegged Abigail as that kind of person, but you never know.
Haley’s eyes sparkled. “I know. Seems like Abby has some secrets!”
Alex wouldn’t say owning an Ouija board qualified as “having secrets”, but he knew better than to say that.
“Maybe she’s been possessed by a ghost,” he offered instead, poking his fingers through the bars of the hamster cage.
“Ooh, definitely. That would explain so much!” Haley laughed. “But seriously, this was under her pillow. Don’t you think that’s weird?”
“Sure. Abby’s a strange one,”
Haley rolled her eyes. “Come on, Alex. Think! There’s no way she slept on it, that would be, like, really sucky. So, that means she must have used it this morning.”
“Weird time to contact ghosts.”
She ignored Alex’s comment pointedly. “But that doesn’t make any sense. Because no one was at her house this morning. So unless she was communicating with the spirit realm with Pierre or the hamster, she must have been using it by herself.”
Alex looked doubtful. “I feel like there are so many more plausible options than Abby hanging with the dead by herself. It kinda feels like you’re jumping to conclusions… Besides, you can’t use an Ouija board by yourself. That’s, like, the whole thing with Ouija boards.”
“Oh come on, Alex! Don’t be a spoilsport. Let me have my fun,” She stuck out her lip petulantly.
Alex sighed. “Oh, whatever. Tell me more about your theory that Abby’s only friends are ghosts.”
Haley rolled her eyes again. “Is that really the only thing you got out of this conversation?”
“Sometimes, Alex. Sometimes,” she sighed, cleaning up a bit. “Come on, let’s go. She’ll probably be back soon.”
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Is that.... the plot? Crazy stuff.

Part 5:

*Three weeks ago*
Sebastian regained his senses slowly. It was clear he was somewhere dark, and cold. Upon opening his eyes, he narrowed it down to some sort of cave.
He closed his eyes again. Everything hurt a bit, and the dust from the cave was definitely going to trigger an asthma attack if he didn’t sit up soon.
“Sebastian!” A voice called lightly. He ignored it in favor of going back to sleep.
“Sebastian, wake up,” Someone called again, and to his surprise, he did. His eyes opened against his will, light flooding his vision.
Leaning over him was a woman. She was kinda pretty, in a dark, vampiric way, if that was your thing. It definitely wasn't Sebastian’s. He shivered.
“Who are you?” He asked quietly. There were probably more important things to be asked, like “Where am I?” and “How did I get here?”, but at that moment they didn't seem important. The woman smiled, and his eyes widened with recognition.
“Oh! I know who you are! You're the new farmer!”
She smiled again, pointed teeth showing. “Very good. Do you know my name?”
Sebastian shook his head mutely.
“That's ok. How are you feeling?”
“Fine,” He responded involuntarily and was surprised to find it was true. The previous ache had faded completely.
“That’s great.” The farmer didn’t smile this time, instead nodding solemnly. It gave Sebastian the chills.
“Um… Ms. uh, Farmer?”
She turned to stare at Sebastian. He shivered again.
“Uh. How did I get…” He gestured around. “Down here?”
“You were in the mines,” She responded levelly. “Overestimated your combat ability, and passed out.”
Sebastian nodded. That sounded right, even though he never wanted to go into the mines before, and that he didn’t have any cuts or injuries, and that he didn’t remember any of that.
“Thank you… For helping me.”
The farmer smiled wolfishly. “Of course. Actually,” She reached into her bag. “I have a gift for you.”
He blinked in surprise, watching her as she pulled out something small and dark from her bag.
“Here. It’s a void egg,”
Sebastian stared, enthralled. It made him feel very strange, slightly queasy in his stomach.
“Woah…” He breathed.
“You can have it,” The Farmer said, watching him with an amused expression. “If you promise me something.”
He tore his eyes away from the egg, nodding vigorously. “Anything.”
“Never tell anyone about this,” She stared at him with her creepy red eyes. “Anyone. Not your friends, not your family, not anyone. Understand?”
Sebastian nodded again. He would have promised anything to get his hands on the strange egg.
“Good,” She handed over the artifact. “Nice meeting you, Sebastian.”
And with that, she was gone.


I have just read all the posts. I thought I'd copy down the sentences that audibly made me laugh.

Haley didn’t get cold, one of the many impressive things about her. She had called it strong willpower, but Alex was more inclined to believe that she was, in fact, an alien. (lmao-)

Haley snorted. “Oh, definitely. There is no excuse for a full-grown adult to have purple hair.”
“Your sister has blue hair,” Alex offered.
“I know, and she’s insane,” ...

Abigail began to work. She always had a penchant for the supernatural, something she inherited from her dad. Her real dad, not Pierre.
(*Insert Oof size large meme*)


I love what you've written so far! I love the relationship-building you did for all the characters, I love how Haley is kinda... A b*tch... and I love that the farmer is weird and suspicious. Also, the way I gasped at Abby talking to the ghost of Mona was real lol. Nice work. :heart: